BUIDL is a browser-based IDE that enables developers to create and deploy Decentralized Applications (DApps) on blockchains with ease.
If you are a developer, click https://www.secondstate.io/buidl/ to see tutorials and other information.
If you want to make contributions to BUIDL, follow the following steps to run BUIDL locally.
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run test
npm run lint
npm run test:e2e
npm run test:unit
The example dapp is a web application where people can vote thumb up or thumb down on a statement. All the votes are recorded on the blockchain.
区块链智能合约平台Second State 发布专为以太经典(Ethereum Classic)打造的 BUIDL IDE。BUIDL 集成了以太经典开发环境,开发者利用BUIDL可以在几分钟内,在任何网页浏览器上开发和部署ETC链上相关区块链应用。 去中化应用(DApp)构建在区块链智能合约上,是协作的,并且具有抗审查性的。常见的DApp 有加密货币,支付,加密货币交易所,市场预测,去中心化的电
DoraHacks DoraHacks DoraHacks 长期持续地组织区块链为主的技术演讲交流活动。 查看更多 开源开发者资助平台HackerLink今日开启了开源开发者项目NFT发行功能。开发者在HackerLink提交的项目可以一键在以太坊主网发行开源项目NFT,并在NFT的后续交易中持续获得资助。此功能最早由去中心化全球极客组织DoraHacks发起人Eric Zhang在以太坊研究者社