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A collection of android security related resources
授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 柯永福
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

android-security-awesome Lint Test

A collection of android security related resources.

  1. Tools
  2. Academic/Research/Publications/Books
  3. Exploits/Vulnerabilities/Bugs


Online Analyzers

  1. AndroTotal
  2. Appknox - not free
  3. AVC UnDroid
  4. Virustotal - max 128MB
  5. Fraunhofer App-ray - not free
  6. AppCritique - Upload your Android APKs and receive comprehensive free security assessments.
  7. NowSecure Lab Automated - Enterprise tool for mobile app security testing both Android and iOS mobile apps. Lab Automated features dynamic and static analysis on real devices in the cloud to return results in minutes. Not free
  8. AMAaaS - Free Android Malware Analysis Service. A baremetal service features static and dynamic analysis for Android applications. A product of MalwarePot.
  9. App Detonator - Detonate APK binary to provide source code level details including app author, signature, build and manifest information. 3 Analysis/day free quota.
  10. BitBaan
  11. Pithus - Open-Source APK analyzer. Still in Beta for the moment and limited to static analysis for the moment. Possible to hunt malwares with Yara rules. More here.
  12. Approver - Approver is a fully automated security analysis and risk assessment platform for Android and iOS apps. Not free.
  13. NVISO ApkScan - sunsetting on Oct 31, 2019
  14. Mobile Malware Sandbox
  15. IBM Security AppScan Mobile Analyzer - not free
  16. Visual Threat - no longer an Android app analyzer
  17. Tracedroid
  18. habo - 10/day
  19. CopperDroid
  20. SandDroid
  21. Stowaway
  22. Anubis
  23. Mobile app insight
  24. Mobile-Sandbox
  25. Ijiami
  26. Comdroid
  27. Android Sandbox
  28. Foresafe
  29. Dexter
  30. MobiSec Eacus
  31. Fireeye- max 60MB 15/day

Static Analysis Tools

  1. Androwarn - detect and warn the user about potential malicious behaviours developed by an Android application.
  2. ApkAnalyser
  3. APKInspector
  4. Droid Intent Data Flow Analysis for Information Leakage
  5. DroidLegacy
  6. Smali CFG generator
  7. FlowDroid
  8. Android Decompiler – not free
  9. PSCout - A tool that extracts the permission specification from the Android OS source code using static analysis
  10. Amandroid
  11. SmaliSCA - Smali Static Code Analysis
  12. CFGScanDroid - Scans and compares CFG against CFG of malicious applications
  13. Madrolyzer - extracts actionable data like C&C, phone number etc.
  14. SPARTA - verifies (proves) that an app satisfies an information-flow security policy; built on the Checker Framework
  15. ConDroid - Performs a combination of symbolic + concrete execution of the app
  16. DroidRA
  17. RiskInDroid - A tool for calculating the risk of Android apps based on their permissions, with online demo available.
  18. SUPER - Secure, Unified, Powerful and Extensible Rust Android Analyzer
  19. ClassyShark - Standalone binary inspection tool which can browse any Android executable and show important infos.
  20. StaCoAn - Crossplatform tool which aids developers, bugbounty hunters and ethical hackers performing static code analysis on mobile applications. This tool was created with a big focus on usability and graphical guidance in the user interface.
  21. JAADAS - Joint intraprocedure and interprocedure program analysis tool to find vulnerabilities in Android apps, built on Soot and Scala
  22. Quark-Engine - An Obfuscation-Neglect Android Malware Scoring System
  23. One Step Decompiler - Android APK Decompilation for the Lazy
  24. APKLeaks - Scanning APK file for URIs, endpoints & secrets.
  25. Mobile Audit - Web application for performing Static Analysis and detecting malware in Android APKs.
  26. Several tools from PSU

App Vulnerability Scanners

  1. QARK - QARK by LinkedIn is for app developers to scan app for security issues
  2. AndroBugs
  3. Nogotofail
  4. Oversecured - A mobile app vulnerability scanner, designed for security researchers and bug bounty hackers. It also allows integrations into the DevOps process for businesses.
  5. Devknox - IDE plugin to build secure Android apps. Not maintained anymore.

