This is a configurable date-picker build for Angular applications.
Supports latest (Angular 12) version. For older versions please checkout the file.
npm install ng2-date-picker --save
module:import {DpDatePickerModule} from 'ng2-date-picker';
to your module imports:@NgModule({ ... imports: [ ... DpDatePickerModule ] })
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute].
Thank you to all our backers!
Put the dp-date-picker component wherever you need it.
Name | Type | Default | Applies To | Description |
mode | "day"|"month"|"time"|"daytime" |
"day" |
All | The mode of the calender which will be displayed in the picker |
displayDate | Moment|String |
current date | day|month|daytime |
Indicates on what date to open the calendar on |
disabled | Boolean |
false |
All | If set to true the input would be disabled |
placeholder | String |
"" |
All | The date-picker input placeholder |
required | Boolean |
undefined |
All | This is a validation rule, if there won't be any selected date then the containing form will be invalid. |
minDate | Moment|String |
undefined |
day|month|daytime |
This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be before minDate the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
maxDate | Moment|String |
undefined |
day|month|daytime |
This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be after maxDate the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
minTime | Moment|String |
undefined |
time |
This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be before minTime the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
maxTime | Moment|String |
undefined |
time |
This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be after maxTime the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
theme | String |
"" |
All | Theme is a class added to the popup container (and inner components) - this will allow styling of the calendar when it's appended to outer element (for example - body). There is a built in theme named dp-material, you can find it in the demo. |
config | IDatePickerConfig |
See Below | All | Configuration object - see description below. |
Name | Event Arguments | Applies To | Description |
onChange | CalendarValue |
All Pickers | This event will be emitted on every valid value change, if you want to receive every value (valid and invalid) please use the native ngModelChange output. |
open | undefined |
All Pickers | This event will be emitted when picker is opened. |
close | CalendarValue |
All Pickers | This event will be emitted when picker is closed. |
onGoToCurrent | void | All Pickers | This event will be emitted when click was made on go to current button. |
onLeftNav | void | All Pickers | This event will be emitted when click was made on left navigation button. |
onRightNav | void | All Pickers | This event will be emitted when click was made on right navigation button. |
onSelect | ISelectionEvent | All Pickers | This event will be emitted when a date was selected via click or input change (with appropriate indication) |
component:<dp-date-picker [(ngModel)]="selectedDate" [config]="datePickerConfig"></dp-date-picker>
Here are the available configurations:
Name | Type | Default | Applies To | Description |
appendTo | String|HTMLElement |
undefined |
All | The selector/element to which the calendar popup will append to (this is useful for overflow: hidden container issues). Please note that the appendTo element will be set with position absolute if it has position static (the default position). |
locale | String |
moment.locale() |
All | Localisation of language (see in the demo all supported locales) |
disableKeypress | Boolean |
false |
All | Disables the possibility to change the date value by typing it - changing the date would be possible only from the picker |
format | String |
All | If ngModel provided as String the format is required, this format also will be used as the input format style. |
onOpenDelay | Number |
0 |
All | The delay (in ms) between the date picker focusing and the date-picker popup apparel |
drops | 'up'|'down' |
undefined down if possible |
All | Whether the picker appears below or above the input element. |
opens | 'right'|'left' |
undefined right if possible |
All | Whether the picker appears aligned to the left or to the right the input element. |
closeOnSelect | Boolean |
true |
day|month |
If set to true will close the date-picker after choosing a date from the calender, otherwise, won't. |
openOnClick | Boolean |
true |
day|month|daytime |
If set to false will not open the date-picker when input gets clicked, otherwise, will. |
openOnFocus | Boolean |
true |
day|month|daytime |
If set to false will not open the date-picker when input gets focused, otherwise, will. |
closeOnSelectDelay | Number |
100 |
day|month |
The delay (in ms) between the date selection and the date-picker collapse |
allowMultiSelect | Boolean |
undefined |
day|month |
