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授权协议 GPL-3.0 License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 程序开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 祁高格
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

What is this?

A bash scipt to quickly set up your new ember project for a smooth developer experience in VS Code.


  1. Create a new ember app

NOTE: Assumes ember-cli is installed globally | npm i -g ember-cli

ember new my-app


ember new my-app --yarn
  1. Navigate to your app directory
cd my-app
  1. Run this command in your terminal, inside your app's root directory.

NOTE: this command executes the ember-new-plus.sh bash script without needing to clone the whole repo.

exec 3<&1;bash <&3 <(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/atej/ember-new-plus/master/dist/ember-new-plus.sh 2> /dev/null)
  1. Follow the prompts and make your selections.

  2. After the script does its thing, go to the VS Code extensions tab ⇧⌘X and type in @recommended in the search bar. Install and enable the extensions that show up under 'WORKSPACE RECOMMENDATIONS'.


What's set up

�� JavaScript linting and formatting with ESlint and Prettier (plus, integration in VS Code- automatic fixing on save, for fixable errors)

�� CSS linting and formatting with stylelint (plus, integration in VS Code - automatic fixing on save, for fixable errors) ➨ optional

�� Tailwind and postcss for utility-first CSS (plus, integration in VS Code - tailwind class name suggestions and sorting) ➨ optional

�� Git hooks with husky ➨ optional

  • �� Linting of staged js, hbs and css files ➨ optional
  • �� Linting of commit messages to follow conventional commits recommendations ➨ optional

�� In-editor debugging with "Debugger for Chrome" ➨ optional

  •   文章写的很老到,非常值得一看!评论也很精彩,值得一看 为什么我偏爱 Ember.js 胜过 Angular 和 React.js 前几天看到了这篇文章:Why I prefer Ember.js over Angular & React.js,觉得对于国内期望了解 Ember.js 的开发者来说是一个不错的介绍。于是和该文的作者 Paul Shan 联系取得翻译的授权,翻译了过来。译文如下:

  • Ember New Relic This Ember addon adds New Relic Browser to your app. All PRs and issues are welcome. Installation Usage Basic Usage Configuration SPA Monitoring Environments Content Security Policy De

  • ember-cli-new-version A convention-based version update notifier. Use it to notify users already on the page that a new version has been deployed. Compatibility Ember.js v3.16 or above Ember CLI v2.13

  • 问题内容: 当用的输入用和与输入不同的结果似乎出现。 x输出为 当y是 我说这是因为双重不准确性吗?但是由于这是一个,不应该一样吗? 问题答案: 我说这是因为双重不精确吗? 您绝对正确,这完全是由于的不精确。 但是由于这是一个,不应该一样吗? 不,不应该。在创建时就引入了错误,因为常量已经嵌入了错误。到那时,您无法采取任何措施来修复此表示错误:当时那匹众所周知的马已经离开了谷仓,所以现在关门已经太

  • 和燕儿分手后,绝影竟大方地给自己无限期地放了个长假。所以人就是这样,绝影想:早知如此,当初跟燕儿在一起的时候就该给自己放个长假,好好陪陪她,说不定也不会搞到这一步。以前是因为在公司,现在出来了,还能到哪给自己找理由? 不过话又说回来,以前跟燕儿在一起的时候,自己是节约得连电影都舍不得看,虽然现在带宽上1下4了,而且有BT这样的好东西,但每次下了电影,还是宝贝得像儿子似的,深深地藏到硬盘的某个目录,

  • amavisd-new 是一个高性能、可靠的用于连接邮件传输代理和内容检查器之间的接口,例如邮件的病毒扫描、垃圾邮件过滤等等

  • What's New 能在用户更新应用的时候,很方便的展示应用最新的改进信息。