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The Yevgeniy Brikman Home Page
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 桓瀚
操作系统 未知
适用人群 未知

Yevgeniy Brikman Home Page

This is the code for the Yevgeniy Brikman Home Page.

I wanted a clean, simple home page where I could put my writing, speaking,projects, and photos. It had to be fast, mobile-friendly, free to build, andeasy to update. This is the result. Forks and pull requests are welcome!

Check out Migrating from Blogger to GitHub Pages and launching the new ybrikman.comfor background info.

Quick start

  1. Use Git to clone this repo.
  2. Make sure you have Jekyll installed.
  3. Just the first time: bundle install.
  4. To build the site and serve it: bundle exec jekyll serve.
  5. To test: http://localhost:4000.

See the Jekyll and GitHub Pagesdocumentation for more info.

Docker quick start

As an alternative to installing Ruby and Jekyll, if you're a user ofDocker, you can run a Docker image ofyevgeniy-brikman-homepage that has all the dependencies already setup for you.

  1. git clone this repo
  2. docker-compose up
  3. Go to http://localhost:4000 to test


  1. Built with Jekyll. This website is completely staticand I use basic HTML or Markdown for everything.
  2. Hosted on GitHub Pages. I'm using theGitHub Pages Gemand only Jekyll plugins that areavailable on GitHub Pages.
  3. Free SSL and CDN provided by CloudFlare.
  4. The design is loosely based on Kasper,Pixyll, and Medium.
  5. I used Basscss, Sass,Font Awesome Icons,Hint.css,andGoogle Fonts for styling.
  6. I used jQuery, lazySizes,and responsive-nav.js for behavior.
  7. I added Disqus as a commenting system.
  8. I'm using UptimeRobot andGoogle Analytics for monitoring andmetrics.
  9. Most of the blog posts were imported from my old Blogger account, so thereare a few hacky Ruby scripts in _scripts left over from that migration.


This code is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt.



