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A simple ember wrapper around clipboard.js
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 程序开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 罗昱
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


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A simple ember wrapper around clipboard.js (no flash)

Demo Page



Angle Bracket Invocation

<!-- Set text directly -->
  @clipboardText="text to be copied"
  Click To Copy

<!-- Get text from action that returns a string -->
  Click To Copy

<!-- Get text from target element -->
<input id="url" type="text" value="https://github.com/jkusa/ember-cli-clipboard">
  Click To Copy

Classic Invocation

  clipboardText="text to be copied"
  success=(action "onSuccess")
  error=(action "onError")
  Click To Copy


  • clipboardText - string value or action that returns a string to be copied
  • clipboardTarget - selector string of element from which to copy text
  • clipboardAction - string value of operation: copy or cut (default is copy)
  • container - selector string or element object of containing element. "For use in Bootstrap Modals or with any other library that changes the focus you'll want to set the focused element as the container value".
  • delegateClickEvent - clipboard.js defaults event listeners to the body in order to reduce memory footprint if there are hundreds of event listeners on a page. If you want to scope the event listener to the copy button, set this property to false
  • buttonType - string value of the button's type attribute

Any HTML button attribute passed to the component will be "splatted" on the button element. The one exception to this is the type attribute due to this issue. The following legacy arguments are still supported:


The following clipboard.js custom events are sent as actions

  • success sent on successful copy
  • error sent on failed copy

More information about the clipboard.js events can be found here

Template Helper

The helper is-clipboard-supported can be used to check if clipboard.js is supported or not.

{{#if (is-clipboard-supported)}}
  <CopyButton @clipboardTarget="#url">
    Click To Copy

Test Helpers

Some browsers do not allow simulated clicks to fire execCommand('copy'). This makes testing difficult. To assist with integration testing, the following test helpers are available to test the wiring of the success and error action handlers.

Acceptance Test Helpers

  • triggerCopySuccess(selector='.copy-btn')
  • triggerCopyError(selector='.copy-btn')

If you are using the NEW Ember Testing API, available in ember-cli-qunit >= 4.2 and ember-cli-mocha >= 0.15.0, then you can simply import the test helpers where needed (for both acceptance and integration tests).

// tests/acceptance/my-test.js

import {
} from 'ember-cli-clipboard/test-support';

Otherwise, to use the helpers in acceptance tests you need to register them in the /tests/helpers/start-app.js file.

// tests/helpers/start-app.js

import registerClipboardHelpers from '../helpers/ember-cli-clipboard';


export default function startApp(attrs) {



// tests/acceptance/my-test.js

test('copy button message', async function (assert) {

  await visit('/');
  assert.dom('.alert').doesNotExist('no alert message is initially present');


    .exists('a success message is displayed when a copy is successful');


    .exists('an error message is displayed when a copy is unsuccessful');

Integration Test Helpers

  • New Testing API (ember-cli-qunit >= 4.2 or ember-cli-mocha >= 0.15.0)

    • triggerCopySuccess(selector='.copy-btn')
    • triggerCopyError(selector='.copy-btn')
  • Old Testing API

    • triggerSuccess(context, selector='.copy-btn')
    • triggerError(context, selector='.copy-btn')


// tests/integration/components/my-test.js

// if using NEW ember testing api
import {
} from 'ember-cli-clipboard/test-support';

// if using OLD ember testing api
import {
} from '../../helpers/ember-cli-clipboard';


test('copy-button integration', async function(assert) {

  this.set('onSuccess', () => {
    assert.ok(true, '`success` action handler correctly fired');

  this.set('onError', () => {
    assert.ok(true, '`error` action handler correctly fired');

  await render(hbs`
      @clipboardText="text to be copied"
      Click To Copy

  //If using NEW ember testing api

  //If using OLD ember testing api
  triggerError(this, '.my-copy-btn');
  triggerSuccess(this, '.my-copy-btn');

Browser Support

For browser support information, checkout the clipboard.js documentation:



Contributions are welcomed. Please read the contributing guidelines.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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