If set to true will allow for choosing multiple dates. false will force a single selection. If undefined , the picker will attempt to guess based on the type of the input value. |
dayBtnFormat | String |
DD |
day|daytime |
The day format of the day button in the calendar. |
dayBtnFormatter | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
day|daytime |
The formatter (callback function) of the day button in the calendar. |
dayBtnCssClassCallback | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
day|daytime |
Callback for adding custom CSS classes to the day button in the calendar. Can contain multiple classes, just seperate with a space. |
enableMonthSelector | Boolean |
true |
day|daytime |
Whether to enable/disable the selection of a moth granularity picker. |
firstDayOfWeek | String |
"su" |
day|daytime |
The first day of the calendar's week. Should be one of: "su", "mo", "tu", "we", "th", "fr", "sa" |
isDayDisabledCallback | (Moment) => boolean |
undefined |
day|daytime |
Callback which should indicate if specific day is disabled. |
monthFormat | String |
day|daytime |
The date format of the day calendar, the one that seen above the calendar days. Will be overwritten if monthFormatter provided. |
monthFormatter | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
day|daytime |
The date formatter (callback function) of the day calendar, the one that seen above the calendar days. |
showNearMonthDays | Boolean |
true |
day|daytime |
Whether to show/hide next and previous month days. |
showWeekNumbers | Boolean |
false |
day|daytime |
Whether to show/hide the week number of each week (iso week number). |
isMonthDisabledCallback | (Moment) => boolean |
undefined |
day|month|daytime |
Callback which should indicate if specific month is disabled (month selector). |
max | Moment|String |
undefined |
day|month|daytime |
Disables all dates (on the date-picker) that are set to after the max , note that if invalid date would be set by the input then the date picker value would be the max date but the input will show the user typed date. |
min | Moment|String |
undefined |
day|month|daytime |
Disables all dates (on the date-picker) that are set to before the min , note that if invalid date would be set by the input then the date picker value would be the min date but the input will show the user typed date. |
monthBtnFormat | String |
DD |
day|month|daytime |
The month format of the month button in the calendar. |
monthBtnFormatter | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
day|month|daytime |
The formatter (callback function) of the month button in the calendar. |
monthBtnCssClassCallback | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
day|month|daytime |
Callback for adding custom CSS classes to the month button in the calendar. Can contain multiple classes, just seperate with a space. |
yearFormat | String |
"YYYY" |
day|month|daytime |
The date format of the month calendar, the one that seen above the calendar months. Will be overwritten if yearFormatter provided. (available when enableMonthSelector is set to true ). |
yearFormatter | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
day|month|daytime |
The date formatter (callback function) of the month calendar, the one that seen above the calendar months. (available when enableMonthSelector is set to true ). |
hours12Format | String |
"hh" |
daytime|time |
The hours format of the time select when showTwentyFourHours is false . |
hours24Format | String |
"HH" |
daytime|time |
The hours format of the time select when showTwentyFourHours is true . |
maxTime | Moment|String |
undefined |
daytime|time |
Disables arrow buttons on the time select that would make the time after the maxTime . |
meridiemFormat | String |
"A" |
daytime|time |
The AM/PM format of the time select when showTwentyFourHours is false . |
minTime | Moment|String |
undefined |
daytime|time |
Disables arrow buttons on the time select that would make the time before the minTime . |
minutesFormat | String |
"mm" |
daytime|time |
The minutes format of the time select. |
minutesInterval | number |
1 |
daytime|time |
The number of minutes that will be added/subtracted when clicking up/down arrows on the time select. |
secondsFormat | String |
"ss" |
daytime|time |
The seconds format of the time select. |
secondsInterval | number |
1 |
daytime|time |
The number of seconds that will be added/subtracted when clicking up/down arrows on the time select. |
showSeconds | boolean |
false |
daytime|time |
If set to true will show seconds in the time select, otherwise, won't. |
showTwentyFourHours | boolean |
false |
daytime|time |
If set to true will show hours in 24 hour format. false will show hours in 12 hours format and append AM/PM to the end of the time select. |
timeSeparator | String |
":" |
daytime|time |
The separator that will be placed between hours and minutes and between minutes and seconds on the time select. |
showMultipleYearsNavigation | boolean |
false |
day|month|daytime |
