Protocol and Reference Implementation
Mercure is a protocol allowing to push data updates to web browsers and other HTTP clients in a convenient, fast, reliable and battery-efficient way.It is especially useful to publish async and real-time updates of resources served through web APIs, to reactive web and mobile apps.
The protocol has been published as an Internet Draft that is maintained in this repository.
A reference, production-grade, implementation of a Mercure hub (the server) is also available in this repository.It's a free software (AGPL) written in Go. It is provided along with a library that can be used in any Go application to implement the Mercure protocol directly (without a hub) and an official Docker image.
In addition, a managed and high-scalability version of the hub is available on
Created by Kévin Dunglas. Graphic design by Laury Sorriaux.Sponsored by
Petit montant mensuel avec 0% d'intérêt C'est un événement à ne pas manquer - vous voir samedi Le compte à rebours est samedi; ce Dimanche 12 mai 2013, Choisissez parmi de renommée mondiale des noms c
我在vue的Symfony下配置merure时遇到了问题。在. env文件中,我将mercureurls更改为使用超文本传输协议,因为它导致我的证书错误(包括在symfony中)。 . env 当我通过在示例中打开symfony应用程序http://localhost:8000并在控制台中添加此脚本进行测试时: 它正在工作,我可以在其他选项卡中发布一些更改。但当我在位于上的vue应用程序中执行相同
我试图在两个docker容器之间建立连接。一个是nginx服务器Symfony应用程序,另一个是Mercure。 我的应用程序工作正常,docker-comment构建也没有任何问题。问题是,当我试图测试它,并试图从Symfony应用程序发布一些东西到Mercure时,我得到了500个内部服务器错误,其中包含“未能发送更新”消息。 在堆栈跟踪中,我可以看到TransportException错误,