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开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 蒙化
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Flutter Local Notifications plugin

This repository consists hosts the following packages

These can be found in the corresponding directories within the same name. Most developers are likely here as they are looking to use the flutter_local_notifications plugin. There is a readme file within each directory with more information.


If you run into bugs, please raise them on the GitHub repository. Please do not email them to me as GitHub is the appropriate place for them and allows for members of the community to answer questions, particularly if I miss the email. It would also be much appreciated if they could be limited to actual bugs or feature requests. If you're looking at how you could use the plugin to do a particular kind of notification, check the example app provides detailed code samples for each supported feature. Also try to check the README first in case you have missed something e.g. platform-specific setup.


The guidelines around submitting pull requests can be found here

  • 通知是应用程序中必不可少的内容之一。通知用于向用户发送信息/消息或通知用户应用程序中发生的重要事情,以便应用程序更具交互性。 有两种类型的通知: 本地通知 (LN),允许本地消息传递。 推送通知 (PN)允许消息通过后端服务器。 在 Flutter 中,可以根据应用的需要使用许多通知插件,例如firebase_messaging、onesignal_flutter和flutter_local_no

  • Hello, I’m Shendi 整了好久,记录一下 引入库 # 系统通知插件 flutter_local_notifications: ^9.1.5 在 dart 中导入 import 'package:flutter_local_notifications/flutter_local_notifications.dart'; 初始化 首先需要创建通知插件 final FlutterLoc

  • 目录 一、背景 二、第三方消息推送——个推 1、简介 2、注册开通 3、自定义消息推送——透传 三、项目集成 1、个推客户端flutter插件 2、Android和IOS配置 3、通知栏插件flutter_local_notifications 4、个推消息与通知栏整合 最后 Flutter是谷歌的移动UI框架,可以快速在iOS和Android上构建高质量的原生用户界面。 Flutter可以与现有