AngularSpree is an Angular(7) e-commerce application.
It is a plug and play frontend application for AviaCommerce API built using Angular(7), Redux, Observables & ImmutableJs.
It is not limited to aviacommerce and can also be used with any e-commerce solution with an api interface. Such as spreecommerce, magento, opencart etc.
AngularSpree is now a part of Aviacommerce Project. Further development of angularspree will happen in this repository only. Also, check the aviacommerce repo where this repository exists as a submodule.
Please check the online demo here.
Gitter | Contributing | API Specs |
This project is an open-source initiative by Aviabird Technologies under the Aviacommerce open-source project.
For any questions or suggestions send a mail to
or chat with the core-team on gitter.