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Wrapper of syncthing for Android.
授权协议 MPL-2.0 License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 师增
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


A wrapper of Syncthing for Android.

Get it on Google Play Get it on F-Droid


The project is translated on Transifex.


Language mappings are defined in .tx/config, with the second code being the one from transifex. Google play supported languages: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/table/4419860. Android supported languages: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7973023/what-is-the-list-of-supported-languages-locales-on-android. If a new language is added on transifex that's not supported, add them to deleteUnsupportedPlayTranslations in app/build.gradle.



  • Android SDK (you can skip this if you are using Android Studio)
  • Android NDK ($ANDROID_NDK_HOME should point at the root directory of your NDK)
  • Go (see here for the required version)
  • Java Version 11 (you scan skip this if you are using Android Studio, otherwise you might need to set $JAVA_HOME accordingly)

Build instructions

Make sure you clone the project withgit clone https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing-android.git --recursive. Alternatively, rungit submodule init && git submodule update in the project folder.

Build Syncthing using ./gradlew buildNative. Then use ./gradlew assembleDebug orAndroid Studio to build the apk.


The project is licensed under the MPLv2.

  • Syncthing  -- an open-source file synchronization client/server application Syncthing是一个开源的云存储和同步服务工具,支持Mac OS X、Windows、Linux、FreeBSD和Solaris。 Syncthing由瑞典开发者Jakob Borg发布的,据称用户的数据将由自己完全控制,所有的通信全都加密,

  • Syncthing 是一个免费开源的工具,它能在你的各个网络计算机间同步文件/文件夹。它的同步数据是从一个系统中直接传输到另一个系统的,所有的信息通讯都使用 TLS 进行加密,没有任何文件或文件夹会被存储在第三方系统中,安全且私密。此外,用户有权决定这些数据该存于何处,是否要分享到第三方等等。 Syncthing 有一个强大的响应式的网页管理界面 (WebGUI,下同),它能够帮助用户简便地添加、

  • 这是一个使用 GTK3 & python 开发的 Syncthing 图形界面工具。 支持的 Syncthing 功能 Everything what WebUI can display Adding / editing / deleting nodes Adding / editing / deleting repositories Restart / shutdown server Editi