Dynamic Analysis Tools

  1. Android DBI frameowork
  2. Androl4b- A Virtual Machine For Assessing Android applications, Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis
  3. House- House: A runtime mobile application analysis toolkit with a Web GUI, powered by Frida, written in Python.
  4. Mobile-Security-Framework MobSF - Mobile Security Framework is an intelligent, all-in-one open source mobile application (Android/iOS) automated pen-testing framework capable of performing static, dynamic analysis and web API testing.
  5. AppUse – custom build for pentesting
  6. Droidbox
  7. Drozer
  8. Xposed - equivalent of doing Stub based code injection but without any modifications to the binary
  9. Inspeckage - Android Package Inspector - dynamic analysis with api hooks, start unexported activities and more. (Xposed Module)
  10. Android Hooker - Dynamic Java code instrumentation (requires the Substrate Framework)
  11. ProbeDroid - Dynamic Java code instrumentation
  12. Android Tamer - Virtual / Live Platform for Android Security Professionals
  13. DECAF - Dynamic Executable Code Analysis Framework based on QEMU (DroidScope is now an extension to DECAF)
  14. CuckooDroid - Android extension for Cuckoo sandbox
  15. Mem - Memory analysis of Android (root required)
  16. Crowdroid – unable to find the actual tool
  17. AuditdAndroid – android port of auditd, not under active development anymore
  18. Android Security Evaluation Framework - not under active development anymore
  19. Aurasium – Practical security policy enforcement for Android apps via bytecode rewriting and in-place reference monitor.
  20. Android Linux Kernel modules
  21. Appie - Appie is a software package that has been pre-configured to function as an Android Pentesting Environment. It is completely portable and can be carried on USB stick or smartphone. This is a one stop answer for all the tools needed in Android Application Security Assessment and an awesome alternative to existing virtual machines.
  22. StaDynA - a system supporting security app analysis in the presence of dynamic code update features (dynamic class loading and reflection). This tool combines static and dynamic analysis of Android applications in order to reveal the hidden/updated behavior and extend static analysis results with this information.
  23. DroidAnalytics - incomplete
  24. Vezir Project - Virtual Machine for Mobile Application Pentesting and Mobile Malware Analysis
  25. MARA - Mobile Application Reverse engineering and Analysis Framework
  26. Taintdroid - requires AOSP compilation
  27. ARTist - a flexible open source instrumentation and hybrid analysis framework for Android apps and Android's java middleware. It is based on the Android Runtime's (ART) compiler and modifies code during on-device compilation.
  28. Android Malware Sandbox
  29. AndroPyTool - a tool for extracting static and dynamic features from Android APKs. It combines different well-known Android apps analysis tools such as DroidBox, FlowDroid, Strace, AndroGuard or VirusTotal analysis.
  30. Runtime Mobile Security (RMS) - is a powerful web interface that helps you to manipulate Android and iOS Apps at Runtime
  31. PAPIMonitor – PAPIMonitor (Python API Monitor for Android apps) is a python tool based on Frida for monitoring user-select APIs during the app execution.
  32. Android Malware Analysis Toolkit - (linux distro) Earlier it use to be an online analyzer
  33. Android Reverse Engineering – ARE (android reverse engineering) not under active development anymore
  34. ViaLab Community Edition
  35. Mercury
  36. Cobradroid – custom image for malware analysis

Reverse Engineering

  1. Smali/Baksmali – apk decompilation
  2. emacs syntax coloring for smali files
  3. vim syntax coloring for smali files
  4. AndBug
  5. Androguard – powerful, integrates well with other tools
  6. Apktool – really useful for compilation/decompilation (uses smali)
  7. Android Framework for Exploitation
  8. Bypass signature and permission checks for IPCs
  9. Android OpenDebug – make any application on device debuggable (using cydia substrate).
  10. Dex2Jar - dex to jar converter
  11. Enjarify - dex to jar converter from Google
  12. Dedexer
  13. Fino
  14. Frida - inject javascript to explore applications and a GUI tool for it
  15. Indroid – thread injection kit
  16. IntentSniffer
  17. Introspy
  18. Jad - Java decompiler
  19. JD-GUI - Java decompiler
  20. CFR - Java decompiler
  21. Krakatau - Java decompiler
  22. FernFlower - Java decompiler
  23. Redexer – apk manipulation
  24. Simplify Android deobfuscator
  25. Bytecode viewer
  26. Radare2
  27. Jadx
  28. Dwarf - GUI for reverse engineering
  29. Andromeda - Another basic command-line reverse engineering tool
  30. apk-mitm - A CLI application that prepares Android APK files for HTTPS inspection
  31. Noia - Simple Android application sandbox file browser tool
  32. Obfuscapk - Obfuscapk is a modular Python tool for obfuscating Android apps without needing their source code.
  33. ARMANDroid - ARMAND (Anti-Repackaging through Multi-patternAnti-tampering based on Native Detection) is a novel anti-tampering protection scheme that embeds logic bombs and AT detection nodes directly in the apk file without needing their source code.
  34. MVT (Mobile Verification Toolkit) - a collection of utilities to simplify and automate the process of gathering forensic traces helpful to identify a potential compromise of Android and iOS devices
  35. Procyon - Java decompiler
  36. Smali viewer
  37. ZjDroid , fork/mirror
  38. Dare – .dex to .class converter

