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所属分类 Web3、 区块链
软件类型 开源软件
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投 递 者 章彬郁
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

NOTE If you need the current main net xcash on proof of work consensus, after cloning the repository please run the following command
git reset --hard 2c01fd338c63970e487840fe126591e6de8bd36f

X-Cash Core Blockchain

X-CASH is a community driven and open-source project developing the new standard of digital payment. Unique blockchain network with public and private transactions, custom DPOS consensus, and soon sidechains.

We are switching from CryptoNight PoW consensus algorithm to our own Delegated-Proof-of-Private-Stake (DPOPS) !
�� Follow the development on the xcash-dpops repository.

Table of Content


Based and improved upon the renowned CryptoNote protocol, X-Cash aims at becoming the standard in digital payment and transaction settlement:


X-Cash proposes the flexibility to send a transaction privately or publicly, directly from your wallet by toggling a simple switch, without compromising your privacy.

Have a look at our �� Hybrid Transactions' yellow paper to learn more about the technology behind it.

Delegated Proof of Private Stake (DPOPS)

To tackle scalability and future upgrades while reducing the energy comsuption of the network, we are developing a customized and unique DPOS consensus that can be implemented in any privacy coin.

Interested ? Read more about our �� Delegated Proof-of-Private-Stake yellow paper to learn more about the technical challenge of integrating this consensus on a Monero-based privacy coin.


Delegates will be able to host sidechains on the X-Cash network, providing an easy, secured, economical and customizable blockchain solution to match your project needs.


X-Cash is an open-source project managed by the X-Cash Foundation.
We are operating under the MIT License.


Thank you for thinking of contributing! ��
If you want to help out, check CONTRIBUTING for a set of guidelines and check our opened issues.


We are hosting our documentation on GitBook �� docs.xcash.foundation

You can contribute directly on our gitbook-docs repository.


If you discover a security vulnerability, please send an e-mail to security@xcash.foundation.
All security vulnerabilities concerning the X-Cash blockchain will be promply addressed.



The following table summarizes the tools and libraries required to build.
A few of the libraries are also included in this repository (marked as "Vendored").

By default, the build uses the library installed on the system, and ignores the vendored sources. However, if no library is found installed on the system, then the vendored source will be built and used. The vendored sources are also used for statically-linked builds because distribution packages often include only shared library binaries (.so) but not static library archives (.a).

If you need to build statically linked linux binaries, please refer to Build Statically Linked Linux Binaries guide before you install any packages

Dep Min. version Vendored Debian/Ubuntu pkg Arch pkg Fedora Optional Purpose
GCC 4.7.3 NO build-essential base-devel gcc NO
CMake 3.0.0 NO cmake cmake cmake NO
pkg-config any NO pkg-config base-devel pkgconf NO
Boost 1.58 NO libboost-all-dev boost boost-devel NO C++ libraries
OpenSSL basically any NO libssl-dev openssl openssl-devel NO sha256 sum
libzmq 3.0.0 NO libzmq3-dev zeromq cppzmq-devel NO ZeroMQ library
libunbound 1.4.16 YES libunbound-dev unbound unbound-devel NO DNS resolver
libsodium ? NO libsodium-dev ? libsodium-devel NO libsodium
libminiupnpc 2.0 YES libminiupnpc-dev miniupnpc miniupnpc-devel YES NAT punching
libunwind any NO libunwind8-dev libunwind libunwind-devel YES Stack traces
liblzma any NO liblzma-dev xz xz-devel YES For libunwind
libreadline 6.3.0 NO libreadline6-dev readline readline-devel YES Input editing
ldns 1.6.17 NO libldns-dev ldns ldns-devel YES SSL toolkit
expat 1.1 NO libexpat1-dev expat expat-devel YES XML parsing
GTest 1.5 YES libgtest-dev^ gtest gtest-devel YES Test suite
Doxygen any NO doxygen doxygen doxygen YES Documentation
Graphviz any NO graphviz graphviz graphviz YES Documentation
pcsclite ? NO libpcsclite-dev ? pcsc-lite pcsc-lite-devel NO Ledger

^ On Debian/Ubuntu, libgtest-dev only includes sources and headers. You mustbuild the library binary manually. This can be done with the following command:

sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev && cd /usr/src/gtest && sudo cmake . && sudo make && sudo mv libg* /usr/lib/

Note: If you want to build with unit test (make instead of make release) you need libgtest to be compiled with fPIC. To do this, install libgtest using your package manager then run the following command to rebuild using fPIC:

cd /usr/src/gtest && sudo sed -i 's/CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=/CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=-fPIC/g' CMakeCache.txt && sudo sed -i 's/CMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING=/CMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING=-fPIC/g' CMakeCache.txt && sudo cmake . && sudo make && sudo mv libg* /usr/lib/

Cloning the repository

$ git clone https://github.com/X-CASH-official/xcash-core

Build instructions

X-CASH uses the CMake build system and a top-level makefile thatinvokes cmake commands as needed.

