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授权协议 MPL-2.0 License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 许马鲁
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Pinboard Pin Web Extension for Firefox

Pinboard Pin is a modern web extension for pinning pages on Pinboard with Firefox.

Pinboard is a fast, no-nonsense bookmarking site for people who value privacy and speed. Note that while the Pinboard Pin extension is provided by its author as free and open source software, Pinboard is a separate, paid service and you need to sign up for an account in order to use it. The author of Pinboard Pin is not affiliated with the provider of the Pinboard service. For any questions regarding the Pinboard service itself, please contact the Pinboard support.

This extension pretty much replicates the functionality of the Pinboard Plus extension that has been created for the Chrome browser, but it has been rewritten from scratch to support Firefox using the modern Angular framework instead of a mix of the older AngularJS, jQuery and Underscore libraries used by Pinboard Plus. This rewrite was also intended as a proof-of-concept that modern Angular is a viable platform for building web extensions.

The current version has been tested with Firefox 80 for Windows and Linux.


  • Icon that changes its color to show whether the current page has been bookmarked in Pinboard.
  • Save a new bookmark for the current page in Pinboard, adding description and tags in a popup dialog.
  • Update and delete the bookmark for the current page in Pinboard from the popup.
  • Automatic creation of a description from a selected text on the page or using an existing meta tag on the page.
  • Enter or update tags using automatic suggestions in the popup dialog.
  • Use a keyboard shortcut (Alt + P) to open the popup dialog.
  • Use the context menu to open the popup dialog for the current page or to quickly save any link on the page.
  • Configurable dark mode for the popup dialog.


You can install the extension using the Mozilla Add-ons page.


Note that you must explicitly enable the option for displaying whether the page has already been saved on Pinboard, because this will send the URL of the page to the Pinboard server for every page. Therefore this feature is also automatically disabled in "incognito mode".

Also note that if you are using the Privacy Badger extension and Pinboard Pin shows an error when accessing Pinboard, make sure that the domain pinboard.in is not blocked in the filter settings of Privacy Badger, or simply put in on the whitelist of Privacy Badger.


  • Follow the instructions outlined in DEVELOP.md if you want to build this extension on your own or run it in development mode.
  • Read my blog post Web Extensions made with Angular to learn more about how and why this extension has been created.
  • Contact the author, open GitHub issues or send in pull requests to contribute.


Some Screenshots

Saving a page with Pinboard Pin:

Changing the Pinboard Pin settings:

Pinboard Pin also supports dark mode:

  • 问题内容: 我正在尝试获取Pinterest数据,该数据将是用户的公开信息(关注者人数等)以及用户的所有图钉。 我知道现在v3 API已启用,而v2 API已被删除。 我找到了此链接,该链接为我提供了我想要的确切终点: http://techslides.com/most-repinned-pinterest-pins-by- website/ 但是我无法获得access_token。我已经要求p

  • 问题内容: 我有一个程序可以向服务器发送ping请求。该列表很大,如果无法访问,则需要花费时间才能进入下一个列表。 我希望对于每个,它都应创建一个新线程并同时处理所有这些线程。 这是代码: 如何使此代码对所有s 执行ping操作? 问题答案: 如果没有别人的建议,怎么办呢? 我有三个类-是我的主类,是每个线程执行的任务,并且有结果代码(我们还可以添加一些其他信息,状态消息等)。 平平行 PingT

  • 问题内容: 有没有办法对主机执行ping操作(标准Android或通过NDK实现),并获取有关响应的详细信息?(时间,ttl,丢失的包裹等。)我在想一些具有此功能但找不到任何功能的开源应用程序。 谢谢 问题答案: 据我所知,发送ICMP回应请求需要 根 (即做它需要的setuid应用程序) -这 不是 当前可能在“股票”的Android(地狱,甚至InetAddress类#isReachable(

  • 问题内容: 我已实现以下解锁应用程序的代码(此代码仅适用于系统应用程序,因此我已将应用程序作为系统应用程序完成) 它对我来说很好用,但是现在我需要以编程方式实现设置或重置SIM PIN,让我知道是否可行。如果可能的话,我该如何实施呢? 问题答案:

  • 问题内容: 我正在寻找复制Pinterest.com的div布局,特别是如何调整列数以适应浏览器调整大小的更多/更少,并且垂直堆叠不取决于相邻列的高度。源代码显示每个div都是绝对位置。一位联合创始人回答了Quora的一篇文章,指出这是使用自定义jQuery和CSS完成的。我希望结果从左到右排序。您可以提供任何使自己动手的方向,将不胜感激。 问题答案: 您也可以在jQuery Plug-in Ma

  • 问题内容: Java中是否有特定的方法可以检查MySQL服务器是否还存在? 问题答案: 假设您在Java 6或更高版本中运行,则可以使用标准JDBC方法Connection.isValid(int timeoutInSecs) 。深入研究MySQL Connector / J源代码,实际的实现使用com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.pingInternal()向数据库发送一