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Cross Platform Google Maps SDK for Nativescript
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript TypeScript
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 柯瀚海
操作系统 iOS
适用人群 未知

NativeScript plugin for the Google Maps SDK

This is a cross-platform (iOS & Android) Nativescript plugin for the Google Maps API.



iOS - Cocoapods must be installed.

Android - The latest version of the Google Play Services SDK must be installed.

Google Maps API Key - Visit the Google Developers Console, create a project, and enable the Google Maps Android API and Google Maps SDK for iOS APIs. Then, under credentials, create an API key.


Install the plugin using the NativeScript CLI tooling:

Nativescript 7+

tns plugin add nativescript-google-maps-sdk

Nativescript < 7

tns plugin add nativescript-google-maps-sdk@2.9.1


See demo code included here

See a live demo here

Configure API Key for Android

Nativescript < 4

Start by copying the necessary template resource files in to the Android app resources folder:

cp -r node_modules/nativescript-google-maps-sdk/platforms/android/res/values app/App_Resources/Android/

Next, modify your app/App_Resources/Android/values/nativescript_google_maps_api.xml file by uncommenting the nativescript_google_maps_api_key string, and replace PUT_API_KEY_HERE with the API key you created earlier.

Finally, modify your app/App_Resources/Android/AndroidManifest.xml file by inserting the following in between the <application> tags:

    android:value="@string/nativescript_google_maps_api_key" />

Nativescript 4+

Start by copying the necessary template resource files in to the Android app resources folder:

cp -r node_modules/nativescript-google-maps-sdk/platforms/android/res/values app/App_Resources/Android/src/main/res

Next, modify your app/App_Resources/Android/src/main/res/values/nativescript_google_maps_api.xml file by uncommenting the nativescript_google_maps_api_key string, and replace PUT_API_KEY_HERE with the API key you created earlier.

Finally, modify your app/App_Resources/Android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file by inserting the following in between your <application> tags:

    android:value="@string/nativescript_google_maps_api_key" />

The plugin will default to the latest available version of the Google Play Services SDK for Android. If you need to change the version, you can add a project.ext property, googlePlayServicesVersion, like so:

//   /app/App_Resources/Android/app.gradle

project.ext {
    googlePlayServicesVersion = "+"

Configure API Key for iOS

In your app.js, use the following code to add your API key (replace PUT_API_KEY_HERE with the API key you created earlier):

if (application.ios) {

If you are using Angular, modify your app.module.ts as follows:

import * as platform from "platform";
declare var GMSServices: any;


if (platform.isIOS) { 

Adding the MapView

Modify your view by adding the xmlns:maps="nativescript-google-maps-sdk" namespace to your <Page> tag, then use the <maps:mapView /> tag to create the MapView:

<!-- /app/main-page.xml -->

            latitude="{{ latitude }}"
            longitude="{{ longitude }}"
            zoom="{{ zoom }}"
            bearing="{{ bearing }}" 
            tilt="{{ tilt }}"
            mapAnimationsEnabled="{{ mapAnimationsEnabled }}"
            padding="{{ padding }}"


The following properties are available for adjusting the camera view:

Property Description and Data Type
latitude Latitude, in degrees: number
longitude Longitude, in degrees: number
zoom Zoom level (described here): number
bearing Bearing, in degrees: number
tilt Tilt, in degrees: number
padding Top, bottom, left and right padding amounts, in Device Independent Pixels: number[] (array)
mapAnimationsEnabled Whether or not to animate camera changes: Boolean


The following events are available:

Event Description
mapReady Fires when the MapView is ready for use
myLocationTapped Fires when the 'My Location' button is tapped
coordinateTapped Fires when a coordinate is tapped on the map
coordinateLongPress Fires when a coordinate is long-pressed on the map
markerSelect Fires when a marker is selected
markerBeginDragging Fires when a marker begins dragging
markerEndDragging Fires when a marker ends dragging
markerDrag Fires repeatedly while a marker is being dragged
markerInfoWindowTapped Fires when a marker's info window is tapped
markerInfoWindowClosed Fires when a marker's info window is closed
shapeSelect Fires when a shape (e.g., Circle, Polygon, Polyline) is selected (Note: you must explicity configure shape.clickable = true; for this event to fire)
cameraChanged Fires after the camera has changed
cameraMove Fires repeatedly while the camera is moving
indoorBuildingFocused Fires when a building is focused on (the building currently centered, selected by the user or by the location provider)
indoorLevelActivated Fires when the level of the focused building changes

Native Map Object

The MapView's gMap property gives you access to the platform's native map object–––consult the appropriate SDK reference on how to use it: iOS | Android

UI Settings

You can adjust the map's UI settings after the mapReady event has fired by configuring the following properties on mapView.settings:

Property Description and Data Type
compassEnabled Whether the compass is enabled or not: Boolean
indoorLevelPickerEnabled Whether the indoor level picker is enabled or not: Boolean
mapToolbarEnabled ** Android only ** Whether the map toolbar is enabled or not: Boolean
myLocationButtonEnabled Whether the 'My Location' button is enabled or not: Boolean
rotateGesturesEnabled Whether the compass is enabled or not: Boolean
scrollGesturesEnabled Whether map scroll gestures are enabled or not: Boolean
tiltGesturesEnabled Whether map tilt gestures are enabled or not: Boolean
zoomGesturesEnabled Whether map zoom gestures are enabled or not: Boolean
zoomControlsEnabled ** Android only ** Whether map zoom controls are enabled or not: Boolean


Use gMap.setStyle(style); to set the map's styling (Google Maps Style Reference | Styling Wizard).


