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Flask extension for integration of the awesome pydantic package with Flask.


python3 -m pip install Flask-Pydantic


URL query and body parameters

validate decorator validates query and body request parameters and makes them accessible two ways:

  1. Using validate arguments, via flask's request variable
parameter type request attribute name
query query_params
body body_params
  1. Using the decorated function argument parameters type hints

URL path parameter

If you use annotated path URL path parameters as follows

@app.route("/users/<user_id>", methods=["GET"])
def get_user(user_id: str):

flask_pydantic will parse and validate user_id variable in the same manner as for body and query parameters.

Additional validate arguments

  • Success response status code can be modified via on_success_status parameter of validate decorator.
  • response_many parameter set to True enables serialization of multiple models (route function should therefore return iterable of models).
  • request_body_many parameter set to False analogically enables serialization of multiple models inside of the root level of request body. If the request body doesn't contain an array of objects 400 response is returned,
  • If validation fails, 400 response is returned with failure explanation.

For more details see in-code docstring or example app.


Example 1: Query parameters only

Simply use validate decorator on route function.

Be aware that @app.route decorator must precede @validate (i. e. @validate must be closer to the function declaration).

from typing import Optional
from flask import Flask, request
from pydantic import BaseModel

from flask_pydantic import validate

app = Flask("flask_pydantic_app")

class QueryModel(BaseModel):
  age: int

class ResponseModel(BaseModel):
  id: int
  age: int
  name: str
  nickname: Optional[str]

# Example 1: query parameters only
@app.route("/", methods=["GET"])
def get(query: QueryModel):
  age = query.age
  return ResponseModel(
    id=0, name="abc", nickname="123"
See the full example app here
  • age query parameter is a required int
    • curl --location --request GET ''
    • if none is provided the response contains:
        "validation_error": {
          "query_params": [
              "loc": ["age"],
              "msg": "field required",
              "type": "value_error.missing"
    • for incompatible type (e. g. string /?age=not_a_number)
    • curl --location --request GET ''
        "validation_error": {
          "query_params": [
              "loc": ["age"],
              "msg": "value is not a valid integer",
              "type": "type_error.integer"
  • likewise for body parameters
  • example call with valid parameters:curl --location --request GET ''

-> {"id": 0, "age": 20, "name": "abc", "nickname": "123"}

Example 2: URL path parameter

@app.route("/character/<character_id>/", methods=["GET"])
def get_character(character_id: int):
    characters = [
        ResponseModel(id=1, age=95, name="Geralt", nickname="White Wolf"),
        ResponseModel(id=2, age=45, name="Triss Merigold", nickname="sorceress"),
        ResponseModel(id=3, age=42, name="Julian Alfred Pankratz", nickname="Jaskier"),
        ResponseModel(id=4, age=101, name="Yennefer", nickname="Yenn"),
        return characters[character_id]
    except IndexError:
        return {"error": "Not found"}, 400

Example 3: Request body only

class RequestBodyModel(BaseModel):
  name: str
  nickname: Optional[str]

# Example2: request body only
@app.route("/", methods=["POST"])
def post(body: RequestBodyModel): 
  name = body.name
  nickname = body.nickname
  return ResponseModel(
    name=name, nickname=nickname,id=0, age=1000
See the full example app here

Example 4: BOTH query paramaters and request body

# Example 3: both query paramters and request body
@app.route("/both", methods=["POST"])
def get_and_post(body: RequestBodyModel,query: QueryModel):
  name = body.name # From request body
  nickname = body.nickname # From request body
  age = query.age # from query parameters
  return ResponseModel(
    age=age, name=name, nickname=nickname,
See the full example app here

Modify response status code

The default success status code is 200. It can be modified in two ways

  • in return statement
# necessary imports, app and models definition

@app.route("/", methods=["POST"])
@validate(body=BodyModel, query=QueryModel)
def post():
    return ResponseModel(
        ), 201
  • in validate decorator
@app.route("/", methods=["POST"])
@validate(body=BodyModel, query=QueryModel, on_success_status=201)
def post():

Status code in case of validation error can be modified using FLASK_PYDANTIC_VALIDATION_ERROR_STATUS_CODE flask configuration variable.

