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App Debugging & Inspection Tool for Android
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 吴德辉
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Hyperion - App Inspection Tool

What is it?

Hyperion is a hidden plugin drawer that can easily be integrated into any app. The drawer sits discreetly �� under the app so that it is there when you need it and out of the way when you don't. Hyperion plugins are designed to make inspection of your app quick and simple.

Please see our announcement blog post for a feature showcase.

Demo Attribute inspector

Third-Party Plugins

Be one of the first to create a third-party plugin. The plugin creation guide is a work in progress, but if you are feeling ambitious you can reference the plugins we have already created.

To create your own plugin, implement the Plugin interface and expose the implementation as a service. The plugins made available in this repository leverage Google's AutoService annotation processor to generate the service metadata and simplify the process.

How To Show Hyperion Plugin List

Once Hyperion is integrated into your app, simply shake your phone to activate. If you are running your app on an emulator, you can manually open the menu by calling Hyperion.open(Activity activity). You can also open the menu by selecting the foreground notification that appears while the client app is in the foreground.

Sample App

Want to learn how to use Hyperion? The sample app will teach you!

Build the example project by cloning the repo, run ./gradlew assemble from the root directory, then open in Android Studio and run.


min SDK 15


Download via Maven:


or Gradle:

debugImplementation 'com.willowtreeapps.hyperion:hyperion-core:0.9.33'

If you reference Hyperion from your code, you should also compile the no-op artifact for release variants. For most users, this will not be necessary:

releaseImplementation 'com.willowtreeapps.hyperion:hyperion-core-no-op:0.9.33'

If you want to be on the bleeding-edge, you can try out the SNAPSHOT version.

repositories {
  maven { url "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots" }
dependencies {
  debugImplementation 'com.willowtreeapps.hyperion:hyperion-core:0.9.33-SNAPSHOT'


Include the core library along with any number of plugins.

debugImplementation 'com.willowtreeapps.hyperion:hyperion-core:0.9.33'
debugImplementation 'com.willowtreeapps.hyperion:hyperion-attr:0.9.33'
debugImplementation 'com.willowtreeapps.hyperion:hyperion-build-config:0.9.33'
debugImplementation 'com.willowtreeapps.hyperion:hyperion-crash:0.9.33'
debugImplementation 'com.willowtreeapps.hyperion:hyperion-disk:0.9.33'
debugImplementation 'com.willowtreeapps.hyperion:hyperion-geiger-counter:0.9.33'
debugImplementation 'com.willowtreeapps.hyperion:hyperion-measurement:0.9.33'
debugImplementation 'com.willowtreeapps.hyperion:hyperion-phoenix:0.9.33'
debugImplementation 'com.willowtreeapps.hyperion:hyperion-recorder:0.9.33'
debugImplementation 'com.willowtreeapps.hyperion:hyperion-shared-preferences:0.9.33'
debugImplementation 'com.willowtreeapps.hyperion:hyperion-timber:0.9.33'

Adding Plugins

Hyperion plugins need to be added into the app at build time.By default, Hyperion automatically finds every plugin that is available in the project using the Java Service Locator.

Contributing to Hyperion

Contributions are welcome. Please see the Contributing guidelines.

Hyperion has adopted a code of conduct defined by the Contributor Covenant, the same used by the Swift language and countless other open source software teams.

Plugin Descriptions

The following is a list of all plugins that integrate with Hyperion. Please make a pull request if you would like to see your plugin here:

Core Plugins

Third Party Plugins


Hyperion is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

About WillowTree!

We build apps, responsive sites, bots—any digital product that lives on a screen—for the world’s leading companies. Our elite teams challenge themselves to build extraordinary experiences by bridging the latest strategy and design thinking with enterprise-grade software development.

Interested in working on more unique projects like Hyperion? Check out our careers page.

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