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a free (libre) open source, mobile OS for Ethereum
授权协议 MPL-2.0 License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 蒋正平
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Status - a Mobile Ethereum Operating System

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Join us in creating a browser, messenger, and gateway to a decentralized world. Status is a free (libre) open source mobile client targeting Android & iOS built entirely on Ethereum technologies. That's right, no middle men and go-ethereum running directly on your device.

Getting started with Status


We believe in a medium of pure free trade, economies with fair, permission-less access and a world without intermediaries. We want to create policies that can exist between friends or scale globally, we want to communicate securely and be uninhibited by legacy systems.

We want to take responsibility for our data, the way we conduct ourselves privately and promote this way of life to a mass audience.

We want deep insights into our own economies so we can make informed, data-driven decisions on how to make our lives better. The Ethereum blockchain, Smart Contracts, Swarm and Whisper provides us a path forward.

If this interests you, help us make Status a reality - anyone can contribute and we need everyone at any skill level to participate.

How to Contribute?

Go straight to the docs or join our chat and choose what interests you:

  • DeveloperDevelopers are the heart of software and to keep Status beating we need all the help we can get! If you're looking to code in ClojureScript or Golang then Status is the project for you! We use React Native and there is even some Java/Objective-C too!
    Want to learn more about it? Start by reading our Developer Introduction which guides you through the technology stack and start browsing beginner issues. Then you can read how to Build Status, which talks about managing project dependencies, coding guidelines and testing procedures.

  • Community Management
    Metcalfe's law states that the value of a network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system - without community Status is meaningless. We're looking to create a positive, fun environment to explore new ideas, experiment and grow the Status community. Building a community takes a lot of work but the people you'll meet and long lasting relationships you form will be well worth it, check out our Mission and Community Principles

  • Specification / Documentation
    John Dewey once said "Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself ". Developers & Designers need guidance and it all starts from documentation and specifications. Our software is only as good as its documentation, head over to our docs and see how you can improve what we have.

  • Blog Writing
    Content is King, keeping our blog up to date and informing the community of news helps keep everyone on the same page. Jump into our chat and discuss with the team how you can contribute!

  • Testers
    It's bug hunting season! Status is currently under active development and there is sure to be a bunch of learning, build status from scratch or if an android user check out our nightly builds. You can shake your phone to submit bug reports, or start browsing our Github Issues. Every bug you find brings Status closer to stable, usable software for everyone to enjoy!

  • Security
    Status is a visual interface to make permanent changes on the Blockchain, it handles crypto-tokens that have real value and allows 3rd party code execution. Security is paramount to its success. You are given permission to break Status as hard as you can, as long as you share your findings with the community!

  • Evangelism
    Help us spread the word! Tell a friend right now, in fact tell everyone - yell from a mountain if you have to, every person counts! If you've got a great story to tell or have some interesting way you've spread the word about Status let us know about it in our chat

Status API

View our API Docs and learn how to integrate your DApp into Status. You can read more about how to add your DApp to Status here.

Give me Binaries!

You can get our Beta builds for both Android and iOS on our website, through our nightly builds or by building it yourself.

Core Contributors

Core Team Members

Special thanks to @adrian-tiberius.Without the dedication of these outstanding individuals, Status would not exist.

Contact us

Feel free to email us at support@status.im or better yet, join our chat.


Licensed under the Mozilla Public License v2.0

Testing Supported by

  • 1.安装less和less-loader: yarn add less less-loader 2.暴露config目录webpack相关配置 yarn eject 选择y 此时可能会报错: Remove untracked files, stash or commit any changes, and try again. 解决方法: git init git status git add .

  • Author: jayzhen Date: 2021.08.02 Package ‘harfbuzz’, required by ‘pango’, not found npx create-react-app qadev-react-learn --use-npm jayzhen:script apple$ npx create-react-app qadev-react-learn --use

  • checkForLatestVersion函数 在create-react-app脚手架的目录为/packages/create-react-app/createReactApp.js 函数名的含义:检查最新版本 首先查看源码: function checkForLatestVersion() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ht

  • 1.reactstudy@0.1.0 start: react-scripts start npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 npm ERR! reactstudy@0.1.0 start: react-scripts start npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the reac

  • 原因: 执行命令行命令时没有获得管理员权限 解决方案:在命令行前面添加sudo获取管理员权限,输入管理员密码就行 例如原来的是:  npm i -g create-react-app 应该为:sudo npm i -g create-react-app  再输入密码就行 后面执行npm start的时候又报错了 npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 n

  • form表单 用法 const [form] = Form.useForm(); useEffect(() => { getEmailServer().then(data => {} form.setFieldsValue(data) } } ); }, []) <Form init

  • { title: '状态', dataIndex: 'status', render: (text, row) => { let arr = ['', '未开始', '进行中', '已结束', '已作废']; return <span>{arr[text]}</span>; }, }

  • serviceWorker.js 关于service work的知识可以戳这里 [service work 介绍] 关于 URL 对象可以参考 URL介绍 // 这些代码是用来注册service worker服务的 // register() 方法需要手动调用 并不会自动执行 // This lets the app load faster on subsequent visits in pro

  • React中使用create-react-app命令创建一个项目,运行npm run eject报错解决 使用ant design搭建后台模板 使用create-react-app创建前端项目,并启动项目 create-react-app react-ant-admin-front cd react-ant-admin-front npm start 引入react-router和ant desi

  • 在使用react的脚手架create-react-app的时候,我们发现目录中是没有webpack的配置文件的,当然你可以在node_modules/react-scripts/config下找到 webpack.config.dev.js 文件进行修改,但是修改起来非常不便。 react官方也提供一种方式来暴露配置文件,执行以下语句: npm run eject 但是这时候会发现终端有报错 R

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