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所属分类 程序开发
软件类型 开源软件
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适用人群 未知



ember-browser-services is a collection of Ember Services that allow forconsistent interaction with browser APIs.

When all browser APIs are accessed via services, browser behavior is nowstubbable in unit tests!

This addon is written in TypeScript so that your editor will provide intellisensehints to guide you through usage so that you don't have to spend as much timelooking at the documentation.


yarn add ember-browser-services
# or
npm install ember-browser-services
# or
ember install ember-browser-services


  • Ember.js v3.12 or above
  • Node.js v10 or above


Whenever you would reach for window, or any other browser API, inject theservice instead.

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  @service('browser/window') window;

  externalRedirect() {
    this.window.location.href = 'https://crowdstrike.com';


for fuller examples, see the tests directory

There are two types of stubbing you may be interested in when working with browser services

  • service overriding

    As with any service, if the default implementation is not suitable for testing,it may be swapped out during the test.

    import Service from '@ember/service';
    module('Scenario Name', function (hooks) {
      test('rare browser API', function (assert) {
        let called = false;
          class TestWindow extends Service {
            rareBrowserApi() {
              called = true;
        assert.ok(called, 'the browser api was called');
  • direct assignment

    This approach may be useful for deep-objects are complex interactions that otherwise would behard to reproduce via normal UI interaction.

    module('Scenario Name', function (hooks) {
      test('rare browser API', function (assert) {
        let service = this.owner.lookup('service:browser/window');
        let called = false;
        service.rareBrowserApi = () => (called = true);
        assert.ok(called, 'the browser api was called');

There is also a shorthand for grouped "modules" in your tests:


import { setupBrowserFakes } from 'ember-browser-services/test-support';

module('Scenario Name', function (hooks) {
  setupBrowserFakes(hooks, { window: true });

  test('is at crowdstrike.com', function (assert) {
    let service = this.owner.lookup('service:browser/window');

    // somewhere in a component or route or service
    // windowService.location = '/';
    assert.equal(service.location.href, '/'); // => succeeds

Alternatively, specific APIs of the window can be stubbed with an object

import { setupBrowserFakes } from 'ember-browser-services/test-support';

module('Scenario Name', function (hooks) {
  setupBrowserFakes(hooks, {
    window: { location: { href: 'https://crowdstrike.com' } },

  test('is at crowdstrike.com', function (assert) {
    let service = this.owner.lookup('service:browser/window');

    assert.equal(service.location.href, 'https://crowdstrike.com'); // => succeeds


import { setupBrowserFakes } from 'ember-browser-services/test-support';

module('Scenario Name', function (hooks) {
  setupBrowserFakes(hooks, { localStorage: true });

  test('local storage service works', function (assert) {
    let service = this.owner.lookup('service:browser/local-storage');

    assert.equal(service.getItem('foo'), null);

    service.setItem('foo', 'bar');
    assert.equal(service.getItem('foo'), 'bar');
    assert.equal(localStorage.getItem('foo'), null);


// An example test from ember-jsqr's tests
module('Scenario Name', function (hooks) {
  setupBrowserFakes(hooks, {
    navigator: {
      mediaDevices: {
        getUserMedia: () => ({ getTracks: () => [] }),

  test('the camera can be turned on and then off', async function (assert) {
    let selector = '[data-test-single-camera-demo] button';

    await visit('/docs/single-camera');
    await click(selector);

    assert.dom(selector).hasText('Stop Camera', 'the camera is now on');

    await click(selector);

    assert.dom(selector).hasText('Start Camera', 'the camera has been turned off');


import { setupBrowserFakes } from 'ember-browser-services/test-support';

module('Examples: How to use the browser/document service', function (hooks) {
  setupBrowserFakes(hooks, {
    document: {
      title: 'Foo',

  test('title interacts separately from the real document', function (assert) {
    let service = this.owner.lookup('service:browser/document');

    assert.equal(service.title, 'Foo');
    assert.notEqual(service.title, document.title);

    service.title = 'Bar';
    assert.equal(service.title, 'Bar');
    assert.notEqual(service.title, document.title);

What about ember-window-mock?

ember-window-mock offers muchof the same feature set as ember-browser-services.

ember-browser-services builds on top of ember-window-mock and the two libraries can be used together.

The main differences being:

  • ember-window-mock

    • smaller API surface

    • uses imports for window instead of a service

    • all browser APIs must be accessed from the imported window to be mocked / stubbed

    • adding additional behavior to the test version of an object requires something like:

      import window from 'ember-window-mock';
      // ....
      window.location = new TestLocation();
      window.parent.location = window.location;
  • ember-browser-services

    • uses services instead of imports

    • multiple top-level browser APIs, instead of just window

    • setting behavior on services can be done by simply assigning, thanks to ember-window-mock

      let service = this.owner.lookup('service:browser/navigator');
      service.someApi = someValue;
    • or adding additional behavior to the test version of an object can be done via familiar service extension like:

        class extends Service {
          location = new TestLocation();
          parent = this;
    • because of the ability to register custom services during tests,if app authors want to customize their own implementation of test services, that can be donewithout a PR to the addon

    • there is an object short-hand notation for customizing browser APIs via setupBrowserFakes(demonstrated in the above examples)

Similarities / both addons:

  • use proxies to fallback to default browser API behavior
  • provide default stubs for commonly tested behavior (location, localStorage)
  • all state reset between tests


See the Contributing guide for details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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