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angular tree component

Getting started

Install angular-tree-component:

npm install @circlon/angular-tree-component

Import TreeModule:

import { TreeModule } from '@circlon/angular-tree-component';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [TreeModule],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

Add css to styles.scss or include in angular.json:

@import '~@circlon/angular-tree-component/css/angular-tree-component.css';

Docs, Demos & More

We are redoing the documentation. You can find the new documentation here:https://circlongroup.github.io/angular-tree-component/

The API Reference is still in our old documentation for now:




Slack Community

Angular supported version

angular-tree-component supports angular 2 and above, and AoT compilation.


Run npm run build (npm run build:win for windows users) to build. Run npm start:example-app and open localhost:4200 to test your code before submitting a pull request.

To run tests locally - make sure port 4200 is available and run:

$ npm run build              # build:win for windows; wait until build finished 
$ npm run start:example-app  # Wait until webpack finishes and http://localhost:4200 is available
$ npm run test:dev

Please check the issues / project before starting to work on a feature / bug to make sure it's not already in progress.


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.

  • 1、terminal.module.ts ...... // Angular Tree Component import { TreeModule } from 'angular-tree-component'; import {DepartmentTreeComponent} from "app/entities/terminal/department-tree.component"; ...

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  • [Angular 1.x] Display treeDnD & event DrapnDrop, field 'td' by tree.  ###Support(just when I'm online) Demo: http://thienhung1989.github.io/angular-tree-dnd/demo ###Requirement: angular: >=1.2.1 Sour

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  • Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself(ie, symmetric around its center) For example, this tree is symmetric: 1 / \ 2 2 / \ / \ 3 4 4 3 But the following tree is not.

  • Given a binary tree, return all root-to-leaf paths. For example, given the following binary tree: 1 / \ 2 3 \ 5 All root-to-leaf paths are: ["1->2->5", "1->3"] 题目翻译: 给定一棵二叉树,返回所有从根节点到叶节点的

  • Given a binary tree, determine if it is height-balanced. For this problem, a height-balanced binary tree is defined as a binary tree in which the depth of the two subtrees of every node never differ b