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crystal-lang.org website
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开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 网页组件
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 姬捷
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Crystal Website

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Development setup (via docker)

  • Checkout the repository
  • Run $ docker-compose up
  • Open a browser in localhost:4000

The docker container will launch jekyll with --incremental option.

Development setup (Nix)

  • Checkout the repository
  • Run $ nix-shell
  • Open a browser in localhost:4000


As always, thanks to the community who contributes to Crystal and its infrastructure and projects.


Crystal is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

  • Warmly welcome you to give Crystal language a try :)   Crystal is a programming language with the following goals: Have a syntax similar to Ruby (but compatibility with it is not a goal) Statically ty

  • [11-5-28 12:39:58:294 CST] 00000038 SystemErr     R Report Error [300] This trial version of i-net Crystal-Clear has expired on "Thu Jul 31 13:02:13 CST 2008". i-net Crystal-Clear can be licensed at h

  • 解决rosdep init报错“Website may be down” reading in sources list data from /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d Hit https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros/rosdistro/master/rosdep/osx-homebrew.yaml ERROR: unable

  • http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms227484(v=VS.90).aspx   参考示例要求安装Norwind数据库   1、找到instnwnd.sql文件 2、使用cmd进入命令提示符 3、使用osql -S serverName -U userName -P pwd -i instnwnd.sql进行安装     限定数据库访问链接的访问权限

  • http://tech.sina.com.cn/s/2006-06-19/0909995838.shtml 作者:朱先忠编译   提要 本文试验将帮助你创建一个使用Crystal Report的Web应用程序—报告中的数据来源于一个对象集合,你将创建一个专门的类来保存股票市场数据。   一、 开发目标   结束本试验后,你将能够更好地:   · 创建一个专门的类来保存股票市场值。   · 实例化这

  • Crystal Reports(水晶报表)是一款商务智能(BI)软件,主要用于设计及产生报表。水晶报表是业内最专业、功能最强的报表系统,它除了强大的报表功能外,最大的优势是实现了与绝大多数流行开发工具的集成和接口。在VS.Net平台做过报表开发的程序员,一定都对水晶报表强大、高效、集成等特性留下了深刻印象。 除了开发新程序外,在工作中我们常需要接触到很多较早的软件系统报表功能升级的需求,如果能结合

  • crystal-mysql MySQL driver implement natively in Crystal, without relying on external libraries. Check crystal-db for general db driver documentation. crystal-mysql driver is registered under mysql://

  • crystal-pg A native, non-blocking Postgres driver for Crystal usage This driver now uses the crystal-db project. Documentation on connecting,querying, etc, can be found at: https://crystal-lang.org/do

  • Redis Client for Crystal A Redis client for the Crystal programming language. Features Performance (> 680,000 commands per second using pipeline on a MacBook Air with a single client thread) Pipelinin

  • crystal-nodejs Node.js engine for crystal-lang. JS code and npm module executes on crystal-nodejs, And don't need to install Node.js binary.Explain about architecture, Compiled as a shared object Node

  • crystal-fann Crystal bindings for the FANN C lib Installation Add this to your application's shard.yml: dependencies: crystal-fann: github: NeuraLegion/crystal-fann Usage Look at the spec for most