Linux and OS X

  • Install the dependencies
  • Change to the root of the source code directory and build:

Optional: If your machine has several cores and enough memory, enable parallel build by running make -j<number of threads> instead of make.
For this to be worthwhile, the machine should have one core and about 2GB of RAM available per thread.

Note: If cmake can not find zmq.hpp file on OS X, installing zmq.hpp from https://github.com/zeromq/cppzmq to /usr/local/include should fix that error.

  • The resulting executables can be found in build/release/bin

  • Add PATH="$PATH:$HOME/X-CASH/build/release/bin" to .profile

  • Run X-CASH with xcash --detach

  • (optional) Build and run the test suite to verify the binaries:

make release-test

Note: core_tests test may take a few hours to complete.

  • (optional) To build binaries suitable for debugging:
make debug
  • (optional) To build statically-linked binaries:
make release-static

Dependencies need to be built with -fPIC. Static libraries usually aren't, so you may have to build them yourself with -fPIC.
Refer to their documentation for how to build them, as well as refer to the Build Statically Linked Linux Binaries guide

Build Statically Linked Linux Binaries

Note: this guide is only for Ubuntu

  • Only install the following packages from the package manager if you want to build statically linked linux binaries:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake pkg-config libunbound-dev libsodium-dev libldns-dev libexpat1-dev doxygen graphviz
sudo apt-get -y install libgtest-dev && cd /usr/src/gtest && sudo cmake . && sudo make && sudo mv libg* /usr/lib/
  • You will also need to install these additional packages
sudo apt install -y libsystemd-dev libudev-dev libtool-bin autoconf
  • Download and extract the latest version of Boost, OpenSSL 1.1, PCSC-lite and libzmq

  • Create build directories for boost, openssl and pcsclite. The reason these are not installed in the system directory is so you can keep your systems install, and have these at the same time. You can create these folders wherever and name them whatever.

  • Install them:

    • boost
./bootstrap.sh --prefix=BOOST_BUILD_DIR
sudo ./b2 cxxflags=-fPIC cflags=-fPIC -a install -j `nproc`
    • openssl
./config -fPIC --prefix=OPENSSL_BUILD_DIR --openssldir=OPENSSL_BUILD_DIR
make depend
make -j `nproc`
sudo make install
    • pcsc-lite
make -j `nproc`
sudo make install
    • libzmq
make -j `nproc`
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd /usr/local/include/
wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zeromq/cppzmq/master/zmq.hpp
  • Now you can build the binaries statically using the following commands
rm -r build
mkdir -p build/release
cd build/release
cd ../../


Binaries are built on Windows using the MinGW toolchain within MSYS2 environment. The MSYS2 environment emulates a POSIX system. The toolchain runs within the environment and cross-compiles binaries that can run outside of the environment as a regular Windowsapplication.

Preparing the build environment
  • Download and install the MSYS2 installer, either the 64-bit or the 32-bit package, depending on your system.

  • Open the MSYS shell via the MSYS2 Shell shortcut.

  • Update packages using pacman:

pacman -Syuu
  • Exit the MSYS shell using Alt+F4

  • Edit the properties for the MSYS2 Shell shortcut changing "msys2_shell.bat" to "msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64" for 64-bit builds or "msys2_shell.cmd -mingw32" for 32-bit builds

  • Restart MSYS shell via modified shortcut and update packages again using pacman:

pacman -Syuu
  • Install dependencies:
    • Build for 64-bit Windows:
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain make mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake mingw-w64-x86_64-boost mingw-w64-x86_64-openssl mingw-w64-x86_64-zeromq mingw-w64-x86_64-libsodium
    • Build for 32-bit Windows:
pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-toolchain make mingw-w64-i686-cmake mingw-w64-i686-boost mingw-w64-i686-openssl mingw-w64-i686-zeromq mingw-w64-i686-libsodium
  • Open the MingW shell via MinGW-w64-Win64 Shell shortcut on 64-bit Windowsor MinGW-w64-Win64 Shell shortcut on 32-bit Windows.

Note: If you are running 64-bit Windows, you will have both 64-bit and 32-bit MinGW shells.

