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📊 Declarative Charting Framework for Angular
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 孟自强
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Declarative Charting Framework for Angular!

ngx-charts is unique because we don't merely wrap d3, nor any other chart engine for that matter. It is using Angular to render and animate the SVG elements with all of its binding and speed goodness, and uses d3 for the excellent math functions, scales, axis and shape generators. By having Angular do all of the rendering it opens us up to endless possibilities the Angular platform provides such as AoT, SSR, etc.

Data visualization is a science but that doesn't mean it has to be ugly. One of the big efforts we've made while creating this project is to make the charts aesthetically pleasing. The styles are also completely customizable through CSS, so you can override them as you please.

Also, constructing custom charts is possible by leveraging the various ngx-charts components that are exposed through the ngx-charts module.

For more info, check out the documentation and the demos.


Chart Types

  • Horizontal & Vertical Bar Charts (Standard, Grouped, Stacked, Normalized)
  • Line
  • Area (Standard, Stacked, Normalized)
  • Pie (Explodable, Grid, Custom legends)
  • Bubble
  • Donut
  • Gauge (Linear & Radial)
  • Heatmap
  • Treemap
  • Number Cards


  • Autoscaling
  • Timeline Filtering
  • Line Interpolation
  • Configurable Axis Labels
  • Legends (Labels & Gradient)
  • Advanced Label Positioning
  • Real-time data support
  • Advanced Tooltips
  • Data point Event Handlers
  • Works with ngUpgrade


To use ngx-charts in your project install it via npm:

npm i @swimlane/ngx-charts --save

Custom Charts

To learn how to use the ngx-charts components to build custom charts and find examples, please refer to our Custom Charts Page.


  • Checkout master (git checkout master)
  • Pull master (git pull)
  • Refresh node modules (npm ci)
  • Run tests (npm test)
  • Examine log to determine next version (X.Y.Z)
  • Run git checkout -b release/X.Y.Z
  • Update version in projects/swimlane/ngx-charts/package.json.
  • Update changelog in projects/docs/changelog.md
  • Run git commit -am "(release): X.Y.Z"
  • Run git tag X.Y.Z
  • Run git push origin HEAD --tags
  • Run npm run publish:lib
  • Submit PR


ngx-charts is a Swimlane open-source project; we believe in giving back to the open-source community by sharing some of the projects we build for our application. Swimlane is an automated cyber security operations and incident response platform that enables cyber security teams to leverage threat intelligence, speed up incident response and automate security operations.

SecOps Hub is an open, product-agnostic, online community for security professionals to share ideas, use cases, best practices, and incident response strategies.

  • ngx-chart中各种图表的用法 live demo地址请戳:https://swimlane.github.io/ngx-charts/#/ngx-charts/bar-vertical document地址请戳:https://swimlane.gitbooks.io/ngx-charts/content/ github地址请戳:https://github.com/swimlane/ngx

  • ngx-echarts的简洁文档: 百度:npm 搜索:ngx-echarts,第一个结果就是。 地址:https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-echarts 查看installation和usage: 在模块中引入NgxEchartsModule模块!然后就可以使用了! options就是echarts的配置参数; merge:在动态添加点的时候,有用; html:

  • ngx-echarts相关网址 ngx-echarts地址 echarts4.0+百度官网 ngx-echarts github地址 安装 v2.2.0版本 v3.1.0 for Angular >= 6 v2.2.0 for Angular < 6 目前,我们使用的是angular5,因此我们安装ngx-echarts@2.2.0,echarts版本选择4.1.0。 npm install ec

  • 使用ngx-echarts设置定时器,原想把定时器放到charts中,但发现不行,后来就想可以把charts分段写,把需要的定时的放在定时器中,其他的不变,直接上源码 ngOnInit() { this.chartOptionsong = { tooltip : { formatter: '{a} <br/>{b} : {c}%' }, toolbox: {

  • 安装 npm install echarts -S npm install ngx-echarts -S app.module import { NgxEchartsModule } from 'ngx-echarts'; @NgModule({ imports: [ NgxEchartsModule.forRoot({echarts: () => import('echarts')

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  • 条形图表示矩形条中的数据,条的长度与变量的值成比例。 R使用barplot()函数创建条形图。 R可以在条形图中绘制垂直条和水平条。 在条形图中,每个条形图可以被赋予不同的颜色。 语法 (Syntax) 在R中创建条形图的基本语法是 - barplot(H,xlab,ylab,main, names.arg,col) 以下是所用参数的说明 - H是包含条形图中使用的数值的矢量或矩阵。 xlab是

  • R编程语言有许多库来创建图表和图形。 饼图是将值表示为具有不同颜色的圆的切片。 标记切片,并且对应于每个切片的数字也在图表中表示。 在R中,饼图是使用pie()函数创建的,该函数将正数作为向量输入。 附加参数用于控制标签,颜色,标题等。 语法 (Syntax) 使用R创建饼图的基本语法是 - pie(x, labels, radius, main, col, clockwise) 以下是所用参数

  • D3.js用于创建静态SVG图表。 它有助于绘制以下图表 - 条形图 圆图 饼形图 甜甜圈图表 折线图 气泡图等 本章介绍D3中的绘图。 让我们详细了解每一个。 条形图 条形图是最常用的图形类型之一,用于显示和比较不同离散类别或组的数量,频率或其他度量(例如平均值)。 该图以这样的方式构造,即不同条的高度或长度与它们所代表的类别的大小成比例。 x轴(水平轴)表示没有比例的不同类别。 y轴(垂直轴)