Use this.mapView.setStyle(<Style>JSON.parse(this.styles)); inside of the onMapReady event handler. In this example, this.mapView is the MapView object and this.styles is a reference to a JSON file that was created using the Styling Wizard. The <Style> type was imported from the plugin as { Style }.

Basic Example

//  /app/main-page.js

var mapsModule = require("nativescript-google-maps-sdk");

function onMapReady(args) {
    var mapView = args.object;
    console.log("Setting a marker...");
    var marker = new mapsModule.Marker();
    marker.position = mapsModule.Position.positionFromLatLng(-33.86, 151.20);
    marker.title = "Sydney";
    marker.snippet = "Australia";
    marker.userData = { index : 1};
    // Disabling zoom gestures
    mapView.settings.zoomGesturesEnabled = false;

function onMarkerSelect(args) {
    console.log("Clicked on " +args.marker.title);

function onCameraChanged(args) {
    console.log("Camera changed: " + JSON.stringify(args.camera)); 

function onCameraMove(args) {
    console.log("Camera moving: "+JSON.stringify(args.camera));

exports.onMapReady = onMapReady;
exports.onMarkerSelect = onMarkerSelect;
exports.onCameraChanged = onCameraChanged;
exports.onCameraMove = onCameraMove;

Custom Info Windows (Beta)

[!WARNING]if you are using NS7 infoWindowTemplate won't work from a xml file! a temporary solution will be declaring infoWindow Template from the code behind like this :

var mapView = null;

export function onMapReady(args) {
    mapView = args.object;
    mapView.infoWindowTemplate = `<StackLayout orientation="vertical" width="200" height="150" >
        <Label text="{{title}}" className="title" width="125"   />
        <Label text="{{snippet}}" className="snippet" width="125"   />
        <Label text="{{'LAT: ' + position.latitude}}" className="infoWindowCoordinates"  />
        <Label text="{{'LON: ' + position.longitude}}" className="infoWindowCoordinates"  />

To use custom marker info windows, define a template in your view like so:

<!-- /app/main-page.xml -->
       <maps:mapView mapReady="onMapReady">
            <!-- Default Info Window Template -->       		
                <StackLayout orientation="vertical" width="200" height="150" >
                    <Label text="{{title}}" className="title" width="125"   />
                    <Label text="{{snippet}}" className="snippet" width="125"   />
                    <Label text="{{'LAT: ' + position.latitude}}" className="infoWindowCoordinates"  />
                    <Label text="{{'LON: ' + position.longitude}}" className="infoWindowCoordinates"  />
            <!-- Keyed Info Window Templates -->   
                <template key="testWindow">
                    <StackLayout orientation="vertical" width="160" height="160" >
                        <Image src="res://icon" stretch="fill"  height="100" width="100" className="infoWindowImage" />
                        <Label text="Let's Begin!" className="title" />

...and set the infoWindowTemplate property like so:

var marker = new mapsModule.Marker();
marker.infoWindowTemplate = 'testWindow';

This will configure the marker to use the info window template with the given key. If no template with that key is found, then it will use the default info window template.

** Known issue: remote images fail to display in iOS info windows (local images work fine)

Usage with Angular

See Angular demo code included here

// /app/map-example.component.ts

import {Component, ElementRef, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {registerElement} from "nativescript-angular/element-registry";

// Important - must register MapView plugin in order to use in Angular templates
registerElement("MapView", () => require("nativescript-google-maps-sdk").MapView);

    selector: 'map-example-component',
    template: `
        <MapView (mapReady)="onMapReady($event)"></MapView>
export class MapExampleComponent {

    @ViewChild("MapView") mapView: ElementRef;

    //Map events
    onMapReady = (event) => {
        console.log("Map Ready");

Angular 8 Support

If you are using Angular 8, there is a temporary fix needed for the @ViewChild directive, and will not be needed in Angular 9:

@ViewChild("MapView", {static: false}) mapView: ElementRef;

Clustering Support (Issue #57)

There is a seperate plugin in development thanks to @naderio: see nativescript-google-maps-utils.

Get Help

Checking with the Nativescript community is your best bet for getting help.

If you have a question, start by seeing if anyone else has encountered the scenario on Stack Overflow. If you cannot find any information, try asking the question yourself. Make sure to add any details needed to recreate the issue and include the “NativeScript” and "google-maps" tags, so your question is visible to the NativeScript community.

If you need more help than the Q&A format Stack Overflow can provide, try joining the NativeScript community Slack. The Slack chat is a great place to get help troubleshooting problems, as well as connect with other NativeScript developers.

Finally, if you have found an issue with the NativeScript Google Maps SDK itself, or requesting a new feature, please report them here Issues.

  • nativescript-google-maps-utils NativeScript Google Maps SDK utility library to support features such as marker clustering, heatmap, ... State Android implemented. iOS not implemented. Dependencies nat

  • 单击标记后,我试图更改缩放级别。我尝试在onMarkerEvent()中重新定义缩放: 有什么办法解决这个问题吗?我觉得可能是我忘记了一些基本的东西。 谢了!

  • 当我试图使用nativescript 7.2.0 Angular 8和nativescript-google-maps-sdk 3.0.2: 在android模拟器上替换谷歌地图时,我遇到了这个错误 js:错误错误:未捕获(在promise中):typeerror:nativescript_core__webpack_imported_module_1_。属性不是构造函数js:typeerror:

  • 我已经在我的NativeScript2.0项目中安装了nativescript-google-maps-sdk插件。 在app.gradle文件中,我添加了对com.google.android.gms:play-services-maps:8.3.0包的引用。 但是没有什么帮助...我仍然有一个空白的屏幕,有谷歌的标志,但没有地图。

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