Using the decorated function kwargs

Instead of passing body and query to validate, it is possible to directlydefined them by using type hinting in the decorated function.

# necessary imports, app and models definition

@app.route("/", methods=["POST"])
def post(body: BodyModel, query: QueryModel):
    return ResponseModel(

This way, the parsed data will be directly available in body and query.Furthermore, your IDE will be able to correctly type them.

Model aliases

Pydantic's alias feature is natively supported for query and body models.To use aliases in response modify response model

def modify_key(text: str) -> str:
    # do whatever you want with model keys
    return text

class MyModel(BaseModel):
    class Config:
        alias_generator = modify_key
        allow_population_by_field_name = True

and set response_by_alias=True in validate decorator

def my_route():
    return MyModel(...)

Example app

For more complete examples see example application.


The behaviour can be configured using flask's application configFLASK_PYDANTIC_VALIDATION_ERROR_STATUS_CODE - response status code after validation error (defaults to 400)


Feature requests and pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

  • clone repository
    git clone https://github.com/bauerji/flask_pydantic.git
    cd flask_pydantic
  • create virtual environment and activate it
    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
  • install development requirements
    python3 -m pip install -r requirements/test.pip
  • checkout new branch and make your desired changes (don't forget to update tests)
    git checkout -b <your_branch_name>
  • run tests
    python3 -m pytest
  • if tests fails on Black tests, make sure You have your code compliant with style of Black formatter
  • push your changes and create a pull request to master branch


  • header request parameters
  • cookie request parameters
  • Flask的一个小demo 1. 如何安装Flask包 pip install flask 其主要的依赖包:werkzeug、jinja2也会被一同install了; 2. Flask 的一个小样 app应用就是Flask的实例化对象,可以通过参数指定很多属性。详见Flask源码 from flask import Flask # Flask类的对象就是一个app应用 app = Flask(_

  • 官网 如果你正在做接口开发,或者任何函数的开发,总会遇到需要判断参数是否正确的问题。一个一个验证不是很合理,所幸有pydantic这个包可以帮我们完成这项工作,而且是完美的完成 使用验证器装饰器可以实现对象之间的自定义验证和复杂关系。 validator装饰器 from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError, validator class Us

  • python 之 参数校验《一》 jsonschema模块 python 之 参数校验《二》 pydantic模块 python 之 参数校验《三》 marshmallow参数校验与序列化 一、背景 在api接口中,需要验证一些参数;如django、flask 有些组件支持参数的校验; 但是适用场景具有针对性,定制化程度过高,扩展性不强; 如果想自定义一些参数,则可已选用这个模块pydantic

  • 1.首先这个错误是指:该类没有被映射到,或者说是没有被绑定 2.错误代码: ## 这一行是通过一个主键ID查到对应的所有的明细行 track_details = Track_Details.query.filter_by(track_id=params.get("id")).all() ## 这一行是把所有的明细行拿过来进行删除 db.session.delete(track_details)

  • flask 错误 ‘Class ‘XXX’ is not mapped’(类没有映射) 首先这个错误是指:该类没有被映射到,或者说是没有被绑定 错误代码: #这一行是通过一个主键ID查到对应的所有的明细行 track_details = Track_Details.query.filter_by(track_id=params.get("id")).all() #这一行是把所有的明细行拿过来进行删

  • 说明 在网络交互中,为了顺利进行数据对接,通常会把结果包成一个层级字典。例如: res_dict status msg data data1 data2 这样写起来会比较费事,本篇将这样一些消息内容封装为对象,减少冗余代码。 目标 将res_dict的处理封装为对象 def get_api_input_apiregister(input_handler): input_data = inp

  • from typing import Optional from flask import Flask, jsonify, views, request from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from flask_pydantic import validate from pydantic import BaseModel from demo imp

  • 1. models.py代码 from flask_login import UserMixin from werkzeug.security import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash class User(db.Model, UserMixin): __tablename__ = "users" id = db.Co



