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Dr. Jekyll's Themes - Add Your Theme!
授权协议 CC0-1.0 License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 厉令
操作系统 未知
适用人群 未知

Dr. Jekyll's Themes - Add Your Theme!

(Yet Another) Static Website Theme Directory - see it live @ drjekyllthemes.github.io

How-To Add Your Theme

First fork the /themes repo on GitHub.

Step 1: Add a new entry in the themes.ymldatafile

Add a new entry in the themes.yml datafileand fill out all fields. Example:

- name:      Basically Basic
  github:    mmistakes/jekyll-theme-basically-basic
  branch:    master                              ## note: defaults to master; only needed for gh-pages
  demo_url:  https://mmistakes.github.io/jekyll-theme-basically-basic
  author:    Michael Rose
  thumbnail: basicallybasic.png
  license:   MIT
  gem:       jekyll-theme-basically-basic         ## optional
  tags:     [minimal, responsive, blog, resume]   ## optional

or (without the github+branch shortcuts)

- name:         Basically Basic
  home_url:     https://github.com/mmistakes/jekyll-theme-basically-basic
  download_url: https://github.com/mmistakes/jekyll-theme-basically-basic/archive/master.zip
  demo_url:     https://mmistakes.github.io/jekyll-theme-basically-basic
  author:       Michael Rose
  thumbnail:    basicallybasic.png
  license:      MIT
  gem:          jekyll-theme-basically-basic         ## optional
  tags:        [minimal, responsive, blog, resume]   ## optional

Step 2 - Add a 250 x 200 thumbnail (screenshot preview pic) in the thumbnails folder

Make a 250 x 200 thumbnail and drop it in the thumbnails folder.Example: thumbnails/basicallybasic.png (250 x 200 px)

Note: Do NOT forget to list its filename in the themes.yml entry.

Step 3 - Send a pull request

Check that everything is ok, then open up a pull request.

That's it. Thanks!

Frequently Asked Questions 'n' Answers

Q: I added my theme why is it not displaying on the website. Can you please take a look?

A: Thanks for your patience.You can double check and see your themeon the Themes Quick Test Pageauto-built with every commit / pull request merge.

Note: For the Dr Jekyll's website itself (see source) the themes.yml has to run through build steps (see source)to get github stars 'n' history etc. and, sorry, for now this is still a manual task / procedurethat will get done "by hand".For your theme to show up, thus, please wait for the next site update.

Tips & Tricks

Q: How to create a 250 x 200 thumbnail?

A: One way is to create a regular-size screenshoot e.g. 1024 x 768 in step one.In step two calculate how much to zoom in(divide the required width, that is, 250 pixel by your current width,that is, 1024 pixel) e.g.

---- * 100 =  24.4 %

Than readjust the scale to 24.4% and set the width and height to 250 x 200.That's it.

Another example - let's say the screenshoot size is 500 x 400 using the formulacalculate how much to zoom in e.g.

---- * 100 =  50 %


The themes directory is dedicated to the public domain.Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Post them to the wwwmake forum. Thanks!

  • 当你设计你的程序的时候,你可以用风格和主题来统一格式化各种屏幕和UI元素。     *  风格( style)是一个包含一种或者多种格式化属性值的集合,你可以将其用为一个单位用在布局XML单个元素当中。比如,你可以定义一种风格来定义文本的字号大小和颜色,然后将其用在View元素的一个特定的实例。     *  主题( themes)是一个包含一种或者多种格式化属性值的集合,你可以将其为一个单位用在

  • Android下Themes文件详解,主题设置 链接地址:https://www.jianshu.com/p/632a94bbd404 感谢原文作者分享!

  • jpyter themes github介绍 安装和升级 pip install jupyterthemes pip install --upgrade jupyterthemes 主题设置 -t:安装的主题名 -f:代码字体类型 -fs:代码字体大小 -tfs:文本/MD字体大小 -ofs:输出区域字体大小 -dfs:pandas DF输出字体大小 -lineh:行高 -cellw:行宽

  • http://color-themes.com/ 主题配色  通用网站    下载后直接导入 导入过程自己搜索度娘

  • As an app designer, you have the opportunity to deliver an extraordinary product that rises to the top of the App Store charts. To do so, you’ll need to meet high expectations for quality and function

  • Android provides user experience themes that give apps the look and feel of the underlying operating system. These themes can be applied to your app within the manifest file. By using these built in s

  • abstraction: hiding details universality: 1) way to make decisions; 2) way to keep track; 3) way to keep going recursive definitiondesign under constraint design under constraint liberal art; trivium:

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  •   When designing your application, you can use styles and themes to apply uniform formatting to its various screens and UI elements. A style is a set of one or more formatting attributes that you can

  • 文章位置:Design>Style>Themes 主题是安卓让一个应用或者活动界面(activity)拥有统一风格的机制。样式指定了组成界面元素的可视属性,比如颜色,高度,内边距和字体大小。 为了更好的融合平台上所有的app,安卓提供了两个系统的主题,在你创建应用时可以使用: 整体浅色 整体深色 应用这些主题有益于帮你建立适合安卓一般视觉语言的app。 给你的app挑选最适合需求和设计美学的主题。

  •    这里翻译的是android文档中API Guides下的styles and themes,原文网址:http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/themes.html 翻译的时候发现有些内容略显重复,所以做了一些删减,但是内容是完整的。另外翻译是意译。    对于一个视图(View)和一个窗口(Window)来说,会有一些属性指定他们的外形和格

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