+ subreddit name
will open the subreddit if valid or existing.
+ search query
to search on wikipedia.
+ search query
to search for an image/photo on unsplash.
+ search query
to search a product on amazon.
a/intel celeron
a/windows 10 source code
+ search query
to search a product on ebay.
e/pentium 4
e/uranium core
+ search query
to search a video on youtube.
y/how to build a nuclear reactor
y/strange alien sightings in oregon
+ comic id
to search a "comic" on a certain "comic" website.
+ search query
to search a for a repo/user on github.
Searching a valid URL will redirect you to the said URL. Note that a protocol, https://
for example, is required.
query is valid, so you will be redirected to https://haveibeenpwned.com/.google.com
is not a valid URL, so it will search it on your default search engine.www.duckduckgo.com
is also invalid because it doesn't have a protocol.You can also pass a query by using the q
parameter. The default search engine will be used.
manilarome.github.io/squareup?q=how to build a nuclear reactor at home to download more RAM in google play store
file:///PATH/TO/squareup/index.html?q=how to restore system32
Change the color scheme by just clicking a button!
- Dark colorscheme. Good for the night.Light
- Bright colorscheme. Good for killing the eyes.Auto
- Load a colorscheme based on time. Edit light/dark mode hours on js/config.js
To add more web shortcuts/buttons on the dock, you have to edit the panelSites
array in js/config.js
. Make sure to put an icon with svg
format for the shortcut in assets/webcons/
// Example
const panelSites = [
site: 'Reddit',
icon: 'reddit',
url: 'https://reddit.com/'
Add more items or web shortcuts in the web menu by editing the webSites
array in js/config.js
. Make sure to put an icon with svg
format for the shortcut in assets/webcons/
// Example
const webSites = [
site: 'Reddit',
icon: 'reddit',
url: 'https://reddit.com/',
category: 'social'
Add more quick search shortcuts by editing the quickSearchData
object in js/config.js
. Make sure to follow the format below:
// Example
const quickSearchData = {
'r/': {
urlPrefix: 'https://reddit.com/r/'
Startpage is the default search engine, if you want to change it, just click the switcher button on the panel.
Available search engines:
Add more search engine by editing the searchEngines
object in js/config.js
. Make sure to follow the format below:
// Example
const searchEngines = {
'duckduckgo': {
name: 'Duckduckgo',
prefix: 'https://duckduckgo.com/?q='
There are two clock modes available - 24-hour
and 12-hour
. Switch between clock modes by just clicking on the clock. Simple.
and Dark Mode Reader
extensions on this homepage.css/animated-background.css
.Squareup will sit between minimal and bloated. The items in this TODO list are the only one I'm planning to implement in this homepage.
Feel free to open one!
That would be great!
Check my other works related to this startpage.
我正在研究 android studio并从网上获取一些数据.我尝试使用OkHttpClient并将jar添加到我的项目文件夹中,但仍然无法导入它. 它显示无法解析符号okhttp. 我尝试了一些解决方案,但无法解决问题.这是我的build.gradle文件 apply plugin: 'com.android.application' android { compileSdkVersion 23
我正在开发android studio并从网上获取一些数据。我尝试使用OkHttpClient,并将jar添加到我的项目文件夹中,但仍然无法导入它。无法导入com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient; 它显示can't resolve symbol okhttp。 我尝试了一些解决方案,但未能解决problem.Here是我的build.gradle文件 apply plug
运行报错之:Could not download okhttp.jar (com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.8.1) Unable to resolve dependency for ':app@ReleasesDebug /compileClasspath': Could not download okhttp.jar (com.squareup.okhttp3:o
在gradle里面加上这句 allprojects { repositories { mavenCentral() google() jcenter() maven { url 'https://maven.google.com' } maven { url 'https://oss.
前两天在尝试编写TV-APP时,使用AndroidStudio创建一个TV应用后,Gradle编译出现了: Error:(28, 13) Failed to resolve: com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.5.0 错误。 百度发现picasso包是square团队的一个开源的Android图像增强工具,github地址:https://github.com/squ
retrift 集成了okhttp,所以,我们以后就不用再单独的引用http的jar 了。 但是,今天遇到一个问题,就是okhttp是这样设置一些intercept的: private static OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder() .addNetworkInterceptor(REWRITE_CACHE_CO
Unable to resolve dependency for ':okgo@debug/compileClasspath': Could not resolve com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.9.1. Open File Show Details 解决办法: 1.检查gradle中是否有 allprojects { repositories {
在今天因为要适配android 8.0的桌面图标,所以升级了android studio到3.0,升级后就遇到了很多问题,要你升级开发gradle等等,这都还好,突然报了Failed to resolve这个错误,真的要命,就是下载不了第三方的组件,然后一直找找找,最后在build.gardle里面添加了 repositories { maven { url "http://repo1.mav
一、开发背景:客户端用http请求发送数据请求,需要后台返回一个json格式的数据。 二、历程:1.一开始获取之后以为肯定可以用了,就直接用gson解析; 2.进入这个坑可想之后。 这种情况下gson提醒格式不对; 3.郁闷的我开始排查,终于找到了原来是获取json格式数据的时候错误。 三、先看代码: public
前几天跟着教程学RecyclerView 的时候,android studio 的build.gradle死活不能将com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.5.2 编译过,一直报错,网上找来的方法大多是说加上 代码: repositories { jcenter() mavenCentral() } clean project后
问题描述:squareUp问题 Given n>=0, create an array length n*n with the following pattern, shown here for n=3 : {0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1} (spaces added to show the 3 groups). squareUp(3) → [0, 0, 1, 0
1、报错情况 Could not resolve com.squareup:kotlinpoet:1.12.0 远程仓库是存在1.12.0的包,而且sync now时,也是有下载过程,只不过解析失败。 2、解决历程 排除了远程仓库地址的问题(mavenCentral仓库),排除了本地网络环境问题(使用了代理,测试了导入其他库),排除了导入语句的问题(官网查询导入方法) 3、结论 意想不到的结论是:
记录遇到 Error: Program type already present: com.squareup.wire.AndroidMessage$ProtoAdapterCreator问题 解决方法: Error: Program type already present: 这后面表示com.squareup.wire.AndroidMessage$ProtoAdapterCreator冲突了
需要使用okhttp,于是在build.gradle的dependencies中添加: implementation 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.9.0' 发现无法使用okhttp的Request对象。 查了很多资料,似乎都没有人说这个问题,我找到了经过一晚上的折腾发现原因在于okhttp的版本与目前编译器版本(3.0)不适配,引用低版本的即可。 implemen
项目级别build.gradle buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() jcenter() google() } allprojects { repositories { mavenCentral() google() jce
AS的版本是3.1.2、不懂为什么创建项目的时候,build.gradle文件里面 buildToolsVersion '27.0.2' 这个没有自动创建, 导致要依赖第三方库,会显示失败,把这个加上就能正常依赖啦!!!