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Resources for nativescript vue
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所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
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Awesome NativeScript Vue

NativeScript-vue resource collection.

This is a document to be completed together. Collaboration with the "revision" branch.

Thank you




Slack NativeScript

Patreon to support the project NativeScript + Vue

Published Apps

Google Play

Salons Industriels

Apple Store

Salons Industriels


Getting Started with NativeScript-Vue 1.0

A Brief Intro to Using Vue.js with NativeScript

Nativescript-vue and vue-cli!

Enabling Debugging

Installing plugins in the vue-cli template

Using Plugins in a NativeScript-Vue App

Using Parse in NativeScript-Vue

Native apps with Vue.js: Weex or NativeScript? chapter 1 and chapter 2

Jen’s excellent FrontEndDeveloperLove and VueJsAmsterdam adventure

The Writing and Rewriting of EloCute: A NativeScript-Vue Story

Setting Up a Robust NativeScript-Vue Development Environment

Using NativeScript to build Particle-powered mobile apps

Unsung Heroes of Vue: Igor Randjelovic

Key-Value Local Storage in a Vue.js NativeScript App with Vuex

Data Management with SQLite and Vuex in a NativeScript-Vue App

Getting Started with building Mobile Apps with NativeScript and Vue.js

Make HTTP Requests to Remote Web Services in a NativeScript-Vue App

Include Feature-Rich Maps in a NativeScript-Vue App with Mapbox

Using Typescript in Nativescript-Vue Apps

Using Fonticons

Renderless Components in NativeScript-Vue

Native Mobile Apps in Javascript without the Hard Parts™

A Sneak Peek of NativeScript-Vue 2.0!

Behold! NativeScript-Vue 2.0!

NativeScript 5.2 Comes with Official Support for Vue.js

Learn NativeScript-Vue the Easy Way

Working with Vuex in Your NativeScript-Vue Application - Now with Cats!

NativeScript-Vue with Class Components

Code Sharing with NativeScript-Vue

Make HTTP Requests to Remote Web Services in a NativeScript-Vue App

Getting Your Route On with NativeScript-Vue: Episode One

Getting Your Route On with NativeScript-Vue: Episode Two

Tips for Vue Developers Picking Up NativeScript


Creating Engaging Mobile Apps with NativeScript and Vue

A New Vue for NativeScript

Jen Looper - Cheese Comparing NativeScript, Ionic, and React Native for Mobile App

Platform Specific NativeScript Vue Components

NativeScript-Vue Multiple Frames | NativeScript Tutorial

NativeScript Vue Manual Routing Function Typing

Using TypeScript Class Components in NativeScript Vue

NativeScript-Vue with TypeScript and Class Components


Create An Engaging Mobile App With NativeScript And Vue.Js

Code Examples:


Easy app for drawing circles

Example FontAwesome


TableDraw (example of using socket.io)

A NativeScript+Vue iOS and Android app for managing grocery lists

Web site and Mobile app for language teachers and their students

Realtime Location tracking app with Nativescript + Vue

A story about how I finally got Nativescript, Vue, Typescript, and Webpack 4 to be in the same room without screaming and hair-tearing.

Demo project of ns-vue with code sharing between web and native builds.

A native white-label application built with NativeScript-Vue for community radios


A sample repo to show how to integrate the Vue-CLI template with a router

A Vue-CLI (2.x) template with .vue file support.

Boilerplate app with Vuex, vue-router, side drawer, login page, etc.

  • https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue-awesome-swiper 官网 区别 vue-cli2 和vue-cli3 在于其中的 css 的样式不在不在 import 'swiper/css/swiper.css' vue-cli2 css 文件样式 import 'swiper/dist/css/swiper.css' 少去一个文件夹,这就是区别,其他是方法一样

  • 1)安装插件 npm install swiper vue-awesome-swiper@3.1.3 --save 2)引入 全局引入 在main.js中引入 import Vue from 'vue' import VueAwesomeSwiper from 'vue-awesome-swiper'; import 'swiper/dist/css/swiper.cs