If set to true will show buttons to navigate by multiple years (10 by default) |
multipleYearsNavigateBy | number |
10 |
day|month|daytime |
Number of years to navigate when showMultipleYearsNavigation is true |
returnedValueType | ECalendarValue |
Moment |
All | The returned value type (Moment , Moment[] , string , string[] |
unSelectOnClick | boolean |
true |
day|month |
Will allow disallow/unselect to selected date by clicking on the selected date |
inputElementContainer | string|HTMLElement |
undefined |
All | Will place picker popup relative to the provided elemenr (if string provided will used as a selector) |
showGoToCurrent | boolean |
true |
All | Show/Hides the go to current button on the calendars navigation |
hideOnOutsideClick | boolean |
true |
All | Show/Hides the picker popup after click outside of the component |
closeOnEnter | boolean |
true |
All | Hides the picker popup after enter button keypress |
In order to use the date-picker api user the @ViewChild
annotation in the date-picker containing component class, take at the example below:
Container component:
import {DatePickerComponent} from 'ng2-date-picker';
selector: 'my-container',
template: `
<h1>Container</h1> <dp-date-picker #dayPicker></dp-date-picker> <button (click)="open()"></button> <button (click)="close()"></button></div>
class MyContainer {
@ViewChild('dayPicker') datePicker: DatePickerComponent;
open() {; }
close() { this.datePicker.api.close(); }} ```
If you want to use API with [`Directive`](#directive) - you can do it by using `#dateDirectivePicker`, like below:
import {Component, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {DatePickerDirective} from 'ng2-date-picker';
selector: 'my-container',
template: `
<input #dateDirectivePicker="dpDayPicker"> <button (click)="close()"></button></div>
class MyContainer {
@ViewChild('dateDirectivePicker') datePickerDirective: DatePickerDirective; close() {
this.datePickerDirective.api.close(); }} ```
Here is the list of APIs:
| Name | Signature | Description |
| open | `() => void` | Opens the date picker |
| close | `() => void` | Closes the date picker |
| moveCalendarTo | `(to: Moment \| String) => void` | Moves calendar to specific date |
## Inline - Day Calendar
You can use the `<dp-day-calendar>` component to display the calendar widget without an associated input box.
<dp-day-calendar [(ngModel)]="selectedDate" [config]="config"></dp-day-calendar>
Name | Type | Default | Description |
required | Boolean |
undefined |
This is a validation rule, if there won't be any selected date then the containing form will be invalid. |
minDate | Moment|String |
undefined |
This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be before minDate the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
maxDate | Moment|String |
undefined |
This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be after maxDate the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
theme | String |
'' |
Theme is a class added to the popup container (and inner components) - this will allow styling of the calendar when it's appended to outer element (for example - body). There is a built in theme named dp-material, you can find it in the demo. |
config | IDayCalendarConfig |
See Below | Configuration object - see description below. |
Name | Event Arguments | Description |
onSelect | IDay |
This event will be emitted when a day is selected. |
onMonthSelect | IMonth |
This event will be emitted when a month is selected. |
onNavHeaderBtnClick | ECalendarMode |
This event will be emitted when the mode of the calendar switches form day to month and vise versa. |
onGoToCurrent | void | This event will be emitted when click was made on go to current button. |
onLeftNav | void | This event will be emitted when click was made on left navigation button. |
onRightNav | void | This event will be emitted when click was made on right navigation button. |
component:<dp-day-calendar [(ngModel)]="selectedDate" [config]="config"></dp-day-calendar>
Here are the available configurations:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
format | String |
If ngModel provided as String the format is required, this format also will be used as the input format style. |
firstDayOfWeek | String |
"su" |
The first day of the calendar's week. Should be one of: "su", "mo", "tu", "we", "th", "fr", "sa" |
monthFormat | String |
The date format of the day calendar, the one that seen above the calendar days. Will be overwritten if monthFormatter provided. |
monthFormatter | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
The date formatter (callback function) of the day calendar, the one that seen above the calendar days. |
yearFormat | String |
"YYYY" |
The date format of the month calendar, the one that seen above the calendar months. Will be overwritten if yearFormatter provided. (available when enableMonthSelector is set to true ). |
yearFormatter | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
