Currently, the internet as it stands is monopolized primarily towards central authorities, and relies heavily on outdated infrastructure such as telecom towers, routing systems, switches, etc. It is about time for an upgrade.
This repo is for an SDK and library for building decentralized web and distributed computing projects. Currently, we are trying to make a pipeline for a P2P Data transfer and syndication protocol. Currently, the main distribution method for this software is through NPM, and we have developed extensions, plugins, and capability for multiple other platforms as well.
Currently this can be utilized to:
The NPM library is a collection of the following repos made for the purpose of building decentralized web projects:
lotion | bitcoin-peg | clusterpost | gridbee-framework | Reinvent-the-Internet
Also special thanks to:The Lonero Dev Team
Papers worth checking out:Lonero Whitepaper (Original) | CrowdCoin Scientific Whitepaper
This NPM library/package is being mantained by the folks here
This project was created in order to support a new internet. One that is more open, free, and censorship-resistant in comparison to the old internet. An internet that eventually wouldn't need to rely on telecom towers, an outdated grid, or all these other "old school" forms of tech. We believe P2P compatibility is an important part of the future of the net. Grid Computing also plays a role in having a better means of transferring information in a speedy, more cost-efficient and reliable manner.
Decentralized Learning Algorithms. Decentralized learning algorithms are necessary for decentralized model training, local aggregation, model sharing, and local or collaborative inference. Reinventing
The exchange has been the number one player in the cryptocurrency market. Every move of the exchange can affect the price trend of crypto. People have always suspected that there may be undersell to h
Awesome distributed, decentralized, p2p apps or tools Note: Links marked with " ☠️ " are old and probably no longer maintained. Applications Aether: P2P ephemeral public communities. Open source, self
Awesome Decentralized Finance A curated list of awesome decentralized finance projects, software, and resources. What is Decentralized Finance? Decentralized finance (#defi) is the movement that lever
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问题内容: 我想从android应用程序中打印文件。同样,在google上搜索后,我发现一些有用的信息,我将不得不在HTTP中使用IPP(Internet打印协议)。而且我是ipp的新手,但是我使用过HTTP。那么有人可以帮我吗?谁能给我一些有用的信息或链接?提前致谢 ? 问题答案: 您需要发出具有一些特殊功能的HTTP PUT请求,您必须: 使用端口631代替80(当然,除非明确指定了端口)。
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问题内容: 当查看包含小程序的其他人的网页时,如果安装了多个小程序,如何强制Internet Explorer 6.0使用特定的JRE? 问题答案: 如果您是不是在编写网页的人,那么您可以通过Win XP SP2中添加的 “ 管理加载项 IE选项”屏幕禁用不想使用的加载项