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开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 殳俊晤
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

⚡️ Cross-platform apps with JavaScript and the Web ⚡️

Capacitor is a cross-platform API and code execution layer that makes it easy to call Native SDKs from web code and to write custom native plugins that your app may need. Additionally, Capacitor provides first-class Progressive Web App support so you can write one app and deploy it to the app stores and the mobile web.

Capacitor comes with a Plugin API for building native plugins. Plugins can be written inside Capacitor apps or packaged into an npm dependency for community use. Plugin authors are encouraged to use Swift to develop plugins in iOS and Kotlin (or Java) in Android.

Getting Started

Capacitor was designed to drop-in to any existing modern web app. Run the following commands to initialize Capacitor in your app:

npm install @capacitor/core @capacitor/cli
npx cap init

Next, install any of the desired native platforms:

npm install @capacitor/android
npx cap add android
npm install @capacitor/ios
npx cap add ios

New App?

For new apps, we recommend trying the Ionic Framework with Capacitor.

To begin, install the Ionic CLI (npm install -g @ionic/cli) and start a new app:

ionic start --capacitor


What are the differences between Capacitor and Cordova?

In spirit, Capacitor and Cordova are very similar. Capacitor offers backward compatibility with a vast majority of Cordova plugins.

Capacitor and Cordova differ in that Capacitor:

  • takes a more modern approach to tooling and plugin development
  • treats native projects as source artifacts as opposed to build artifacts
  • is maintained by the Ionic Team �� ��

See the docs for more details.

Do I need to use Ionic Framework with Capacitor?

No, you do not need to use Ionic Framework with Capacitor. Without the Ionic Framework, you may need to implement Native UI yourself. Without the Ionic CLI, you may need to configure tooling yourself to enable features such as livereload. See the docs for more details.




Made possible by the Capacitor community. ��

  • 一、介绍 Capacitor是由ionic团队开发的一款跨平台移动应用构建工具,可轻让我们轻松的构建Android、iOS、Electron和Web应用程序。 其前身为Apache Cordova和Adobe PhoneGap。 Capacitor 允许前段开发这像开发前段应用程序一样开发移动APP,他会将我们写的html css js打包到原生APP中,形成独立的App程序,可以在各应用商店发布

  • 我正在为android开发一个ionic应用程序并使用电容器生成它。我想将谷歌登录引入我的应用程序。当我尝试登录时,我得到了错误10。为用于签署应用程序的密钥创建了android的客户端ID。代码如下 当我在设备上使用它时,我会在调用时抛出异常。 我使用下面的命令在我的项目目录中使用电容器生成android应用程序 我已经为此挣扎了好几天了。非常感谢您的帮助。 我的信息如下

  • 我有一个Ionic 5/Angular 12/Capacitor 3移动应用程序,我正在将其升级到Firebase 9和Angular/Fire 7。使用Angular/Fire升级命令:,它使用Firebase层,该应用程序在运行的浏览器中运行良好。接下来,我创建了一个生产构建来在我的手机上进行测试,,并构建到我的Android和iPhone上。该应用程序在Android上运行完美,但在我的iP

  • 在我的项目中,我使用了带有okta验证的reactjs程序。当我运行reactjs程序时,输出变得很好。 但是,当我使用capacitorjs将reactjs网页转换为移动应用程序时,该网页不会显示在手机中 我已经按照以下url中的步骤将网页转换为移动应用程序 https://medium.com/how-to-react/convert-your-existing-react-js-app-to

  • CapacitorGoogleAuth Capacitor plugin for Google Auth. Contributions PRs are welcome and much appreciated that keeps this plugin up to date with Capacitor and official Google Auth platform library feat