The date formatter (callback function) of the month calendar, the one that seen above the calendar months. (available when enableMonthSelector is set to true ). |
allowMultiSelect | Boolean |
undefined |
If set to true will allow for choosing multiple dates. false will force a single selection. If undefined , the picker will attempt to guess based on the type of the input value. |
min | Moment|String |
undefined |
Disables all dates (on the date-picker) that are set to before the min , note that if invalid date would be set by the input then the date picker value would be the min date but the input will show the user typed date. |
max | Moment|String |
undefined |
Disables all dates (on the date-picker) that are set to after the max , note that if invalid date would be set by the input then the date picker value would be the max date but the input will show the user typed date. |
showNearMonthDays | Boolean |
true |
Whether to show/hide next and previous month days. |
showWeekNumbers | Boolean |
false |
Whether to show/hide the week number of each week (iso week number). |
enableMonthSelector | Boolean |
true |
Whether to enable/disable the selection of a moth granularity picker. |
isDayDisabledCallback | (Moment) => boolean |
undefined |
Callback which should indicate if specific day is disabled. |
isMonthDisabledCallback | (Moment) => boolean |
undefined |
Callback which should indicate if specific month is disabled (month selector). |
dayBtnFormat | String |
DD |
The day format of the day button in the calendar. |
dayBtnFormatter | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
The formatter (callback function) of the day button in the calendar. |
dayBtnCssClassCallback | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
Callback which can add custom CSS classes to the day button in the calendar. Multiple classes can be returned with a space between them. |
monthBtnFormat | String |
DD |
The month format of the month button in the calendar. |
monthBtnFormatter | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
The formatter (callback function) of the month button in the calendar. |
monthBtnCssClassCallback | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
Callback which can add custom CSS classes to the month button in the calendar. Multiple classes can be returned with a space between them. |
showMultipleYearsNavigation | boolean |
false |
If set to true will show buttons to navigate by multiple years (10 by default) |
multipleYearsNavigateBy | number |
10 |
Number of years to navigate when showMultipleYearsNavigation is true |
numOfMonthRows | 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 |
4 |
Number of rows to be shown on month calendar |
You can use the <dp-month-calendar>
component to display the calendar widget without an associated input box.
<dp-month-calendar [(ngModel)]="selectedDate" [config]="config"></dp-month-calendar>
Name | Type | Default | Description |
required | Boolean |
undefined |
This is a validation rule, if there won't be any selected date then the containing form will be invalid. |
minDate | Moment|String |
undefined |
This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be before minDate the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
maxDate | Moment|String |
undefined |
This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be after maxDate the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
theme | String |
'' |
Theme is a class added to the popup container (and inner components) - this will allow styling of the calendar when it's appended to outer element (for example - body). There is a built in theme named dp-material, you can find it in the demo. |
config | IMonthPickerConfig |
See Below | Configuration object - see description below. |
Name | Event Arguments | Description |
onSelect | IMonth |
This event will be emitted when a month is selected. |
onNavHeaderBtnClick | null |
This event will be emitted when the mode button, in the navigation section, was clicked. |
onGoToCurrent | void | This event will be emitted when click was made on go to current button. |
onLeftNav | void | This event will be emitted when click was made on left navigation button. |
onRightNav | void | This event will be emitted when click was made on right navigation button. |
component:<dp-month-calendar [(ngModel)]="selectedDate" [config]="config"></dp-month-calendar>
Here are the available configurations:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
format | String |
If ngModel provided as String the format is required, this format also will be used as the input format style. |
yearFormat | String |
"YYYY" |
The date format of the month calendar, the one that seen above the calendar months. Will be overwritten if yearFormatter provided. (available when enableMonthSelector is set to true ). |
yearFormatter | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
The date formatter (callback function) of the month calendar, the one that seen above the calendar months. (available when enableMonthSelector is set to true ). |
