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A minimalist, mobile first Jekyll theme.
授权协议 Readme
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 尹雅健
操作系统 未知
适用人群 未知

Holo Alfa Jekyll theme

This project is no longer maintained. It will probably still work fine though.


Holo Alfa is a minimalist, mobile first Jekyll theme with focus on readability and content. Created for free and fun by Stijn. Also works great as a base to build your own theme on.

See it in action: http://steinvc.github.io/holo-alfa/.

Feature highlights

  • Mobile first design
  • Extensive content styling
  • Responsive video's (using FitVids.JS)
  • Support for authors and guest authors
  • Read time on articles
  • Disqus comments
  • Language localization
  • Automatic og metadata
  • Automatic archive page (without plugins)
  • Automatic sitemap en RSS feed
  • Contact page (with working email form)
  • A lot of (optional) customization options (all in _config.yml)

And much more.

Getting started

If you're new to Jekyll, check out http://jekyllrb.com/ and read up on Jekyll. It's worth it.


As simple as forking the repository, and then clone it so you can edit the files locally.


Edit _config.yml!

You can find _config.yml in your site's root directory. This configuration file contains some necessary settings and some optional customization settings. All settings are explained in _config.yml itself. Also make sure to use the developement configuration file (_config_dev.yml) for running your site locally. This way you don't get your URLs mixed up.

There are some customizations that can't be done in _config.yml. These include:

  • Editing the About, Contact and Archive page.
  • Adding or removing pages from the navigation. This can be done in \_includes\navigation.html.
  • The "thanks" page after a message has been send through the contact page: thanks.md
  • The gradient on cover images: \_includes\gradient.css (this is explained in _config.yml).

Also make sure to replace the placeholder favicons and the \img\og-image.jpg with your own.

Start the Jekyll server

You can learn how to do this by reading this.

Tip: to run your site locally with _config_dev.yml as configuration file, use this command at the root of your site bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config_dev.yml.

When everything is OK, your site should now be available at http://localhost:4000.

That's it.

MIT license

  • Notice This was the old version of Talon for Twitter. I have since open-sourced the Material Design version of the app. All future contributions will go to that version. This classic version should be

  • 问题内容: 我非常喜欢4.0 ICS Holo Light主题,并希望在我的应用程序中使用它以支持<4.0智能手机。 我在平台文件夹中找到了Android layoutlib.jar,但它的大小为8mb!而且我真的没有能力将我的应用程序增加8mb。有小费吗? // Pew Labs PS ive尝试过https://github.com/ChristopheVersieux/HoloEverywh

  • 我最近开始自定义我的应用程序中的工具栏,我的清单应用程序部分看起来像这样…

  • 我正在从一个自定义的MediaRouteButton移动到操作栏中的一个按钮,但它不能正确显示。自定义时的按钮是白色的,这是我想要的。然而,即使操作栏是“全息光”样式,按钮在操作栏上仍然是白色的(几乎看不见)。按钮应该是黑色的。 按钮创建为XML菜单项: 我的应用程序的样式为“@style/AppTheme”: 我的主题"@style/FullScreActionbarTheme"的活动: 我没有



