Event Jekyll Theme is a theme that is designed to be used for conference and event purposes. The index page is a modification and built on top of Agency Jekyll Theme. Unlike most Jekyll Themes, Event Jekyll Theme is not meant to be a single page theme. This theme is a package that you can use for your organization's event as it come with almost everything you need. I reorganized all the files to make sure that you can easily reuse the same template each year (or each month, depending on how you organize the path), assuming that you event is once a year.
Big thanks to the creator of Agency as this theme would not be possible without their hard work! You are always welcome to contribute to this repository to make it better!
Example Site
Two different design:
with your personal analytics verification key in _includes/2016_data/head.html
)gem install jekyll
.gem install jekyll-sitemap
and gem install jekyll-seo-tag
.jekyll serve
. Make sure that you are at the root directory of your folder before using this command.localhost:4000
.Note: If you forked it and edited _config.yml
via the online editor on Github, the Github pages may not work. In that case, you will make any changes (add a new line, etc) and push the changes from your local machine via CLI or GUI git.
. Both 2016
and 2017
are sharing the same stylesheet./css/2016_style/img
you will find where the pictures in /2016
are stored at. You will find the images of speakers in /css/2017_style/img
. This setup is to ensure that we can easily to move from year to year by creating new folders._2016_pages
and _2017_pages
are the folders that store subpages._2016_data
and _2017_data
are the folders that store each sections in home page. Those sections are can be removed by removing or commenting out the include
code in _layout/2016_home.html
or _layout/2017_home.html
and _data/twenty_17/
contains data
files for agenda, faqs, home about section data, speakers, and team members information. The data file is in the format of .yml
. The reason why the folders are named twenty_16
and twenty_17
are due to liquid syntax will throw errors if the name contains integer.上次有人留言说,技术博客是程序员的标配,但据我所知绝大部分技术同学到现在仍然没有自己的技术博客。原因有很多,有的是懒的写,有的是怕写不好,还有的是一直想憋个大招,幻想做到完美再发出来,结果一直胎死腹中。但其实更多程序员是不知道如何去搭建一个博客,其实如今搭建一个个人技术博客非常简单,其中最简单搭建方式莫属使用 GitHub Pages + Jekyll 了,我的博客就是使用这种技术。 GitHub
在jQuery中,最终传入事件处理程序的 event 其实已经被jQuery 做过标准化处理,其原有的事件对象被保存在event对象的originalEvent 属性中。 每个event都是jQuery.event的实例 , 所以event.originalEvent是指向的原始的事件对象 转载于:https://my.oschina.net/u/4157959/blog/3070300
http://www.manning-sandbox.com/thread.jspa?messageID=143092 Triggering an event using $.event.trigger() does not work in jQuery versions 1.9 and above
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> <script src="js/jquery3.6.0.js"></script> </head> <body> <ul> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li
keycode 8 = BackSpace BackSpace keycode 9 = Tab Tab keycode 12 = Clear keycode 13 = Enter keycode 16 = Shift_L keycode 17 = Control_L keycode 18 = Alt_L keycode 19 = Pause keycode 20 = Caps_Lock keyco
Type: DOMEvent MooTools的DOMEvent方法。 DOMEvent Method: constructor 语法: new DOMEvent([event[, win]]); 参数: event - (event, required)HTMLEvent对象。 win - (window, optional: defaults to window)事件的上下文。 属性: pag
组件 触发字符 mui.on(事件绑定) mmon mui.off(事件取消) mmoff mui.trigger()(事件触发) mtrigger mui.fire()(自定义事件) mfire document.getElementById() dg document.querySelector() ds document.querySelector().addEventListener()
Swoole扩展还提供了直接操作底层epoll/kqueue事件循环的接口。可将其他扩展创建的socket,PHP代码中stream/socket扩展创建的socket等加入到Swoole的EventLoop中, 否则第三方的$fd如果是同步IO会导致Swoole的EventLoop得不到执行,参考案例。 !> Event模块比较底层,是epoll的初级封装,使用者最好有IO多路复用编程经验。 事
描述:描述一个事件。 语法 @event <className>#[event:]<eventName> 概述 描述一个事件。@event标签允许您描述一个可触发的事件,一个典型的事件是由对象定义的一组属性来表示。 标签来定义事件的具体类型,您可以使用@fires标记,以表明这个种方法可以触发该事件。你还可以使用@listens标签,以指示表明用这个表示来侦听该事件。 JSDoc自动预先考虑命名空
Event::fire('foo.bar', array($bar)); // 注册一个事件监听器. // void listen(string|array $events, mixed $listener, int $priority) Event::listen('App\Events\UserSignup', function($bar){}); Event::listen('foo.*',
Jekyll 是一个简单的免费的Blog生成工具,类似WordPress。但是和WordPress又有很大的不同,原因是jekyll只是一个生成静态网页的工具,不需要数据库支持。但是可以配合第三方服务,例如discuz。最关键的是jekyll可以免费部署在Github上,而且可以绑定自己的域名。 快速安装指令: gem install jekylljekyll new my-awesome-sit