Ember.js ES6, Ember Data & Handlebars snippets for Atom editor
Run the following command:
apm install ember-snippets
Rather than listing everything out here, check out the snippet files themselves:
Please send PRs! I add things as I get tired of writing them, so there arecertainly areas that I've missed.
In order to keep this package as focused and "lightweight" as possible. It hasbeen decided that it will focus on Ember snippets and it will not contain snippetsfor various addons and/or third-party libraries.
You are more than welcomed to share your aggregated snippets using the list ofaddon related snippets below.
//SCRIPT_START function AddNamespace(ns) { var nsParts = ns.split("."); var root = window; for(var i=0; i<nsParts.length; i++) { if(typeof root[nsParts[i]]
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