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Cross-Platform React Native UI Toolkit
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 贲铭
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Cross Platform React Native UI Toolkit

React Native Elements UI Toolkit

Get Started


Followthese instructionsto install React Native Elements!


Start using the components or try it on Snackhere.

import { Button } from 'react-native-elements';

<Button />;

Components included:

Universe Components

React Native Web support

As a cross platform UI Toolkit, you can now use RNE on the web & share your codebase between your React Native + React web apps. RNE components are rendered perfectly on browser. You can achieve this to target iOS, Android and Web by collaborating RNE and React Native for Web.

Click here for a full walkthrough using React Native Elements + React Native Web.

Demo App

Checkout the officialReact Native Elements Appon Expo which uses all of the React Native Elements components.

If you are looking to contribute to the React Native Elements App, clickhere toview the implementation & run the RNE expo app locally.


View the full docs here


Interested in contributing to this repo? Check out ourContributing Guideand submit a PR for a new feature/bug fix.

A big shoutout to all our contributors! You could be here too!

First Contributors

We encourage everyone to contribute & submit PR's especially first-timecontributors. Look for the label Good First Issue on the issues. Clickhereto see them.

If there is something you's like to see or request a new feature, please submitanissueor apull request.

Core Contributors

We are currently looking for new core contributors that can help lead this project.

Learn more here

Slack Community

In case you have any other question or would like to come say Hi! to the RNEcommunity, join our Slack team.See you on the other side! �� ��


Become a backer and show your support for React Native Elements.

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Do you use React Native Elements in production? If so, consider supporting this project as it will allow the maintainers to dedicate more time to maintaining this project and also building new features for everyone. Also, your app or company's logo will show on GitHub and link to your website - who doesn't want a little extra exposure? Here's the info.

React Native Elements BackerReact Native Elements BackerReact Native Elements BackerReact Native Elements BackerReact Native Elements BackerReact Native Elements BackerReact Native Elements BackerReact Native Elements BackerReact Native Elements BackerReact Native Elements BackerReact Native Elements BackerReact Native Elements BackerReact Native Elements Backer

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