Copyright (c) 2017, The Charnacoin Project
As Cryptonote/Monero based technology, Charnacoin is a private, secure, untraceable, decentralised digital currency. You are your bank, you control your funds, and nobody can trace your transfers unless you allow them to do so.
Privacy: Charnacoin uses a cryptographically sound system to allow you to send and receive funds without your transactions being easily revealed on the blockchain (the ledger of transactions that everyone has). This ensures that your purchases, receipts, and all transfers remain absolutely private by default.
Security: Using the power of a distributed peer-to-peer consensus network, every transaction on the network is cryptographically secured. Individual wallets have a 25 word mnemonic seed that is only displayed once, and can be written down to backup the wallet. Wallet files are encrypted with a passphrase to ensure they are useless if stolen.
Untraceability: By taking advantage of ring signatures, a special property of a certain type of cryptography, Charnacoin is able to ensure that transactions are not only untraceable, but have an optional measure of ambiguity that ensures that transactions cannot easily be tied back to an individual user or computer.
This is the GUI for the core Charnacoin implementation. It is open source and completely free to use without restrictions, except for those specified in the license agreement below. There are no restrictions on anyone creating an alternative implementation of Charnacoin that uses the protocol and network in a compatible manner.
As with many development projects, the repository on Github is considered to be the "staging" area for the latest changes. Before changes are merged into that branch on the main repository, they are tested by individual developers in their own branches, submitted as a pull request, and then subsequently tested by contributors who focus on testing and code reviews. Monero's development is also well followed to sweet futur improvements according to charnacoin own behavior. That having been said, the repository should be carefully considered before using it in a production environment, unless there is a patch in the repository for a particular show-stopping issue you are experiencing. It is generally a better idea to use a tagged release for stability.
Charnacoin development can be supported directly through donations.
Both Charnacoin and Bitcoin donations can be made to
The Charnacoin donation address is: Cjo7trECi42f2Ph7BJtxc5e2fGtmpVkXLYyE5ynhnnf41p4n9oN3zn696muBZX6CBca8q1c46T5H8ZSKhLHtR2MGCrjLyoZ
The Monero donation address is: 43Tob1j6gqcNGvM46xx5xiWqskj4DguW3jnHgGZAfD9KXLrcmxM3nQgT3sasEfaNqcWb5qRjsZzaUg2bdne54TaGBsra1CW
The Bitcoin donation address is: 131BRfZ1rmPApxo2GWiY8GwAodotXy5hCF
Packaging for your favorite distribution would be a welcome contribution!
(Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 x86, 16.10 x64 and Linux Mint 18 "Sarah" - Cinnamon x64)
Install Charnacoin dependencies.
sudo apt install build-essential cmake libboost-all-dev miniupnpc libunbound-dev graphviz doxygen libunwind8-dev pkg-config libssl-dev
Grab an up-to-date copy of the charnacoin-gui repository.
git clone
Go into the repository.
cd charnacoin
Use the script to compile the Charnacoin libs necessary to run the GUI.
Install the GUI dependencies.
For Ubuntu 16.04 x86
sudo apt-get install qtbase5-dev qt5-default qtdeclarative5-dev qml-module-qtquick-controls qml-module-qtquick-xmllistmodel qttools5-dev-tools qml-module-qtquick-dialogs
For Ubuntu 16.04+ x64
sudo apt-get install qtbase5-dev qt5-default qtdeclarative5-dev qml-module-qtquick-controls qml-module-qtquick-xmllistmodel qttools5-dev-tools qml-module-qtquick-dialogs qml-module-qt-labs-settings libqt5qml-graphicaleffects
For Linux Mint 18 "Sarah" - Cinnamon x64
sudo apt install qml-module-qt-labs-settings qml-module-qtgraphicaleffects
Optional : To build the flag WITH_SCANNER
sudo apt install qtmultimedia5-dev qml-module-qtmultimedia libzbar-dev
Build the GUI.
Run the GUI client.
brew install boost --c++11
brew install openssl
- to install openssl headers
brew install pkgconfig
brew install cmake
brew install qt5
(or download QT 5.8+ from
If you have an older version of Qt installed via homebrew, you can force it to use 5.x like so:
brew link --force --overwrite qt5
Install latest Qt using official installer from (homebrew version might be outdated).
