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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 神经网络/人工智能
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 咸弘雅
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Run TensorFlow models in c++ without Bazel, without TensorFlow installation and without compiling Tensorflow. Perform tensor manipulation, use eager execution and run saved models directly from C++.

// Read the graph
cppflow::model model("saved_model_folder");

// Load an image
auto input = cppflow::decode_jpeg(cppflow::read_file(std::string("image.jpg")));

// Cast it to float, normalize to range [0, 1], and add batch_dimension
input = cppflow::cast(input, TF_UINT8, TF_FLOAT);
input = input / 255.f;
input = cppflow::expand_dims(input, 0);

// Run
auto output = model(input);

// Show the predicted class
std::cout << cppflow::arg_max(output, 1) << std::endl;

You can take a look to the examples to see a full example on how to load a deep network and feed it with a sample image.

CppFlow uses Tensorflow C API to run the models, meaning you can use it without installing Tensorflow and without compiling the whole Tensorflow repository with bazel, you just need to download the C API. With this project you can manage and run your models in C++ without worrying about void, malloc or free. With CppFlow you easily can:

  • Open saved models created with Python
  • Execute Tensorflow neural networks in C++
  • Perform tensor manipulation directly from C++

How To Run It

Since it uses TensorFlow 2 C API you just have to download it, check the docs to see a guide on how to do it.

You can either install the library system wide or you can just place the contents of the archive in a folder called libtensorflow2 in your HOME directory.

Afterwards, you can run the examples:

git clone git@github.com:serizba/cppflow.git
cd cppflow/examples/load_model
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


Check the docs at https://serizba.github.io/cppflow/.

There you can find quickstart guides and more information about how to install the library and run the examples.


CppFlow is basically a wrapper over Tensorflow C API. The basic class, tensor is a wrapper of a TF eager tensor, and it just constains a pointer to its TF representation.

The TF C API provides the tools to call all the TF raw ops, but using them is confusing. CppFlow includes a facade over these functions, so they can be called easily as normal C++ functions. To achieve this, the file ops contains (mostly) all the TF raw ops functions, but with a simple C++ interface. This file has been generated automatically using a small script.

CppFlow also includes a wrapper on TF saved models, the model class, so they can be easily opened and executed.

There are still many things to implement... some of them may be:

  • Model complex invoking
  • Model eager API: Calling model with the eager API instead of the TF_SessionRun API. I have tried using TF_GraphToFunction but I could not achieve it.
  • Cover more raw_ops: Currently, the generator that creates the raw_ops facade converts many of the raw_ops but not all of them. Improve the generator to cover these cases (which are marked in the generator code).
  • Include testing

Cppflow 1

You can also use the older version of this work.


CppFlow is not related with TensorFlow. The CppFlow icon is a modified version of the TensorFlow logo. TensorFlow, the TensorFlow logo and any related marks are trademarks of Google Inc.

  • 实现,CppFlow2是一个Tensorflow C API的套娃 使用这个框架我本来是拒绝的,但是遇到 TensorFlow 2.4.0 C-API 函数 TF_StringDecode、TF_StringEncode 和 TF_StringEncodedSize 不再被使用,现已移除;关于 C 语言中的字符串访问/修改,请参见core/platform/ctstring.h。 这个消息后,原本

  • 首先要下载tensorflow c++的动态链接库,强烈建议不要去手动编译tensorflow的c接口,版本太难对应了,很多坑。 1.下载tensorflow c++的动态链接库 按照这个博客 https://blog.csdn.net/rong_toa/article/details/88857364 下载安装就行了 简单就是 wget https://storage.googleapis.co