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开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 索嘉石
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Android Architecture Blueprints v2

Illustration by Virginia Poltrack

Android Architecture Blueprints is a project to showcase different architectural approaches to developing Android apps. In its different branches you'll find the same app (a TODO app) implemented with small differences.

In this branch you'll find:

  • Kotlin Coroutines for background operations.
  • A single-activity architecture, using the Navigation component to manage fragment operations.
  • A presentation layer that contains a fragment (View) and a ViewModel per screen (or feature).
  • Reactive UIs using LiveData observables and Data Binding.
  • A data layer with a repository and two data sources (local using Room and remote) that are queried with one-shot operations (no listeners or data streams).
  • Two product flavors, mock and prod, to ease development and testing (except in the Dagger branch).
  • A collection of unit, integration and e2e tests, including "shared" tests that can be run on emulator/device or Robolectric.


This project hosts each sample app in separate repository branches. For more information, see the README.md file in each branch.

Stable samples - Kotlin

Sample Description
master The base for the rest of the branches.
Uses Kotlin, Architecture Components, coroutines, Data Binding, etc. and uses Room as source of truth, with a reactive UI.
A simple Dagger setup that uses dagger-android and removes the two flavors.
Adds a new domain layer that uses UseCases for business logic.

Old samples - Kotlin and Java

Blueprints v1 had a collection of samples that are not maintained anymore, but can still be useful. See all project branches.

Why a to-do app?

A demo illustraating the UI of the app

The app in this project aims to be simple enough that you can understand it quickly, but complex enough to showcase difficult design decisions and testing scenarios. For more information, see the app's specification.

What is it not?

  • A UI/Material Design sample. The interface of the app is deliberately kept simple to focus on architecture. Check out Plaid instead.
  • A complete Jetpack sample covering all libraries. Check out Android Sunflower or the advanced Github Browser Sample instead.
  • A real production app with network access, user authentication, etc. Check out the Google I/O app, Santa Tracker or Tivi for that.

Who is it for?

  • Intermediate developers and beginners looking for a way to structure their app in a testable and maintainable way.
  • Advanced developers looking for quick reference.

Opening a sample in Android Studio

To open one of the samples in Android Studio, begin by checking out one of the sample branches, and then open the root directory in Android Studio. The following series of steps illustrate how to open the usecases sample.

Clone the repository:

git clone git@github.com:googlesamples/android-architecture.git

This step checks out the master branch. If you want to change to a different sample:

git checkout usecases

Note: To review a different sample, replace usecases with the name of sample you want to check out.

Finally open the android-architecture/ directory in Android Studio.


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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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  • googlesamples/android-architecture https://github.com/googlesamples/android-architecture

  • 前段时间学习了 Google Samples MVP android-architecture todo-mvp/ 了解了 MVP 基本使用方法,以及 UseCase 的使用,之后也用在项目当中,确实带来了一些好处,比如:数据和 UI 拆分,UseCase 执行重用,使用线程池等等,之后了解了 RxJava,有必要合并 mvp 使用下,参考官方 Google Samples github todo

  • Android Architecture Components samples A collection of samples using the Architecture Components: Room Lifecycle-aware components ViewModels LiveData Samples The Architecture Components and these sam

  • 官方文档:https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/index.html 官方实例:https://github.com/googlesamples/android-architecture-components 注意:目前该架构还处于alpha阶段,涉及到的相关Api,比如ViewModel、Lifecycle、Live

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