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授权协议 MS-PL License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 孙震博
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


�� Check out mvvmcross.com to get started with MvvmCross ��

MvvmCross is a cross-platform MVVM framework. It enables developers to create apps using the MVVM pattern on Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.Mac, Xamarin.Forms, Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and Windows Presentation Framework (WPF). This allows for better code sharing by allowing you to share behavior and business logic between platforms.

Among the features MvvmCross provides are:

  • ViewModel to View bindings using own customizable binding engine, which allows you to create own binding definitions for own custom views
  • ViewModel to ViewModel navigation, helps you share behavior on how and when to navigate
  • Inversion of Control through Dependency Injection and Property Injection
  • Plugin framework, which lets you plug-in cool stuff like GPS Location, Localization, Sensors, Binding Extensions and a huge selection of 3rd party community plug-ins

MvvmCross is extendable by you. We strive to let as much code be configurable and overridable, to let the developer decide how they want to use the framework. However, the framework is very usable without doing anything.

Check out the MvvmCross docs


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Become a sponsor and get your logo on our README on Github with a link to your site. [Become a sponsor]


Grab the latest MvvmCross NuGet package and install in your solution.

Install-Package MvvmCross

Make sure that both the shared core project and your application projects include the NuGet. For more details please visit the Getting Started documentation, which also provides easier ways, through Visual Studio and Xamarin Studio plugins to install and manage MvvmCross in your project.

Filing issues

We want to keep the GitHub issues list for bugs, features and other important project management tasks only. If you have questions please see the Questions & support section below.

When filing issues, please select the appropriate issue template. The best way to get your bug fixed is to be as detailed as you can be about the problem.Providing a minimal git repository with a project showing how to reproduce the problem is ideal. Here are a couple of questions you can answer before filing a bug.

  1. Did you try find your answer in the documentation
  2. Did you include a snippet of the broken code in the issue?
  3. Can you reproduce the problem in a brand new project?
  4. What are the EXACT steps to reproduce this problem?
  5. What platform(s) are you experiencing the problem on?

Remember GitHub issues support markdown. When filing bugs please make sure you check the formatting of the issue before clicking submit.

Contributing code

We are happy to receive Pull Requests adding new features and solving bugs. As for new features, please contact us before doing major work. To ensure you are not working on something that will be rejected due to not fitting into the roadmap or ideal of the framework.

Git setup

Since Windows and UNIX-based systems differ in terms of line endings, it is a very good idea to configure git autocrlf settings.

On Windows we recommend setting core.autocrlf to true.

git config --global core.autocrlf true

On Mac we recommend setting core.autocrlf to input.

git config --global core.autocrlf input

Code style guidelines

Please use 4 spaces for indentation.

Otherwise default ReSharper C# code style applies.

Project Workflow

Our workflow is loosely based on Github Flow.We actively do development on the develop branch. This means that all pull requests by contributors need to be develop and requested against the develop branch.The master branch contains tags reflecting what is currently on NuGet.org.

Submitting Pull Requests

Make sure you can build the code. Familiarize yourself with the project workflow and our coding conventions. If you don't know what a pull request isread this https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests.

Before submitting a feature or substantial code contribution please discuss it with the team and ensure it follows the MvvmCross roadmap.Note that code submissions will be reviewed and tested. Only code that meets quality and design/roadmap appropriateness will be merged into the source. Don't "Push" Your Pull Requests

Questions & support


MvvmCross is licensed under the MS-PL License

  • MonoCross was the original starting point for this project, and was used as a reference under MIT
  • Tiny bits of MvvmLight are redistributed and modified under MIT
  • Messenger ideas from JonathanPeppers/XPlatUtils under Apache License Version 2.0, and from GrumpyDev/TinyMessenger under simple license of "THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY"
  • Color codes under MIT License
  • Some bits of Mvvm.Async are redistributed and modified under MIT License


  • Thanks to McCannLondon for sponsoring the initial part of this work
  • Thanks to JetBrains for a community Resharper license to use on this project

.NET Foundation

This project is supported by the .NET Foundation.

  • 我正在使用MVVMCROSS6与Xamarin Android。刚刚升级到MVX6.2,但问题仍然存在。我正在跟随样例游乐场加载视页。我有一个活动持有3个选项卡的视图页。在活动的viewmodel中,将选项卡添加到ViewPager中: 在playground示例中,当通过导航到那些选项卡的viewmodel构建viewpager时,不会创建选项卡片段。片段只有在显示时才会被创建。 对于我的第二和

  • 我们正在开发一个应用程序,当应用程序不活动时,它会收到吐司通知。但是看起来Mvvmcross核心已经控制了应用程序和rootframe。因此,当一个toast通知开始时,用户点击了那个toast并且应用程序没有完全启动到push中设置的uri,而是启动到应用程序启动时在Core中设置的页面。 我想问一下这个案子有什么解决办法吗?非常感谢:)

  • 无法安装包“MVVMCROSS.PortableSupport 3.2.2”。您正试图将此包安装到目标为“Xamarin.ios,version=v1.0”的项目中,但该包不包含与该框架兼容的任何程序集引用或内容文件。有关详细信息,请与包作者联系。 请帮忙。

  • 我正在尝试在MVVMCross Xamarin Adroid应用程序中使用ActionBar。我能够在片段中加载布局,问题是上下文总是指向MainView而不是布局视图。我试图更改上下文,但资源异常。错误是 Java.Lang.NullPointerException:尝试在 null 对象引用上调用虚拟方法 'android.content.res.Resources android.conte

  • 我是MVVMCROSS6.0和Xamarin的新手。 null ConfigurationChanges=ConfigChanges.Screensize ConfigChanges.Orientation)]公共类MainActivity:MvxFormsAppCompatActivity{protected override void OnCreate(Bundle Bundle){TabLa

  • MvxPlugins Plugin NuGet version Fetcher Logger Dialog Fetcher The fetcher plugin is a small wrapper around https://github.com/mgj/fetcher that allows you to inject the IFetcherService interface in you