Fuzz Testing

  1. IntentFuzzer
  2. Radamsa Fuzzer
  3. Honggfuzz
  4. An Android port of the melkor ELF fuzzer
  5. Media Fuzzing Framework for Android
  6. AndroFuzz

App Repackaging Detectors

  1. FSquaDRA - a tool for detection of repackaged Android applications based on app resources hash comparison.

Market Crawlers

  1. Google play crawler (Java)
  2. Google play crawler (Python)
  3. Google play crawler (Node) - get app details and download apps from official Google Play Store.
  4. Aptoide downloader (Node) - download apps from Aptoide third-party Android market
  5. Appland downloader (Node) - download apps from Appland third-party Android market
  6. Apkpure - Online apk downloader. Provides also an own app for downloading.
  7. PlaystoreDownloader - PlaystoreDownloader is a tool for downloading Android applications directly from the Google Play Store. After an initial (one-time) configuration, applications can be downloaded by specifying their package name.

Misc Tools

  1. smalihook
  2. AXMLPrinter2 - to convert binary XML files to human-readable XML files
  3. adb autocomplete
  4. mitmproxy
  5. dockerfile/androguard
  6. Android Vulnerability Test Suite - android-vts scans a device for set of vulnerabilities
  7. AppMon- AppMon is an automated framework for monitoring and tampering system API calls of native macOS, iOS and android apps. It is based on Frida.
  8. Internal Blue - Bluetooth experimentation framework based on Reverse Engineering of Broadcom Bluetooth Controllers
  9. Android Device Security Database - Database of security features of Android devices
  10. Android Mobile Device Hardening - AMDH scans and harden device's settings and list harmful installed Apps based on permissions.
  11. Opcodes table for quick reference
  12. APK-Downloader - seems dead now
  13. Dalvik opcodes

Vulnerable Applications for practice

  1. Damn Insecure Vulnerable Application (DIVA)
  2. Vuldroid
  3. ExploitMe Android Labs
  4. GoatDroid
  5. Android InsecureBank


Research Papers

  1. Exploit Database
  2. Android security related presentations
  3. A good collection of static analysis papers


  1. SEI CERT Android Secure Coding Standard


  1. OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide Manual
  2. doridori/Android-Security-Reference
  3. android app security checklist
  4. Mobile App Pentest Cheat Sheet
  5. Android Reverse Engineering 101 by Daniele Altomare (Web Archive link)
  6. Mobile Security Reading Room - A reading room which contains well categorised technical reading material about mobile penetration testing, mobile malware, mobile forensics and all kind of mobile security related topics



  1. Android Security Bulletins
  2. Android's reported security vulnerabilities
  3. Android Devices Security Patch Status
  4. AOSP - Issue tracker
  5. OWASP Mobile Top 10 2016
  6. Exploit Database - click search
  7. Vulnerability Google Doc
  8. Google Android Security Team’s Classifications for Potentially Harmful Applications (Malware)


  1. androguard - Database Android Malwares wiki
  2. Android Malware Github repo
  3. Android Malware Genome Project - contains 1260 malware samples categorized into 49 different malware families, free for research purpose.
  4. Contagio Mobile Malware Mini Dump
  5. VirusTotal Malware Intelligence Service - powered by VirusTotal, not free
  6. Drebin
  7. Kharon Malware Dataset - 7 malwares which have been reverse engineered and documented
  8. Android Adware and General Malware Dataset
  9. Android PRAGuard Dataset - The dataset contains 10479 samples, obtained by obfuscating the MalGenome and the Contagio Minidump datasets with seven different obfuscation techniques.
  10. AndroZoo - AndroZoo is a growing collection of Android Applications collected from several sources, including the official Google Play app market.
  11. Admire

Bounty Programs

  1. Android Security Reward Program

How to report Security issues

  1. Android - reporting security issues
  2. Android Reports and Resources - List of Android Hackerone disclosed reports and other resources


Your contributions are always welcome!