  • web前端三大主流框架分别是什么?-群英 (qycn.com) web前端三大主流框架:1、Angular,是一种用于创建单一应用程序界面的前端框架,具有模块功能强大,拥有自定义命令等优点;2、react,是一个用来构建用户界面的JavaScript开发框架,主要用于构建UI;3、vue,是一套用于构建用户界面的渐进式JavaScript框架,Vue的核心库只关注视图层,并且非常容易学习,非常容易

  • 需求很简单,就是一个简单的图片轮播,本来想直接使用swiper,结果网上搜了下,在vue中使用的基本上都是vue-awesome-swiper,于是就开始了一系列的坑。中间过程不多介绍,直接说结果吧。 最好使用稳定版本 vue-awesome-swiper3.1.3,这样会让你少走坑。希望对你有帮助 1、安装 npm install vue-awesome-swiper3.1.3 --save

  • Vue中重点关注绿色字体部分 Vue-Awesome-Swiper Swiper4 component for Vue, support pc and mobile, SPA and SSR. If you need to roll back to Swiper3, use version v2.6.7. 基于 Swiper4、适用于 Vue 的轮播组件,支持服务端渲染和单页应用。 如果需要回退到

  • 安装  cnpm install vue-awesome-swiper --save-dev 在用到的模块页面中引用    js import { swiper, swiperSlide } from 'vue-awesome-swiper'; data(){ return{ swiperOption: { loop :true, au

  • 一般做移动端轮播图的时候,最常用的就是Swiper插件了,而vue.js也有一个轮播组件vue-awesome-swiper,用法跟swiper相似。 1.安装vie-awesome-swiper nam install vue-awesome-swiper --save-dev 2.引用vie-awesome-swiper组件,这里我是用vie-cli创建的项目,在main.js: import

  • 前言 项目安装swiper轮播后,启动报错: 错误信息如下: D:\code\zcw-vue-shop\zcw-vue-shop>npm run serve > zcw-vue-shop@0.1.0 serve D:\code\zcw-vue-shop\zcw-vue-shop > vue-cli

  • 安装 vue swiper npm install swiper@6.7.1 --save npm install vue-awesome-swiper --save <div class="swiper-container filmswiper"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide">

  • 下载 npm install vue-awesome-swiper@3 --save-dev  JS文件 <script> import { swiper, swiperSlide } from "vue-awesome-swiper"; export default{ components: { swiper, swiperSlide, }, data() { r

  • Awesome Awesome Node.js A curated list of awesome lists that are about or related to Node.js. Inspired by the awesome list thing, going deeper down the rabbit hole. �� Meta stuff about this awesome li

  • NativeScript 可以使用 Javascript,CSS, XML 创建真正的 Native 跨平台应用,支持 iOS Android,NativeScript 将您的跨平台代码翻译成目标平台的代码。 UI 使用 XML 描述,CSS 样式,在编译时将 UI 转化成本地原生代码,最终得到正在的 Native 原生应用。 Telerik 公开了用于创建安卓、iOS和Windows Unive

  • A curated list of awesome things related to Vite.js This awesome list is for Vite 2.x and onward. Vite 1.x's list is archived. Resources Official Resources 文档 GitHub Repo Release Notes Vue 3 Docs Awes

  • Awesome Python 是一个资源整理集合,由 vinta 发起和维护。内容包括:Web框架、网络爬虫、网络内容提取、模板引擎、数据库、数据可视化、图片处理、文本处理、自然语言处理、机器学习、日志、代码分析等。 这个系列没有推荐 Python 书籍、经典博文、交互教程,所以另外推荐:《25本免费的Python电子书》、《学习Python编程的11个(教程)资源》、《PythonMonk:Py

  • Font Awesome 是一个图标工具包。其已经被重新设计并从头构建。除此之外,还增加了一些功能,比如 icon font ligature、SVG 框架、流行的前端库(如 React)的官方 NPM 包,以及对新 CDN 的访问。Font Awesome 已扩展至 7,865 个图标。

  • awesome-android 收录了来自 github 或其他网站的关于 Android 的大部分库。