Polyfill for RFC 566 "@cached decorator".
ember install ember-cached-decorator-polyfill
For addons, pass the -S
Add a @cached
decorator for memoizing the result of a getter based onautotracking. In the following example, fullName
would only recalculate iffirstName
or lastName
is updated.
import { tracked, cached } from '@glimmer/tracking';
class Person {
@tracked firstName = 'Jen';
@tracked lastName = 'Weber';
get fullName() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
For detailed usage instructions, refer to theRFC 566 "@cached decorator".
TypeScript's normal type resolution for an import from @glimmer/tracking
will not find the types provided by this package (since TypeScriptwould attempt to resolve it as node_modules/@glimmer/tracking
or underthe Definitely Typed location for @glimmer/tracking
Once the addition to the @glimmer/tracking
API is a documented part of Ember'sAPI, the types will be available upstream, but in the meantime users will needto modify their tsconfig.json
to tell TypeScript where these types are.
Add the following to your tsconfig.json
// ...snip...
"paths": {
// ...snip...
"@glimmer/tracking": [
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