Add Qt bin dir to your path (check first if directory exists; 5.8 is the current version)
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Qt/5.8/clang_64/bin
Add Qt bin dir to your path. Example:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/opt/qt5/bin
make sure this is where Qt 5.x is installed on your system eg $HOME/Qt/5.8/clang_64/bin
if you downloaded from
Grab an up-to-date copy of the charnacoin-gui repository.
git clone
cd charnacoin
The executable can be found in the build/release/bin
Note: Workaround for "ERROR: Xcode not set up properly"
Edit $HOME/Qt/5.7/clang_64/mkspecs/features/mac/default_pre.prf
replaceisEmpty($$list($$system("/usr/bin/xcrun -find xcrun 2>/dev/null")))
withisEmpty($$list($$system("/usr/bin/xcrun -find xcodebuild 2>/dev/null")))
More info:
Install msys2, follow the instructions on that page on how to update packages to the latest versions
Install charnacoin dependencies as described in charnacoin documentation into msys2 environment.As we only build application for x86, install only dependencies for x86 architecture (i686 in package name)
pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-toolchain make mingw-w64-i686-cmake mingw-w64-i686-boost
Install git into msys2 environment:
pacman -S git
Install Qt5 from official site.
Open MinGW-w64 Win32 Shell
%MSYS_ROOT%\msys2_shell.cmd -mingw32
will be c:\msys32
if your host OS is x86-based or c:\msys64
if your host OSis x64-based
Install the latest version of boost, specificly the required static libraries:
tar xjf boost_1_63_0.tar.bz2
cd boost_1_63_0
./ mingw
./b2 --prefix=/mingw32/boost --layout=tagged --without-mpi --without-python toolset=gcc address-model=32 variant=debug,release link=static threading=multi runtime-link=static -j$(nproc) install
Clone repository:
git clone
Build the GUI:
cd charnacoin-gui
export PATH=$(ls -rd /c/Qt/5.[6,7,8]/mingw53_32/bin | head -1):$PATH
cd build
make deploy
The resulting executable can be found in .\release\bin
kali使用jd-gui #下载地址 #安装依赖(64位的系统打不开,用命令行打开发现缺少几个依赖包) sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0:i386 libxxf86vm1:i386 libsm6:i386 lib32st
不要双击打开JD-GUI.exe 通过命令打开这个可执行文件 java -jar ./jd-gui.exe 网上百度还有说修改注册表,然并卵,这样轻松搞定
一. cmake-gui需要 qt4,需要先安装qt4 sudo apt-get install qt4* 有时候需要qt4,qt5共存,设置默认qt版本的方法: 1.查看系统已安装的qt ls -l /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt* 显示如下: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4: total 12 drwxr-xr-x 2 root ro
jd-gui.exe是一个反编译工具,在没有src源码的情况下,通过它可以看到源码 链接: 提取码:ceyd
Charnacoin Copyright (c) 2017, The Charnacoin Project Development Resources Web: Mail: Github: IRC: #charnacoin-dev on F
问题内容: 什么是好的Java Swing日期选择器组件?到目前为止,我只真正发现了这些2: -这是非常好的,因为它使用了基本的外观。 在SwingX项目中-不如它使用自己的外观和感觉 与我在网页上看到的相比,这两者看起来都有些笨拙。例如,最好同时看到 多个月 。有人知道那里有其他好用的小部件吗? 问题答案: 最近,我发现并使用Microba DatePicker(http://microba.s
问题内容: 我是Java编程的新手,想知道是否可以在Java GUI应用程序中获得Windows本机外观。显然,Swing无法正常工作。 问题答案: 使用以下内容: 阅读UIManager和如何设置外观以获取更多信息。
问题内容: 我对Java还是有些陌生,并且喜欢使用JetBrains团队开发的IntelliJ IDE。 我已经下载了Community Edition的源代码,并且正在尝试弄清他们正在使用哪些GUI库来获得外观。 题 他们使用什么库(如果有)来获取非本机选项卡,工具栏和面包屑组件? 他们使用的面板也很有趣,但是我觉得它们是为该项目开发的,而不是图书馆。这是真的? 有人可以提供在GUI项目中产生相
问题内容: 我想知道是否有关于使用Java进行声明性GUI编程的建议。(我讨厌基于视觉的GUI创建者/编辑器软件,但是对手动实例化JPanels和Boxes以及JLabel和JLists等感到有点厌倦。) 这是我的总体问题,但是对于我正在考虑采用的方法,我有两个具体问题: JavaFX:在JavaFX中是否有一个实际的GUI显示示例(例如,不是圆形和矩形,而是列表框,按钮和标签等),可以与访问和更
问题内容: 在Clojure中制作 GUI的最佳方法是什么? 有一些功能性Swing或SWT包装器的示例吗?还是与JavaFX声明性GUI描述进行了某些集成,可以使用某些宏轻松地将它们包装到s表达式中? 有教程吗? 问题答案: 我会谦虚地建议跷跷板。 这是一个基于REPL的教程,假定您没有Java或Swing知识。 跷跷板很像@tomjen的建议。这是“你好,世界”: 这是@Abhijith和@d