Testbench Component is the de-facto package that has been designed to help you write tests for your Laravel package.
Before going through the rest of this documentation, please take some time to read the Package Development section of Laravel's own documentation, if you haven't done so yet.
Documentation for Testbench can be found on the packages.tools/testbench.
Thank you for considering contributing to Testbench! You can read the contribution guide here.
In order to ensure that the community is welcoming to all, please review and abide by the Code of Conduct.
Testbench is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
1. 激励的产生 对于testbench而言,端口应当和被测试的module一一对应。端口分为input,output和inout类型产生激励信号的时候,input对应的端口应当申明为reg, output对应的端口申明为wire,inout端口比较特殊,下面专门讲解。 1)直接赋值。 一般用initial块给信号赋初值,initial块执行一次,always或者forever表示由事件激发反复执
1.背景 从ISE切换到Vivado后,一直不习惯该软件的仿真方式。因为有个大麻烦,软件无法自动生成testbench用例。即使网上有VScode搭配插件进行自动生成Testbench的方案,但是实践下来,需要配置python环境,公司电脑对软件的安装设置了很多麻烦,尝试了好久一直出问题,遂放弃。考虑到本身脚本生成的测试用例也只是简略的模板化代码,于是干脆回到原始时代,手写Test