Bitwarden Mobile Application The Bitwarden mobile application is written in C# with Xamarin Android, Xamarin iOS, and Xamarin Forms. Build/Run Requirements Visual Studio Xamarin Run the app Open the s
Jquery Mobile的策略可以很容易的概括:创建一个顶级的javascript库,在不同的智能手机和桌面电脑的web浏览器上,形成统一的用户ui. 要达到这个目标最关键的就是通过Jquery Mobile解决移动平台的多样性。我们一直致力于使Jquery支持所有的性能足够的和在市场占有一定份额的移动设备浏览器.所以 我们将手机网页浏览器和桌面浏览器的Jquery开发做同等重要的对待。 为了使
Why make TinyMCE mobile friendly? Simple. We live in a “mobile-first” world and expect a seamless experience between desktop and mobile. Our goal is to help you achieve this with as little effort as p
Burp Suite Mobile Assistant Burp Suite Mobile Assistant is a tool to facilitate testing of iOS apps with Burp Suite. If you do not already have Mobile Assistant installed, please see the help on Insta
layer mobile是为移动设备(手机、平板等webkit内核浏览器/webview)量身定做的弹层UI。由于是采用原生 JavaScript编写,所有并不依赖任何第三方库。layer mobile完全独立于PC版的layer,您需要按照场景选择使用。layer mobile正致力于成为您WebApp开发过程中弹出交互的不二选择。 演示:
RAP mobile provides a powerful widget toolkit that renders native iOS and Android widgets. It provides a proven technology stack with SWT, JFace and OSGi. You can write your application entirely in Ja