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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 夹谷苗宣
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

re-start �� �� ��


Aim of the project

  • Target multiple platforms (Android, iOS, Web, Windows[UWP] and Electron[macOS,Linux, Windows]) with react native' APIs and a single codebase.
  • Follow best practices while doing the above.
  • Cut out the time and effort it takes to setup the project (based oncreate-react-app).
  • Achieve write once run everywherewith react-native (though react strictly says 'Learn once use anywhere').
  • Mitigate git cloning or manual upgrading of boiler plates, which is possiblebecause this project is a react-nativetemplate. ��

Structure of the project

  • This project comprises of several templates that are curated keeping in mindthe various use cases of initiating a new project. Based on your requirementsand preferences, you can choose a templates that suits your you case the best.
Template Name Description Version
re-base The most basic version that runs on all platforms
re-dux re-base with redux wired out of the box
re-route re-base with react-router wired out of the box
re-start re-base combined with redux and react-router



  • Node.js & npm
  • react-native CLI (npm install -g react-native-cli)


  1. Create a new react-native project using react-native-cli and specifyre-base as a template:
    react-native init <Your Project Name> --template re-base
  2. React Native don't support templates inheritance. If you want to use aderived template like re-dux or re-route, install them directly on top ofthe just created project. You'll probably get a warning about the projectalready exists, just say it yes to overwrite the needed files.
    react-native init <Your Project Name> --template re-dux
    react-native init <Your Project Name> --template re-route
    react-native init <Your Project Name> --template re-start
    re-start template depend of both re-route and re-dux, be sure toinstall them first in that order.
  3. Since react-native-template doesn't support adding custom scripts topackage.json, exec ./finishInstall.js to finish the projectconfiguration.
  4. Your project should now be ready to build apps for the different platforms.

Run the project on a specific platform


npm/yarn run android
npm/yarn run ios

In case of problems, thistutorialwill help you to configure your environment.

Desktop (Electron)

npm/yarn run electron


npm/yarn run web


npm/yarn run windows

Windows platforms needs to have installed the Windows 10 SDK Build 14393 to beable to be build. A certificate is needed to sign the binary, follow theinstructionsto create or update the sign certificate. After that, a pop-up window wouldappear during the first time you exec the build process asking to install thecertificate you've just created, just accept it.

Build for production


npm/yarn run android:release


npm/yarn run electron:release

If you are running this on Linux or OSX, this will need you have wine 1.6installed in your system because setting the Windows app icon makes usageinternally of the node-rcedit package.


npm/yarn run ios:release


npm/yarn run web:release

This will build your production ready bundle


npm/yarn run windows:release

Some very useful cross platform compatible libraries


  • support for web (react-native-web_improved)
  • support for Windows (react-native-windows)
  • Support for electron
  • Compatibility with React 16
  • Add Docs and FAQs
  • Configure Travis and Greenkeeper
  • Interactive CLI to create templates and components

Running demo on Web, Android, iOS, Windows(Universal) and Electron


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Amogh Banta

�� �� �� �� �� ⚠️

Jesús Leganés-Combarro

�� �� �� ⚠️ �� ��

Ankit Popli

�� �� ��

Christopher Hein

�� ��



Full list of contributors can be found here.

Companies that contribute to re-start's development



  • #!/bin/bash APP_NAME="" usage(){ echo “Usage: sh 执行脚本.sh [start|stop|restart|status]” exit 1 } #重启所有应用 restart_all(){ for var in almbi*.jar;do echo "jar-name:: v a r " A P P N A M E = var" APP_NAME= v

  • sconst.inc                                                                                               proc.h P_STACKBASE equ 0                                                     typedef struct s_s

  • 参考 1、shell脚本start、stop、restart_爱学习 爱分享的博客-CSDN博客 2、echo 拼接字符串:https://www.csdn.net/tags/OtTacg1sMTc5MS1ibG9n.html 3、字符串判空: shell判断字符串为空的方法-linux运维-PHP中文网   1、学一下while read line  这个命令对于批量关闭某些进程的遍历很有用 [

  • service nginx reload 重新加载配置文件 reload不用重启服务,直接重新加载配置文件,客户端感觉不到服务异常,平滑切换。 service nginx restart 重启 stop+start 转载于:https://blog.51cto.com/jschu/1729685

  •   RetargetAction是eclipse里非常好的action机制:可以起到非常好的动态绑定功能:        比如保存按钮,当打开不同编辑器时,会执行对应编辑器的保存action.这样就达到了完美共享,动态绑定的作用,这个动态绑定主要是通过监听活动part来达到的。 要使用retarget,必须有两样东西:一是一个retarget的实例,一个是真正的action. 下面我们以一个创建d

