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Personal blockchain for Ethereum development
授权协议 Readme
所属分类 Web3、 区块链
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 余弘毅
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Ganache is your personal blockchain for Ethereum development.

Getting started

You can download a self-contained prebuilt Ganache binary for your platform of choice using the "Download" button on the Ganache website, or from this repository's releases page.

Ganache is also available as a command-line tool. If you prefer working on the command-line, check out ganache-cli.


Please open issues and pull requests for new features, questions, and bug fixes.


  • node v12.13.1

To get started:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm run dev

If using Windows, you may need windows-build-tools installed first.

Building for All Platforms

Each platform has an associated npm run configuration to help you build on each platform more easily. Because each platform has different (but similar) build processes, they require different configuration. Note that both Windows and Mac require certificates to sign the built packages; for security reasons these certs aren't uploaded to github, nor are their passwords saved in source control.

On Windows:

Building on Windows will create a .appx file for use with the Windows Store.

Before building, create the ./certs directory with the following files:

  • ./certs/cert.pfx - Note a .pfx file is identical to a .p12. (Just change the extension if you've been given a .p12.)

In order to build on Windows, you must first ensure you have the Windows 10 SDK installed. If you have errors during the build process, ensure the package.json file's windowsStoreConfig.windowsKit points to your Windows 10 SDK directory. The one specified in the package.json file currently is what worked at the time this process was figured out; it may need to be updated periodically.

Because Windows requires a certificate to build the package -- and that certificate requires a password -- you'll need to run the following command instead of npm run make:

$ CERT_PASS="..." npm run build-windows

Replace ... in the command above with your certificate password.

This will create a .appx file in ./out/make.

On Mac:

Building on a Mac will create a standard Mac .dmg file.

Before building on a Mac, make sure you have Truffle's signing keys added to your keychain. Next, run the following command:

$ npm run build-mac

This will create a signed .dmg file in ./out/make.

On Linux:

Bulding on Linux will create a .AppImage file, meant to run on many versions of Linux.

Linux requires no signing keys, so there's no set up. Simply run the following command:

$ npm run build-linux

This will create a .AppImage file in ./out/make.

Generating Icon Assets

Asset generation generally only needs to happen once, or whenever the app's logo is updated. If you find you need to rebuild the assets, the following applications were used:

Two tools were used:

electron-icon-maker generates assets for all platforms when using Electron's squirrel package, and these assets live in ./static/icons. svg2uwptiles generates all assets needed for the Windows appx build, and those assets live in ./build/appx. These locations can be changed in the future, but make sure to change the associated configuration pointing to these assets.

Note from the author: I found managing these assets manually -- especially the appx assets -- was a pain. If possible, try not to edit the assets themselves and use one of the generators above.

Flavored Development

"Extras" aren't stored here in this repository fordue to file size issues, licensing issues, or both.

Non-ethereum "flavored" Ganache extras are uploaded to releases here: https://github.com/trufflesuite/ganache-flavors/releases

When "extras" change they should be uploaded to a new release, and a corresonding Ganache release that targets the new ganache-flavors release (see common/extras/index.js for what you'dd need to update)


Corda requires 4 "extras" that get downloaded at runtime.

braid-server.jar is used to communicate to corda nodes via JSON RPC over HTTP. This file is built from https://gitlab.com/bluebank/braid/tree/master/braid-server. To build: run mvn clean install in the root of the project.

corda-tools-network-bootstrapper-4.3.jar is used to create corda networks from configuration (_node.conf) files. It contains an embedded corda.jar and the logic required to create a network. To update or download the latest corda-tools-network-bootstrapper go to https://software.r3.com/artifactory/corda-releases/net/corda/ and download the version you want. You'll need to update the file name in src/common/extras/index.js if the version changes.

Corda and braid require Java's JRE 1.8, aka 8. We "release" 4 versions of JRE 1.8: Linux x64, Mac x64, Windows x32, and Windows x64. The Java releases are downloaded from https://adoptopenjdk.net/archive.html -- we use "OpenJDK 8 (LTS)" with "HotSpot". To redistribute these files you will need to unpack/unzip them, then zip them up again (make sure you are on Linux for the Linux release, as it needs its file permissions properly embedded within the zip). It is very important that you ensure that all files are stored at the root of the zip. You'll also want to rename the zip files in the following format: OpenJDK8U-jre_{arch}_{os-name}_hotspot_{version}.zip. You'll need to update the version in src/common/extras/index.js if it changes.

Corda requires PostgreSQL 9.6. We "release" 4 versions of PostgreSQL 9.6: Linux x64, Mac x64, Windows x32, and Windows x64. These are downloaded from https://www.enterprisedb.com/downloads/postgres-postgresql-downloads.To redistribute these files you will need to unpack/unzip them, then zip them up again (make sure you are on Linux for the Linux release, as it needs its file permissions properly embedded within the zip). It is very important that you ensure that all files are stored at the root of the zip. You'll also want to rename the zip files in the following format: postgresql-{version}-2-{os-name}-{arch}-binaries.zip. You'll need to update the version in src/common/extras/index.js if it changes.

By Truffle

Ganache is part of the Truffle suite of tools. Find out more!

  • Looking for ganache-cli v6 documentation? Check here: https://github.com/trufflesuite/ganache-cli-archive A tool for creating a local blockchain for fast Ethereum development. Features • Getting Start

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  • 当尝试在加纳奇上使用Web3j运行任何事务时,它失败了,除了:。似乎Ganache上发生了一些变化,破坏了互操作性。

  • 我运行了ganache cli,它返回了一个错误。我重新安装了npm,但什么都没发生。 C:\用户\Abass KABORE\桌面\Stage_DISCOM\BSCCrowdsale 错误:找不到模块“C:\Users\Abass KABORE\AppData\Roaming\npm\node\U modules\ganache\dist\node\cli”。js'←[90m at Functio



