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💈 React Native loading spinner overlay
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 呼延修然
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

React Native Loading Spinner Overlay

Table of Contents



npm install react-native-loading-spinner-overlay


yarn add react-native-loading-spinner-overlay


See the example App.js file for an example implementation.


Property Type Default Description
cancelable Boolean false Android: If set to false, it will prevent spinner from hiding when pressing the hardware back button. If set to true, it will allow spinner to hide if the hardware back button is pressed.
color String "white" Changes the spinner's color (example values are red, #ff0000, etc). For adjusting the contrast see overlayColor prop below.
animation String (enum) none, slide, fade "none" Changes animation on show and hide spinner's view.
overlayColor String rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) Changes the color of the overlay.
size String (enum) small, normal, large "large" Sets the spinner's size. No other cross-platform sizes are supported right now.
textContent String "" Optional text field to be shown.
textStyle StyleSheet - The style to be applied to the <Text> that displays the textContent.
visible Boolean false Controls the visibility of the spinner.
indicatorStyle StyleSheet undefined Additional styles for the ActivityIndicator to inherit
customIndicator Element undefined An alternative, custom component to use instead of the default <ActivityIndicator />
children Element undefined Children element(s) to nest inside the spinner

Recommended Implementation

We recommend that you follow two rules when implementing this component.

  1. Integrate it inside the parent-most/top-level/root component in your app

  2. Wrap usage of actions after attempting to stop the spinner with setTimeout to avoid the non-stop spinner issue:

    this.setState({ spinner: false });
    setTimeout(() => {
      Alert.alert('Oops!', err.message);
    }, 100);


Name Website
Nick Baugh http://niftylettuce.com
Spencer Snyder http://spencersnyder.io
Luciano Lima
George Savvidis
Sandro Machado
Ben Sutter
Ivan Kuznetsov
Darren Camp
Rigo B Castro
Raj Kissu
Ivan Pusic
Antonio Grass
Vijay Chouhan
Jacob Lee
Matt Labrum


MIT © Nick Baugh

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  • The React Native environment has a lot of little quirks, so this documentation is aimed at helping smooth those over. Please feel free to create issues on GitHub for recommendations and additions to t