allowMultiSelect | Boolean |
undefined |
If set to true will allow for choosing multiple dates. false will force a single selection. If undefined , the picker will attempt to guess based on the type of the input value. |
min | Moment|String |
undefined |
Disables all dates (on the date-picker) that are set to before the min , note that if invalid date would be set by the input then the date picker value would be the min date but the input will show the user typed date. |
max | Moment|String |
undefined |
Disables all dates (on the date-picker) that are set to after the max , note that if invalid date would be set by the input then the date picker value would be the max date but the input will show the user typed date. |
isMonthDisabledCallback | (Moment) => boolean |
undefined |
Callback which should indicate if specific month is disabled (month selector). |
monthBtnFormat | String |
DD |
The month format of the month button in the calendar. |
monthBtnFormatter | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
The formatter (callback function) of the month button in the calendar. |
monthBtnCssClassCallback | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
Callback which can add custom CSS classes to the month button in the calendar. Multiple classes can be returned with a space between them. |
showMultipleYearsNavigation | boolean |
false |
If set to true will show buttons to navigate by multiple years (10 by default) |
multipleYearsNavigateBy | number |
10 |
Number of years to navigate when showMultipleYearsNavigation is true |
numOfMonthRows | 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 |
4 |
Number of rows to be shown on month calendar |
Here is the list of APIs:
Name | Signature | Description |
moveCalendarsBy | (current: Moment, amount: number, granularity: moment.unitOfTime.Base) => void |
Moves calendar by given amount |
moveCalendarTo | (to: Moment | String) => void |
Moves calendar to specific date |
toggleCalendarMode | (mode: day | month) => void |
Changes clander mode day/month |
You can use the <dp-time-select>
component to display the time select widget without an associated input box.
<dp-time-select [(ngModel)]="selectedDate" [config]="config"></dp-time-select>
Name | Type | Default | Description |
required | Boolean |
undefined |
This is a validation rule, if there won't be any selected date then the containing form will be invalid. |
minTime | Moment|String |
undefined |
This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be before minTime the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
maxTime | Moment|String |
undefined |
This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be after maxTime the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
theme | String |
'' |
Theme is a class added to the popup container (and inner components) - this will allow styling of the calendar when it's appended to outer element (for example - body). There is a built in theme named dp-material, you can find it in the demo. |
config | ITimeSelectConfig |
See Below | Configuration object - see description below. |
Name | Event Arguments | Description |
onChange | IDate |
This event will be emitted when time is selected. |
component:<dp-time-select [(ngModel)]="selectedDate" [config]="config"></dp-time-select>
Here are the available configurations:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
hours12Format | String |
"hh" |
The hours format of the time select when showTwentyFourHours is false . |
hours24Format | String |
"HH" |
The hours format of the time select when showTwentyFourHours is true . |
maxTime | Moment|String |
undefined |
Disables arrow buttons on the time select that would make the time after the maxTime . |
meridiemFormat | String |
"A" |
The AM/PM format of the time select when showTwentyFourHours is false . |
minTime | Moment|String |
undefined |
Disables arrow buttons on the time select that would make the time before the minTime . |
minutesFormat | String |
"mm" |
The minutes format of the time select. |
minutesInterval | number |
1 |
The number of minutes that will be added/subtracted when clicking up/down arrows on the time select. |
secondsFormat | String |
"ss" |
The seconds format of the time select. |
secondsInterval | number |
1 |
The number of seconds that will be added/subtracted when clicking up/down arrows on the time select. |
showSeconds | boolean |
false |
If set to true will show seconds in the time select, otherwise, won't. |
showTwentyFourHours | boolean |
false |
If set to true will show hours in 24 hour format. false will show hours in 12 hours format and append AM/PM to the end of the time select. |
timeSeparator | String |
":" |
The separator that will be placed between hours and minutes and between minutes and seconds on the time select. |
You can use the <dp-day-time-calendar>
component to display the calendar widget and time select widget without an associated input box.