  • For 64-bit system, run:
make release-static-win64
  • For 32-bit system, run:
make release-static-win32
  • The resulting executables can be found in build/release/bin

Building portable binaries

By default, in either dynamically or statically linked builds, binaries target the specific host processor on which the build happens and are not portable to other processors.

Build commands:
# Build binaries on Linux on x86_64 portable across POSIX systems on x86_64 processors
make release-static-linux-x86_64

# Builds binaries on Linux on x86_64 or i686 portable across POSIX systems on i686 processors
make release-static-linux-i686

# Builds binaries on Linux portable across POSIX systems on armv8 processors
make release-static-linux-armv8

# Builds binaries on Linux portable across POSIX systems on armv7 processors
make release-static-linux-armv7

# Builds binaries on Linux portable across POSIX systems on armv6 processors
make release-static-linux-armv6

# Builds binaries on 64-bit Windows portable across 64-bit Windows systems
make release-static-win64

# Builds binaries on 64-bit or 32-bit Windows portable across 32-bit Windows systems
make release-static-win32

Running xcashd daemon

The build places the binary in bin/ sub-directory within the build directoryfrom which cmake was invoked (repository root by default). To run inforeground:


To list all available options, run:

./bin/xcashd --help

Options can bespecified either on the command line or in a configuration file passed by the--config-file argument. To specify an option in the configuration file, adda line with the syntax argumentname=value, where argumentname is the nameof the argument without the leading dashes, for example log-level=1.

To run in background:

./bin/xcashd --log-file xcashd.log --detach

To run as a systemd service, copyxcashd.service to /etc/systemd/system/ andxcashd.conf to /etc/. The exampleservice assumes that the user xcash existsand its home is the data directory specified in the exampleconfig.

If you're on Mac, you may need to add the --max-concurrency 1 option to xcash-wallet-cli, and possibly xcashd, if you get crashes refreshing.

Important Links





  • 在编了一个程序之后,发现报错找不到dll文件。这些文件如下: api-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-0.dll api-ms-win-core-file-l1-

  • 我正在编写一个需要在Windows 7,8.x和10上运行的程序。该程序有一个依赖于仅在Windows 10上可用的Windows API的功能(相对次要)。此功能在Win7上显然不起作用,在调用这些API之前,我确保当前的操作系统是Windows 10.api-ms-win-core-winrt-string-l1-1-0.dll从您的计算机中丢失 In为了使用这些API,我不得不将VS2015

  • 下载的程序无法打开,记录一下 1.从提示确认是否是非系统组件Dll,出错的是哪个程序。 2.卸载或者删除该程序。 3.重新安装该程序。 4.系统组件的话就在网上搜相同的名称来进行安装DLL 我的是第4个问题,由于python插件确实导致的,由于python3.9不支持win7了,导致版本不匹配,需要把python版本降低,或者重新安装python版本。 重新安装python,有点麻烦,用了anac

  • 问题表现 安装软件过程中出现无法加载ocx的错误,使用depends工具扫描缺少的DLL,发现缺少了API-MS开头的一系列DLL,多达几十个,如API-MS-WIN-CORE-SYNCH-L1-1-0.DLL等。过往缺少DLL我都会一个个下载然后使用regsvr32注册解决,但这几十个实在太多。 解决问题 后来查询后发现安装微软常用运行库即可一次性解决问题。 下载地址:https://downl

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  • 打开c盘在Windows/System32文件夹和Windows/SystemWOW64文件夹中(可能名称不同但在system中),搜索删除掉api-ms-crt-runtime-|-1-1-0. doll,然后在网上下载一个该文件放回文件夹即可,有占用的情况可以重启电脑(最简单的方法)

  • 1、Windows7无法运行python程序,将缺失dll放至c:/windows/system32下面, 2、将封装好的exe文件必须放到英文目录下面运行 链接:百度网盘下载链接 提取码:33l2 安装方法参考网址: http://www.xitongzhijia.net/soft/201409.html

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  • 转自:https://blog.csdn.net/quantum7/article/details/78940726 升级包WIN10时,很容易出现这个错误。   到网上一搜索,下载,放到相应目录下,失败。     再搜索,有人说:   用C:\Windows\System32\wimgapi.dll替换C:\Windows10Upgrade\wimgapi.dll即可。     试之,果然解决。

  • X-Cash Delegated Proof of Private Stake ��️ The X-Cash Delegated Proof of Private Stake (xcash-dpops) is a custom variation of a DPoS with DBFT consensus made with privacy coin from the CryptoNote leg

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