  • 改Java代码:redeploy 改配置:重启Tomcat即restart 修改jsp:不需重启,刷新即可 redeploy是把当前的一个项目重新部署到Tomcat服务器上(一个Web项目) restart是Tomcat服务器的重启,服务器上可以部署很多的项目;restart的一部分效果是:把服务器上部署的所有项目重新部署一次,所以这部分效果的本质就是重新部署所有的Web项目;还有一部分效果是对T

  • http://blog.csdn.net/linux_devices_driver/article/details/17928663 Reboot传递参数,使得开机进入参数固定的模式(通常有我们熟悉的bootloader和recovery等),本质是在kernel shutdown时会调用到restart, 将模式数值写到share memory中,那么在开机bootloader阶段,再去读取这块

  • reload,重新加载的意思,reload会重新加载配置文件,nginx服务不会中断,而且reload时会测试conf语法等,如果出错会rollback用上一次正确配置文件保持正常运行。 restart,重启,会重启nginx服务。这个重启会造成服务一瞬间的中断,当然如果配置文件出错会导致服务启动失败,那就是更长时间的服务中断了。 所以,根据不同情况使用不同命令最好不过了。

  • reload一般只是从新读取一次配置文件。   restart则是把进程停掉,从头启动一次。   restart自然也就reload了。   但是对于大型服务,restart可能不方便。 转载于:https://blog.51cto.com/beijingdba/1422633

  • 认识什么是linux 系统。linux系统是类unix操作系统,unix是由AT&T公司下属的贝尔实验室员工开发。一开始是为了解决多任务线程问题,当系统一开始被开发出来时。AT&T公司并没有嗅到商业的气息。它前期只是被拿来用于高校学生学习使用。一开始源码都是免费使用。可后来随着发展,公司看到了它的商业价值,于是停止了对所有使用者的免费授权使用。不再允许高校的老师用它来教学。人们想法总是不同的,其中

  • 第一部分 一,基本概念 Oracle restart是一个11g新加入的特性 作用:安装Oracle restart后,当由于硬件或者软件故障加载失败或者数据库由于某些原因重启后,oracle的各种组件能够自动重启 可以重启的组件内容:(也就是由oracle restart管理的组件)   Component       Notes       Database  instance       O

  • 例如,要重启sshd服务: 检查服务是否存在 service sshd status 重启服务 service sshd restart

  • 在Linux系统中部署或使用某服务时,就需要重启某个服务。重启服务的方式有两种:“restart”、“reload” restart 执行"systemctl restart xxx"命令,就可以执行对某服务重启的操作,但是对于需要网路连接的服务,使用"restart"立刻重启的方式重启服务,有时会出现卡顿的情况。 "restart"重启是立刻重启,即使有客户端正在和服务端进行着数据传输,执行"s

  • 1.项目的性能优化怎样做的?         图片懒加载,包括对图片的压缩,使用的是loaders,在webpack里面进行的配置,然后在vue.config.js里面开启了gzip压缩,让打包的资源体积进一步缩小,然后使用cdn的缓存,同时把那些不会改变的包使用cdn缓存,不打包到整体的生产包中,里面的externals会把它分离。路由懒加载是根据webpack的chunkname进行的一个分包

  • re-pattern 返回java.util.regex.Pattern的实例。 然后将其用于进一步的模式匹配方法。 语法 (Syntax) 以下是语法。 (re-pattern pat) Parameters - 'pat'是需要形成的模式。 Return Value - java.util.regex.Pattern类型的模式对象。 例子 (Example) 以下是Clojure中重新模式的

  • Kiki 是一个基于 Python/wxPython 环境的正则表达式测试工具,通过输入正则表达式和要匹配的文本,Kiki 将高亮显示匹配到的字符串和匹配的数量。

  • re-quests Declarative Networking for React. Quick Start 1. Install with NPM (or Yarn) npm install --save re-quests 2. Fire up a network request by rendering the Request. import Request from 're-quests

  • re-graph re-graph is a graphql client for Clojure and ClojureScript with bindings for re-frame applications. Notes This library behaves like the popular Apollo clientfor graphql and as such is compati

  • re-base 是基于 Relay 的构建 ReactJS 和 Firebase 应用的工具库,结合了 React 和 Firebase 的优势,允许每个组件指定自身的数据依赖,无需关注数据持久化,专注于应用的关键问题。 特性: syncState:组件状态和 Firebase 端点的双向数据绑定 bindToState:单向数据绑定 listenTo fetch post:添加新数据到 Fire

  • RE-Googl是一个ida pro反汇编交互式插件,它可以自动通过google查询二进制反汇编过程中包含的函数相关信息。排在前面的结果将会以注释的方式显示,显示的信息是一个链接,双击可以打开。RE-Googl首先需要IDA,然后需要 IDAPython,最后需要安装Google Data APIs for Python。