<dp-day-time-calendar [(ngModel)]="selectedDate" [config]="config"></dp-day-time-calendar>
Name | Type | Default | Description |
required | Boolean |
undefined |
This is a validation rule, if there won't be any selected date then the containing form will be invalid. |
minDate | Moment|String |
undefined |
This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be before minDate the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
maxDate | Moment|String |
undefined |
This is a validation rule, if the selected date will be after maxDate the containing form will be invalid. Note: if provided as string format configuration should be provided in the config object. |
theme | String |
'' |
Theme is a class added to the popup container (and inner components) - this will allow styling of the calendar when it's appended to outer element (for example - body). There is a built in theme named dp-material, you can find it in the demo. |
config | IDatePickerConfig |
See Below | Configuration object - see description below. |
Name | Event Arguments | Description |
onChange | IDate |
This event will be emitted when time is selected. |
onGoToCurrent | void | This event will be emitted when click was made on go to current button. |
onLeftNav | void | This event will be emitted when click was made on left navigation button. |
onRightNav | void | This event will be emitted when click was made on right navigation button. |
component:<dp-day-time-calendar [(ngModel)]="selectedDate" [config]="config"></dp-day-time-calendar>
Here are the available configurations:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
format | String |
If ngModel provided as String the format is required, this format also will be used as the input format style. |
firstDayOfWeek | String |
"su" |
The first day of the calendar's week. Should be one of: "su", "mo", "tu", "we", "th", "fr", "sa" |
monthFormat | String |
The date format of the day calendar, the one that seen above the calendar days. Will be overwritten if monthFormatter provided. |
monthFormatter | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
The date formatter (callback function) of the day calendar, the one that seen above the calendar days. |
yearFormat | String |
"YYYY" |
The date format of the month calendar, the one that seen above the calendar months. Will be overwritten if yearFormatter provided. (available when enableMonthSelector is set to true ). |
yearFormatter | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
The date formatter (callback function) of the month calendar, the one that seen above the calendar months. (available when enableMonthSelector is set to true ). |
allowMultiSelect | Boolean |
undefined |
If set to true will allow for choosing multiple dates. false will force a single selection. If undefined , the picker will attempt to guess based on the type of the input value. |
min | Moment|String |
undefined |
Disables all dates (on the date-picker) that are set to before the min , note that if invalid date would be set by the input then the date picker value would be the min date but the input will show the user typed date. |
max | Moment|String |
undefined |
Disables all dates (on the date-picker) that are set to after the max , note that if invalid date would be set by the input then the date picker value would be the max date but the input will show the user typed date. |
showNearMonthDays | Boolean |
true |
Whether to show/hide next and previous month days. |
showWeekNumbers | Boolean |
false |
Whether to show/hide the week number of each week (iso week number). |
