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授权协议 MIT License
所属分类 Web3、 区块链
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 雷国兴
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Remix Project

Remix Project is a platform for development tools that use a plugin architecture. It encompasses sub-projects including Remix Plugin Engine, Remix Libraries, and of course Remix IDE.

Remix IDE is an open source web and desktop application. It fosters a fast development cycle and has a rich set of plugins with intuitive GUIs. Remix is used for the entire journey of contract development with Solidity language in as well as being a playground for learning and teaching Ethereum.

To try web app, visit: https://remix.ethereum.org.

For desktop version, See releases: https://github.com/ethereum/remix-desktop/releases

Remix libraries work as a core of native plugins of Remix IDE. Read more about libraries here

Offline Usage

The master branch has always the latest stable build of Remix. It also contains a ZIP file with the entire build. Download it to use offline.

Note: It contains the latest release of Solidity available at the time of the packaging. No other compiler versions are supported.


Install npm and node.js (see https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm), theninstall Nx CLI globally to enable running nx executable commands.

npm install -g @nrwl/cli

Clone the github repository (wget need to be installed first):

git clone https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project.git

And build it:

cd remix-project
npm install
nx build remix-ide --with-deps
nx serve

Run nx serve and open in your browser.

Then open your text editor and start developing.The browser will automatically refresh when files are saved.

Production Build

To generate react production builds for remix-project.

npm run build:production

build can be found in remix-project/dist/apps/remix-ide directory.

npm run serve:production

production build will be served by default to http://localhost:8080/ or



Run with docker

If you want to run latest changes that are merged into master branch then run:

docker pull remixproject/remix-ide:latest
docker run -p 8080:80 remixproject/remix-ide:latest

If you want to run latest remix-live release run.

docker pull remixproject/remix-ide:remix_live
docker run -p 8080:80 remixproject/remix-ide:remix_live

Run with docker-compose:

To run locally without building you only need docker-compose.yaml file and you can run:

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d

Then go to http://localhost:8080 and you can use you Remix instance.

To fetch docker-compose file without cloning this repo run:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ethereum/remix-project/master/docker-compose.yaml > docker-compose.yaml

Troubleshooting building

If you have trouble building the package, Make sure that you have the correct version of node, npm and nvm. Also ensure you have Nx CLI installed globally.


node --version
npm --version
nvm --version

In Debian based OS such as Ubuntu 14.04LTS you may need to run apt-get install build-essential. After installing build-essential, run npm rebuild.

Unit Testing

Run the unit tests via: nx test <project-name>

nx test remix-analyzer

Running unit tests via nx test requires at least node v10.0.0

Browser Testing

To run the Selenium tests via Nightwatch:

  • Build Remix IDE and serve it: nx build remix-ide --with-deps && nx serve # starts web server at localhost:8080

  • Make sure Selenium is installed npm run selenium-install # don't need to repeat

  • Run a selenium server npm run selenium

  • Run all the tests npm run nightwatch_local_firefox or npm run nightwatch_local_chrome

  • Or run a specific test case:

     - npm run nightwatch_local_ballot
     - npm run nightwatch_local_usingWorker
     - npm run nightwatch_local_libraryDeployment
     - npm run nightwatch_local_solidityImport
     - npm run nightwatch_local_recorder
     - npm run nightwatch_local_transactionExecution
     - npm run nightwatch_local_staticAnalysis
     - npm run nightwatch_local_signingMessage
     - npm run nightwatch_local_specialFunctions
     - npm run nightwatch_local_solidityUnitTests
     - npm run nightwatch_local_remixd # remixd needs to be run
     - npm run nightwatch_local_terminal
     - npm run nightwatch_local_gist
     - npm run nightwatch_local_workspace
     - npm run nightwatch_local_defaultLayout
     - npm run nightwatch_local_pluginManager
     - npm run nightwatch_local_publishContract
     - npm run nightwatch_local_generalSettings
     - npm run nightwatch_local_fileExplorer
     - npm run nightwatch_local_debugger
     - npm run nightwatch_local_editor
     - npm run nightwatch_local_compiler
     - npm run nightwatch_local_txListener
     - npm run nightwatch_local_fileManager
     - npm run nightwatch_local_runAndDeploy


  • the ballot tests suite requires to run ganache-cli locally.

  • the remixd tests suite requires to run remixd locally.

  • the gist tests suite requires specifying a github access token in .env file.

    gist_token = <token>

note that this token should have permission to create a gist.

Important Links

  • Remix 是一个新的全栈式 JavaScript 框架,它摆脱了静态网站的生成,并且在其他方面做了一些与我们常用的其他框架不同的事情。它依靠 React 来渲染用户界面,如果你熟悉 Next.js,你肯定能发现很多相似之处。但它也有自己的特点,比如嵌套路由、数据获取和数据保存的处理以及错误处理等。 此前 Remix 并非开源项目,其个人和企业许可证的售价分别为每年 250 美元和每年 1000

  • Remix Icon 是一套面向设计师和开发者的开源图标库。图标风格为中性风格,适用于各种用户群体的项目。与拼凑混搭的图标库不同,Remix Icon 的每一枚图标都是由设计师按照统一规范精心绘制的,并确保每一枚图标在拥有完美像素对齐的基础上风格一致且简洁易读。图标以24x24网格为基准,分为“线性图标”和“面型图标”两种风格。所有的图标均可免费用于个人项目和商业项目 使用说明 基本用法 直接在r

  • The project code base has been moved to https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project Although the documentation is still located in this repository. Remix is a browser-based compiler and IDE that enables

  • 在开发者用Solidity语言开发合约的时候,一个良好的开发工具是必须的,本文为你简单介绍了Remix。 Remix是一个功能强大的开源工具,可以帮助您直接从浏览器编写Solidity合同。 Remix用JavaScript编写,支持在浏览器和本地使用,Remix还支持智能合约的测试,调试和部署等等。 Remix提供了一个在线编辑器,你不需要下载可以直接使用,请访问remix.dev获得完整功能,

  • 我通过remix将智能合约部署到ropsten测试网,现在我想通过网站(dapp)与它交互。我正在创建一个拍卖dapp。用户必须输入他想要的ETH金额来出价购买该文章。通过按钮提交值后,单击我希望元掩码弹出并处理事务。 我从https://docs.metamask.io/guide/getting-started.html#basic-considerations拿到了连接Metamask的js

  • 问题内容: 在Tomcat服务器上运行Eclipse项目时出现以下错误: HTTP状态404-请求的资源(/ ProjectName /)不可用。 浏览器地址栏中的URL为。 我真的不知道文件中缺少什么。我在文件夹中有一个,并且我的包含以下条目: 问题答案: 默认情况下,当您打开项目根文件夹而不是中的物理文件时,服务器将在中查找欢迎文件。如果未找到任何内容,则将出现此404“找不到页面”错误。 就