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开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 穆丁雨
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Web/mobile Angular project generator for scalable, enterprise-grade applications.

Includes modern (and stable) tools and workflow, best practices, base template and an exhaustive documentation.Get started quickly even with beginner teams, in any work environment (proxy included).

Built on experience with large web projects, with architecture choices aiming for a clean, no-brainer developmentexperience.

See generated project example here.


Getting started

  1. Install required tools:
npm install -g yo gulp bower generator-angular-pro
  1. Create your application:
yo angular-pro

Project structure

gulp/                   individual gulp tasks
sources/                project source code
|- data/                other project data, will be copied as-is
|- fonts/               project fonts
|- images/              project images
|- libraries/           Bower dependencies
|- main/                app components
|  |- main.config.ts    app configuration code
|  |- main.constants.ts app configuration constants
|  |- main.module.ts    app module definition
|  |- main.routes.ts    app routes
|  |- main.run.ts       app entry point
|  |- main.wrappers.ts  AngularJS module wrappers for external libraries
|  |- main.scss         style entry point
|  |- helpers/          helper services
|  |- screens/          application screens
|  |- shell/            application shell
|  |- ui-components/    shared UI components
|  |- web-services/     web services
|  +- ...               additional components
|- translations/        translations files
+- index.html           html entry point
e2e/                    end-to-end tests
dist/                   compiled version (www/ for mobile projects)
typings/                TypeScript definitions
reports/                test and coverage reports + generated documentation
platforms/              Cordova platform-specific projects (for mobile projects)
plugins/                Cordova plugins (for mobile projects)
resources/              icon and splash screen resources (for mobile projects)
gulpfile.config.js      gulp tasks configuration

Coding guides

Additional documentation





  • Angular Package Format(APF)v8.0 This document describes the structure and format of the Angular framework packages currently available on npm. This format applies to packages distributing Angular comp

  • The Angular Full-Stack Generator Yeoman generator for creating MEAN/SEAN stack applications, using ES2017, MongoDB/SQL, Express, Angular, and Node - lets you quickly set up a project following best pr

  • generator-angular-webpack-es6 Yeoman generator for AngularJS + Webpack with ES6 and SASS. Latest Webpack with Tree Shaking feature enabled Babel 6 with ES2017 features included Perfectly compatible wi

  • 问题内容: 我们将DaftMonk / AngularJS Full- Stack生成器用于projet。生成的代码包含用于管理用户(注册,登录,角色等)的逻辑,这很棒。但是,使用代码时会出现问题,并且当前用户的角色有时是不确定的。 我们想要实现一个简单的功能时遇到了这个问题:登录/注册后,应该将用户重定向到一个取决于其角色的URL。例如,应将用户重定向到,将用户重定向到。由于Auth.getCu

  • 常规函数只会返回一个单一值(或者不返回任何值)。 而 Generator 可以按需一个接一个地返回(“yield”)多个值。它们可与 iterable 完美配合使用,从而可以轻松地创建数据流。 Generator 函数 要创建一个 generator,我们需要一个特殊的语法结构:function*,即所谓的 “generator function”。 它看起来像这样: function* gene

  • generator(生成器)是ES6标准引入的新的数据类型。一个generator看上去像一个函数,但可以返回多次。 ES6定义generator标准的哥们借鉴了Python的generator的概念和语法,如果你对Python的generator很熟悉,那么ES6的generator就是小菜一碟了。如果你对Python还不熟,赶快恶补Python教程!。 我们先复习函数的概念。一个函数是一段完整

  • Express' application generator. Installation $ npm install -g express-generator Quick Start The quickest way to get started with express is to utilize the executable express(1) to generate an applicat