  • 从Android9.0开始,Google为了Android的网络安全将不再默认支持Http的请求,所有的请求将需要使用Https,所以当使用大于等于9.0版本时,http的请求将会出现标题中的错误。当然我们如果依然需要使用Http,Google也提供了方法帮我们解决这个问题。 方法一:服务器和本地应用都改用 https (强烈推荐) 方法二:在APP下的AndroidManifest.xml ap

  • Android 7.0 及以上版本支持FBE。采用FBE时,可以使用不同的密钥对不同的文件进行加密。 Android 7.0-8.1 中,FBE与adoptable storage不兼容,并且外部存储媒介(e.g. SD)只能用作traditional storage。 Android 9 及以上版本FBE与adoptable storage兼容。 谷歌规定Android 10 及以上版本必须使用

  • 基于机器学习和深度神经网络的安卓恶意软件静态分析与检测,主要是针对AndroidManifest.xml文件进行分析。Android Malware Detection

  • 摘要: Android is a mobile platform which is designed to be truly open. Being open is a double-edged sword, millions of tech enthusiasts can develop their own creative applications, android mobile become

  • android.cts.security.SELinuxNeverallowRulesTest –testNeverallowRulesXXX [DESCRIPTION] 若有自行修改Sepolicy导致违反Google的Neverallow rule,CTS 将fail。比如: android.cts.security.SELinuxNeverallowRulesTest#testNeveral

  • Android安全之网络安全 网络安全通常需要确保4个问题 1.确认身份,即确认收件人和发件人 2.确认信息是否正确. 3.确认信息是否完整 4.确认网络可用. 在网络中有比较知名的两个攻击问题,一个是中间人攻击,一个是重放攻击。 我们从最简单的情况开始考虑。 小王需要给小张发送一封机密信件。

  • Web application security By 姚 皋 (yaogao) Neusoft Shenyang Liaoning Province P.R.C yaogao@gmail.com   Preface As a web application developer, I want to develop perfect software. It is correct, robust,

  • [DESCRIPTION] 若有自行修改Sepolicy导致违反Google的Neverallow rule,CTS 将fail。比如: android.cts.security.SELinuxNeverallowRulesTest#testNeverallowRules110 FAIL junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: The following err

  • 安全要点 Previous Next 本文内容 存储数据 使用权限 使用网络 执行输入验证 处理用户数据 使用 WebView 使用加密 使用进程间通信 动态加载代码 虚拟机中的安全性 原生代码中的安全性 另请参阅 Android 安全性概览 权限 Android 操作系统内置了安全功能,可显著降低应用出现安全问题的频率及其造成的影响。系统经过精心设计,您在通常情况下只需使用默认的系统和文件权限即

  • 原文地址: http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2016/06/security-crypto-provider-deprecated-in.html Posted by Sergio Giro, software engineer 如果你的应用使用Crypto供应商提供的SHA1PRNG算法推导秘钥,你必须开始使用一个真正的秘钥推导函数并且很有可能你需要

  • Note: 只支持Android 6.0 以上 dependencies { def security_version = "1.0.0-alpha02" implementation "androidx.security:security-crypto:$security_version" } 文件内容操作 e.g : 文件写入 private fun writeFile(){ val key

  • Android Permissions - Protection Levels Android applications declare the permissions they are likely to require in their manifest (a short file that describes the contents of the 'package'). This allo

  • 第一道防线 代码混淆-proguard 编译成APK的营养程序也存在被反编译的风险,proguard在代码层面上保护Android应用程序 第二道防线 应用权限声明、权限检查机制 任何应用当使用受限资源的时候,比如通讯录,sd卡存储权限的时候,都需要向系统申请授权, 通过用户授权才能使用。让用户知道应用使用了自己的哪些权限。 第三道防线 应用签名-数字证书 每一款APP都会有一个数字证书(APP的

  • Here are some important guidelines to help safeguard your private info on your Android device.

  • security security_overview In release, the Kafka community added a number of features that, used either separately or together, increases security in a Kafka cluster. These features are consid

  • The security model of WebAssembly has two important goals: (1) protect users from buggy or malicious modules, and (2) provide developers with useful primitives and mitigations for developing safe appl

  • HTTP用于通过Internet进行通信,因此应用程序开发人员,信息提供者和用户应该了解HTTP/1.1中的安全限制。 此讨论不包括此处提到的问题的最终解决方案,但它确实提出了一些降低安全风险的建议。 个人信息泄漏 HTTP客户端通常知道大量的个人信息,例如用户的姓名,位置,邮件地址,密码,加密密钥等。因此,您应该非常小心地防止通过HTTP协议将此信息无意泄漏到其他来源。 所有机密信息都应以加密形

  • Q: Is TinyMCE protected against XSS vulnerabilities? TinyMCE filters out some of the more common XSS content like scripts from the content since it is common that the editor is used in a single page a

  • SRS提供了禁用或允许客户端的简单安全策略。 Config Vhost中安全策略的配置: vhost your_vhost { # security for host to allow or deny clients. # @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/211 security { # whe

  • 哈希 Hash::make('secretpassword'); Hash::check('secretpassword', $hashedPassword); Hash::needsRehash($hashedPassword); 加密解密 Crypt::encrypt('secretstring'); Crypt::decrypt($encryptedString); Crypt::setM