enableMonthSelector | Boolean |
true |
Whether to enable/disable the selection of a moth granularity picker. |
isDayDisabledCallback | (Moment) => boolean |
undefined |
Callback which should indicate if specific day is disabled. |
isMonthDisabledCallback | (Moment) => boolean |
undefined |
Callback which should indicate if specific month is disabled (month selector). |
dayBtnFormat | String |
DD |
The day format of the day button in the calendar. |
dayBtnFormatter | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
The formatter (callback function) of the day button in the calendar. |
dayBtnCssClassCallback | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
Callback which can add custom CSS classes to the day button in the calendar. Multiple classes can be returned with a space between them. |
monthBtnFormat | String |
DD |
The month format of the month button in the calendar. |
monthBtnFormatter | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
The formatter (callback function) of the month button in the calendar. |
monthBtnCssClassCallback | (Moment) => String |
undefined |
Callback which can add custom CSS classes to the month button in the calendar. Multiple classes can be returned with a space between them. |
hours12Format | String |
"hh" |
The hours format of the time select when showTwentyFourHours is false . |
hours24Format | String |
"HH" |
The hours format of the time select when showTwentyFourHours is true . |
meridiemFormat | String |
"A" |
The AM/PM format of the time select when showTwentyFourHours is false . |
minutesFormat | String |
"mm" |
The minutes format of the time select. |
minutesInterval | Number |
1 |
The number of minutes that will be added/subtracted when clicking up/down arrows on the time select. |
secondsFormat | String |
"ss" |
The seconds format of the time select. |
secondsInterval | Number |
1 |
The number of seconds that will be added/subtracted when clicking up/down arrows on the time select. |
showSeconds | boolean |
false |
If set to true will show seconds in the time select, otherwise, won't. |
showTwentyFourHours | boolean |
false |
If set to true will show hours in 24 hour format. false will show hours in 12 hours format and append AM/PM to the end of the time select. |
timeSeparator | String |
":" |
The separator that will be placed between hours and minutes and between minutes and seconds on the time select. |
showMultipleYearsNavigation | boolean |
false |
If set to true will show buttons to navigate by multiple years (10 by default). |
multipleYearsNavigateBy | Number |
10 |
Number of years to navigate when showMultipleYearsNavigation is true . |
hideInputContainer | Boolean |
false |
Will hide the input element of any picker if set to true . |
weekDayFormat | String |
ddd |
The format of the weekday name. |
weekDayFormatter | (Number) => String |
undefined |
You can customize the value of any weekday with this configuration. The parameter of the callback will start with 0 as Sunday and so on. |
numOfMonthRows | 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 |
4 |
Number of rows to be shown on month calendar |
You can use the [dpDayPicker]
directive to attach the picker to any component with an ngModel
or a FormControl
(using reactive forms).
<input name="someName" [(ngModel)]="selectedDate" [dpDayPicker]="config" />
or using reactive forms:
<input name="someName" formControlName="selectedDate" [dpDayPicker]="config" />
<!-- OR -->
<input name="someName" [formControl]="selectedDateFormControl" [dpDayPicker]="config" />
or with @angular/material
