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Library for stream in RTMP and RTSP. All code in Java.
If you need a player see this project:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<!--Optional for play store-->
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" android:required="false" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.autofocus" android:required="false" />
To use this library in your project with gradle add this to your build.gradle:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.pedroSG94.rtmp-rtsp-stream-client-java:rtplibrary:2.1.1'
In library version 2.0.9, the filters was refactored. Check the wiki link to migrate your implementation.
This code is a basic example.I recommend you go to Activities in app module and see all examples.
//create builder
RtmpCamera1 rtmpCamera1 = new RtmpCamera1(openGlView, connectCheckerRtmp);
//start stream
if (rtmpCamera1.prepareAudio() && rtmpCamera1.prepareVideo()) {
} else {
/**This device cant init encoders, this could be for 2 reasons: The encoder selected doesnt support any configuration setted or your device hasnt a H264 or AAC encoder (in this case you can see log error valid encoder not found)*/
//stop stream
//with params
//create builder
RtmpCamera1 rtmpCamera1 = new RtmpCamera1(openGlView, connectCheckerRtmp);
//start stream
if (rtmpCamera1.prepareAudio(int bitrate, int sampleRate, boolean isStereo, boolean echoCanceler,
boolean noiseSuppressor) && rtmpCamera1.prepareVideo(int width, int height, int fps, int bitrate, int rotation)) {
} else {
/**This device cant init encoders, this could be for 2 reasons: The encoder selected doesnt support any configuration setted or your device hasnt a H264 or AAC encoder (in this case you can see log error valid encoder not found)*/
//stop stream
//create builder
//by default TCP protocol.
RtspCamera1 rtspCamera1 = new RtspCamera1(openGlView, connectCheckerRtsp);
//start stream
if (rtspCamera1.prepareAudio() && rtspCamera1.prepareVideo()) {
} else {
/**This device cant init encoders, this could be for 2 reasons: The encoder selected doesnt support any configuration setted or your device hasnt a H264 or AAC encoder (in this case you can see log error valid encoder not found)*/
//stop stream
//with params
//create builder
RtspCamera1 rtspCamera1 = new RtspCamera1(openGlView, connectCheckerRtsp);
//start stream
if (rtspCamera1.prepareAudio(int bitrate, int sampleRate, boolean isStereo, boolean echoCanceler,
boolean noiseSuppressor) && rtspCamera1.prepareVideo(int width, int height, int fps, int bitrate, int rotation)) {
} else {
/**This device cant init encoders, this could be for 2 reasons: The encoder selected doesnt support any configuration setted or your device hasnt a H264 or AAC encoder (in this case you can see log error valid encoder not found)*/
//stop stream
RTSP、 RTMP、HTTP的共同点、区别 共同点: 1:RTSP RTMP HTTP都是在应用应用层。 2: 理论上RTSP RTMPHTTP都可以做直播和点播,但一般做直播用RTSP RTMP,做点播用HTTP。做视频会议的时候原来用SIP协议,现在基本上被RTMP协议取代了。 区别: 1:HTTP: 即超文本传送协议(ftp即文件传输协议)。 HTTP:(Real Time Strea
视频-Android上的实时流RTMP / RTSP播放器,无需使用webview(WOWZA服务器) 我正在开发一个Android应用程序,我想在其中发布和播放视频... 我想要的是: 我的应用记录了一个视频,该视频已发送到服务器 录制的视频将同时直播到另一个Android设备。 我已经使用javac和ffmpeg完成了第一个任务。 我被困在第二项任务中。 我进行了大量搜索以从服务器流式传输视频
要将视频从IP cam流到Youtube,我使用的代码(通过Ubunu):ffmpeg-f lavfi-I anullsrc-rtsp\u transport tcp-Irtsp://user:psw@ zerolatency-vcodec libx264-pix\u fmt-c:v copy-c:a aac-strict experimental-f
rtmp 1.0规范中,指定了RTMP的握手协议: c0/s0:一个字节,说明是明文还是加密。 c1/s1: 1536字节,4字节时间,4字节0x00,1528字节随机数 c2/s2: 1536字节,4字节时间1,4字节时间2,1528随机数和s1相同。 这个就是srs以及其他开源软件所谓的simple handshake,简单握手,标准握手,FMLE也是使用这个握手协议。 Flash播放器连接服
docker nginx rtmp 一个Dockerfile从源代码安装NGINX,nginx-rtmp-module和FFmpeg HLS实时流媒体的默认设置。 建立在Alpine Linux上。 Nginx 1.15.3 (从源代码编译) nginx-rtmp-module 1.2.1 (从源代码编译) ffmpeg 4.0.2 (从源代码编译) 默认HLS设置(见: nginx.conf)
一个采用MIT协议授权的国产的简单的RTMP/HLS 直播服务器,其核心的价值理念在于简单高效。 使用方法: tep 1: build srs tar xf simple-rtmp-server-*.*.tar.gzcd simple-rtmp-server-*.*/trunk./configure --with-ssl --with-hlsmake step 2: start srs ./obj
战斗民族俄罗斯人民开发的一款NGINX的流媒体插件,除了直播发布音视频流之外具备流媒体服务器的常见功能 比如推拉流媒体资源 基于HTTP的FLV/MP4 VOD点播 HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) M3U8的支持 基于http的操作(发布、播放、录制) 可以很好的协同现有的流媒体服务器以及播放器一起工作 在线调用ffmpeg对流媒体进行转码 H264/AAC音视频编码格式的支持
anyRTC-RTMP-OpenSource anyRTC-RTMP开源项目即将迎来2.0版本,本项目是开源的客户端,基于RTMP协议的推流拉流,采用跨平台架构设计,一套代码支持Android、iOS、Windows、Mac、Ubuntu等平台。 直播涉及的流程:『音视频采集->编码->传输->解码->音视频渲染』本项目统统包含,这不是软文,这是实实在在的商业级实战代码;无论是你新手还是老司机,我