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开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 程序开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 富波光
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适用人群 未知



Provides a component that renders a set of links with a follower line underneath. The follower will animate to the position of the active link, and grow or shrink in size if needed. If no active links are found, the follower will hide.

This pattern is commonly used for navigation:


(from Twitter app)


(from LinkedIn app)

Animation of the follower is done through CSS transition and transform using translate3d. The transitions duration will be set to 0 on window resize to avoid issues with animating while resizing.

Since Links with Follower hooks in to the Router's willTransition event, you can use link-to or transitionTo and the follower will still update properly.


ember install ember-links-with-follower


Render links with default behavior (links passed in the block are expected to be li's):

{{#links-with-follower class="my-nav"}}
  {{#link-to 'Home' tagName='li'}}Home{{/link-to}}
  {{#link-to 'Stuff' tagName='li'}}Stuff{{/link-to}}

Render custom tags, change the active selector, and animate slowly:


  {{#link-to "Home" tagName="div"}}Home{{/link-to}}
  {{#link-to "Stuff" tagName="div"}}Stuff{{/link-to}}


Customize the follower with css:

.my-nav .link-follower {
  border-color: tomato;
  border-size: 3px;

How does this work?

A listener is added to the router's willTransition event. On willTransition, we look for an active link in the links provided to the component via block format.

An active link is defined by the activeSelector property, which defaults to 'li.active:not(li.ember-transitioning-out), li.ember-transitioning-in'. This allows us to eagerly transition the follower before the route has fully transitioned.

Helpful Links


Echobind LLC (c) 2016@echobindLicensed under the MIT license

  • Built With Ember Website A list of ambitious web applications built using ember.js. This project was inspired by a Google Drive spreadsheet that was shared on Twitter sometime ago. We thought that it

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  • 本章将教您如何使用CSS设置超链接的不同属性。 您可以设置超链接的以下属性 - 当我们讨论CSS的伪类时,我们将重新审视相同的属性。 :link表示未访问的超链接。 :visited表示访问过的超链接。 :hover表示当前用户鼠标指针悬停在其上的元素。 :active表示用户当前单击的元素。 通常,所有这些属性都保存在HTML文档的标题部分中。 记住a:hover必须在a:link和a:在CSS

  • {{link-to}}组件可用于创建到路由的链接。 语法 (Syntax) {{#link-to route}} //code here {{/link-to}} 下表列出了链接的属性 - S.No. 链接和说明 1 Multiple Segments 对于多个段,如果路由是嵌套的,则可以为每个段提供模型或标识符。 2 使用Link-to作为内联助手 通过提供链接文本作为帮助程序的第一个参

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