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angular e-commerce framework for online store
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 东门令
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

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AngularSpree is an Angular(7) e-commerce application.

It is a plug and play frontend application for AviaCommerce API built using Angular(7), Redux, Observables & ImmutableJs.

It is not limited to aviacommerce and can also be used with any e-commerce solution with an api interface. Such as spreecommerce, magento, opencart etc.

Important Note

AngularSpree is now a part of Aviacommerce Project. Further development of angularspree will happen in this repository only. Also, check the aviacommerce repo where this repository exists as a submodule.


Please check the online demo here.

Features of this mobile appliction are:-

  1. Product List Page
  2. Product Detail Page
  3. Filters by Category, options, size etc
  4. Sort(New arrival, Price)
  5. Advanced searching and autocomplete with Elasticsearch
  6. Add/update to cart
  7. Notifications for order update notification, payment failure
  8. Chat with seller feature, messaging
  9. Payment methods(COD, Stripe, Payubiz, RazorPay and 29 others)

Admin has following features for sellers:-

  1. Add/update products/inventory.
  2. Manage orders
  3. Manage Categories/Taxonomies
  4. Support for Variants and Option Types, Option Sets
  5. Shipping settings/policy(free shipping, shipping rules)
  6. Promotions(coupons per user, total usage count)
  7. Manage Users(admin, user types)
  8. Taxation
  9. Send emails and notifications.

Quick Links

Gitter Contributing API Specs

This project is an open-source initiative by Aviabird Technologies under the Aviacommerce open-source project.

For any questions or suggestions send a mail to hello@aviabird.com or chat with the core-team on gitter.