<input mdInput name="someName" [(ngModel)]="selectedDate" [dpDayPicker]="config" theme="dp-material" attachTo=".mat-input-wrapper" /></md-input-container>
Name | Type | Default | Description |
mode | 'day'|'month'|'time'|'daytime' |
'day' |
the type of the calender which will be displayed in the picker |
attachTo | ElementRef|String |
undefined |
the element used to position the picker. If attachTo is a String , it is used as a css selector to match any parent of the directive's host component. If attachTo is undefined , the host component itself is used. |
theme | String |
'' |
Theme is a class added to the popup container (and inner components) - this will allow styling of the calendar when it's appended to outer element (for example - body). There is a built in theme named dp-material, you can find it in the demo. |
config | IDatePickerDirectiveConfig |
See Below | Configuration object - see description below. |
directive:<input [(ngModel)]="selectedDate" [dpDayPicker]="datePickerConfig" />
The IDatePickerDirectiveConfig
is identical to IDatePickerConfig
above except that it lacks the showGoToCurrent
Here is the list of APIs:
Name | Signature | Description |
moveCalendarTo | (to: Moment | String) => void |
Moves calendar to specific date |
Internet explorer 10 doesn't support hidden attribut, but you can use a css rule on data-hidden
to hide date picker components:
[data-hidden="true"] {
display: none !important;}
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angular-datepicker的github地址: 这款插件在angular1.x上可以正常使用。 使用方法 安装方法可参照github,或者按顺序单独引入以下文件: 引入moment.js、moment-timezone.js、angular-datepicker.js; angular.module(
这里是修真院前端小课堂,每篇分享文从 【背景介绍】【知识剖析】【常见问题】【解决方案】【编码实战】【扩展思考】【更多讨论】【参考文献】 八个方面深度解析前端知识/技能,本篇分享的是: 【angular如何使用日历插件】 1.背景介绍 日历在网页中的应用有很多,比如说后台的搜索功能,备忘录功能等等。要实现日历功能,有很多插件可以实现, 利用angular实现相关的日历功能的插件也就
在您的html中,您可以使用(ngModelChange)=“functionName()”来触发任何更改日期的函数,并在您的ts中声明该函数 . 要更改日期的格式: 将其添加到 app.module.ts : import{MatDateFormats, MAT_DATE_FORMATS, NativeDateAdapter, DateAdapter} from '@angular/materi
Angularjs + Webpack 框架里,引入Bootstrap-datepicker插件时,浏览器提示datepicker is not a function错误的解决方法 问题描述: 使用Angularjs作为前端的框架,利用Webpack打包。在引入Bootstrap-datepicker这个框架的时候,Firebug提示“datepicker is not a function”错误
这里是修真院前端小课堂,本篇分析的主题是 【angular如何使用日历插件】 每篇分享文从 【背景介绍】【知识剖析】【常见问题】【解决方案】【编码实战】【扩展思考】【更多讨论】【参考文献】 八个方面深度解析前端知识/技能,本篇分享的是: 【angular如何使用日历插件】 1.背景介绍 日历在网页中的应用有很多,比如说后台的搜索功能,备忘录功能等等。要实现日历功能,有很多插件可以
1.js里面调用: $("#sf_last_time").datepicker({ format:'yyyy-mm', autoclose:true,//自动关闭 minViewMode:1, startView:1,
在AngularJS 官网: 下载国际化资源: 复制以下代码: $provide.value("$locale", { "DATETIME_FORMATS": { "AMPMS": [
Angular 是一款十分流行且好用的 Web 前端框架,目前由 Google 维护。这个条目收录的是 Angular 2 及其后面的版本。由于官方已将 Angular 2 和之前的版本 Angular.js 分开维护(两者的 GitHub 地址和项目主页皆不相同),所以就有了这个页面。传送门:Angular.js 特性 跨平台 渐进式 Web 应用 借助现代化 Web 平台的力量,交付 app
即将到来的Angular 2框架是使用TypeScript开发的。 因此Angular和TypeScript一起使用非常简单方便。 Angular团队也在其文档里把TypeScript视为一等公民。 正因为这样,你总是可以在Angular 2官网(或Angular 2官网中文版)里查看到最新的结合使用Angular和TypeScript的参考文档。 在这里查看快速上手指南,现在就开始学习吧!
从头开始创建项目 lint你的代码 运行您的单元测试和端到端测试。 Angular 2 CLI目前只在TypeScript中生成框架,稍后还会有其他版本。
这小节内容是译者加的,因为我认为对于新手而言,学习一个框架是有成本的,特别是对于一个不算简单的技术来说,我希望这篇教程是对新手友好的,所以我首先要让你放心的将时间和精力投入到Angular2 中。那我们先不谈技术细节,先用数据说话。 这里我多说一句,最近看一些文章中谷歌趋势截图,大都没有把范围限定在“编程”上。图中可以看出Vue2非常少,所以在下面比较中不再单独统计。 教程数量 这里我选取的主要是
我们已经在Highcharts Configuration Syntax一章中看到了用于绘制图表的配置 。 下面给出角度计图表的示例。 配置 (Configurations) 现在让我们看一下所采取的其他配置/步骤。 chart.type 将图表类型配置为基于计量。 将类型设置为“规格”。 var chart = { type: 'guage' }; pane 此类型仅适用于极坐标图和角度
角度计图表用于绘制仪表/仪表类型图表。 在本节中,我们将讨论不同类型的角度计图表。 Sr.No. 图表类型和描述 1 角度计 角度表。 2 实心仪表 实心图表。 3 Clock 时钟。 4 带双轴的仪表 带双轴的仪表图。 5 VU表 VU表图表。