A collection of snippets and tools for Jekyll in Atom
Jekyll-Atom has a few settings that can be set through the Atom settings.
Server Port
The port used by static-server, defaults to 3000
Build Command
An array containing the default command to build a site, defaults to jekyll, build
. Can be overridden in your projects _config.yml
Build Command
will most likely need changing due to some weirdness with $PATH in Atom.
Build Command
to /path/to/jekyll, build
.which jekyll
in your terminal.Jekyll Atom can pickup project specific config from your _config.yml
For Example:
- jekyll
- build
- --option
- --this
JEKYLL_ENV: development
- _newsletters
defaultPostDir: _drafts
buildCommand works the same as it does in the Atom settings and is an override for this site.
The environment used for the build process lets you set any environment variables you desire.
The directories that appear on the new post modal. _posts
and _drafts
are added by default.
The default directory to be selected on the new post modal. Defaults to _posts
Jekyll-Atom can host a server to preview your site!
The server runs in the background and can be started/stopped from anywhere using the Toggle Server command Alt-Shift-T
Whilst running any time you save in Atom your site will be built and available on the port you set in config.
If you would prefer jekyll-atom to simply build your site on save instead of serving it on static server you can use the command Jekyll: Toggle Auto Build
to turn building of your site on save on/off.
Jekyll-Atom adds 3 language grammars to Atom Jekyll (HTML)
, Jekyll (XML)
and Jekyll (JSON)
. All 3 add Liquid and YAML highlighting to their respective format.
Liquid Highlighting requires the language-liquid package to be installed.
When triggered this function looks through your file for layout: foo
and then opens LAYOUTS_DIR/foo.LAYOUT_FORMAT
When triggered this function opens up the include for the current tag. For example if you had {% include snippet.html %}
Atom would open INCLUDES_DIR/snippet.html
When triggered this function brings up a popup at the top of the screen for you to type in the title of your new post e.g. Something Really Cool!
(on the date 2/4/2014). When you submit the form a new file of POSTSDIR/2014-04-02-something-really-cool.POST_FORMAT
will be created with a very basic front matter and opened on the screen.
Opens _config.yml
When Triggered this function looks at the text around your cursor to find the data file to open. For Example triggering Open Data File whilst your cursor is within the site.data.team
in this {{ blah site.data.team }}
would result in DATADIR/team.yml
being opened.
Open the layout for the current file
Open the Datafile
Open include
Create a new post
Turn the server on/off
There are a load of snippets provided by this plugin, please check the settings pane in atom for a full list.
Feel free to fork this repo and submit changes!
When you fork Jekyll-Atom please:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
)git commit -am 'Add some feature'
)git push origin my-new-feature
)jekyll-tagging, osm插件自动生成标签云和标签页面 源代码名称: jekyll-tagging 源代码网址: http://www.github.com/pattex/jekyll-tagging jekyll-tagging源代码文档 jekyll-tagging源代码下载 标记 By Eilermann </arne@kleinerdrei.net> 和 Jens Wille
博客原文:http://huangyanxiang.com/2017/09/20/jekyll-with-useful-plugins.html Jekyll 有很多有用的插件,比如分页,SEO优化等,另外Jekyll中可以使用一些Liquid没有定义的filter,可以让我们的站点更加好用。 Filters Jekyll添加了自己的一些方法,如: {{ "/assets/style.css" |
转自: 点击打开链接 微博上听大侠说起博客, 想起来我的博客贴代码和很麻烦 处理代码铁定不会自己学起来了, 现成应该有, 比如 Markdown 闻名已久 而且发现 Jekyll 正好也 Markdown, Ruby 我至少能认出来, 打算尝试 想起另外有个 Octopress 基于 Jekyll 定制, 于是看了下 http://blog.xdite.net/posts/2011/10/07/w
静态博客demo:tristanhuang.cn 通过两天的摸索,终于能整出博客的大概样子出来了,总的来说并没有太过接触Jekyll框架底层的东西,只是在fork了hux大神的io项目之后做了调整和修改,熟悉了一下子Jekyll生成静态网页的原理、liquid模块语言、以及进一步熟悉了git和markdown。 1. 项目来源 fork自hux大神的io项目 同时参考了Bebop对于hux的bra
前言 在这个月之前,我一直都是Vimmer,可是VimScript语法令人无语的混乱和棉花般的软弱无力,让我苦恼不已,可是工作学习却对其颇多依赖,始终舍之不得。 然而,就在上个月,我无意瞥了一眼我那肿胀庞杂臭长不堪的.vimrc,一眼…便失去了维护的信心,放弃Vim,自然只能转投Emacs。 经过一个月的反复折腾和深入研究后,我越加感受到神之编辑器的神圣魅力。种种以前感受到却想不到、想得到而做不到
from: https://junq.io/ 写在前面 简单记录下我使用的搭建博客工具: 申请个人空间使用Dreamweaver、Flash等工具进行个人网站制作 新浪博客、网易博客、Blogger等在线博客工具 Wordpress博客系统 Github Pages + Jekyll (正在使用) 本篇内容将简单介绍下使用 Github Pages、Jekyll来搭建免费博客,后面还会介绍如何使用
前言 其实每一个程序员都有着一颗Geek的心! 起由 话说,从2016年年初,我就一直有一个想法,就是搭建一个自己的博客,让自己更有归属感。但是奈何 理想太丰满 一开始想的太多,想“完全自己搭建前后端,想...” 结果,一直想了好几个月,也没有开始行动(期间域名也买了好几个,但是奈何备案手续太麻烦,一直没有开始...) 某一天,我在知乎某贴上看到了"一系列的jekyll简洁模板"。当时瞬间就被这些
Jekyll 是一个简单的免费的Blog生成工具,类似WordPress。但是和WordPress又有很大的不同,原因是jekyll只是一个生成静态网页的工具,不需要数据库支持。但是可以配合第三方服务,例如discuz。最关键的是jekyll可以免费部署在Github上,而且可以绑定自己的域名。 快速安装指令: gem install jekylljekyll new my-awesome-sit
中文网站 jekyllcn 快速开始 ~ $ gem install jekyll bundler ~ $ jekyll new my-awesome-site ~ $ cd my-awesome-site ~/my-awesome-site $ bundle install ~/my-awesome-site $ bundle exec jekyll serve # => 打开浏览器 http
jekyll-admin 是一个 jekyll 插件,为用户提供了传统 CMS(内容管理系统)风格的图形化界面来创作内容和管理 jekyll 网站。 该项目分为两部分。基于 Ruby 的 HTTP API 处理 jekyll 和文件系统的操作部分,以及在这个 API 基础上的基于 JavaScript 的前端部分。 安装: 就像安装其他插件一样,请参阅 jekyll 文档的插件安装部分安装 jek
Jekyll的增强版,使用Markdown来写日志。 Jekyll采用静态文件方式管理,不需要数据库即可支持一个独立博客站点,在github-pages平台上被普遍采用。Jekyll-Bootstrap在Jekyll基础上,集成了twitter-bootstrap界面风格和一些实用的插件,并且易于扩展。
Jekyll Docker Jekyll Docker is a software image that has Jekyll and many of its dependencies ready to use for you in an encapsulated format. It includes a default set of gems, different image types wi
jekyll-katex This is a Jekyll plugin for performing compile-time math rendering via the KaTeX library.KaTeX is a library for rending math on the web using LaTeX, similar to MathJax. KaTeX differs from