Technical Analysis For Java
Ta4j is an open source Java library for technical analysis. It provides the basic components for creation, evaluation and execution of trading strategies.
Ta4j is available on Maven Central. You just have to add the following dependency in your pom.xml
For snapshots, add the following repository to your pom.xml
<id>sonatype snapshots</id>
The current snapshot version is 0.15-SNAPSHOT
from the develop branch.
You can also download example code from the maven central repository by adding the following dependency to your pom.xml:
The wiki is the best place to start learning about ta4j. For more detailed questions, please use the issues tracker.
Here are some ways for you to contribute to ta4j:
See also: the contribution policy and Code of Cunduct
依赖 <!--注意spring-boot-starter 去掉自带的logging,下面会配置log4j2--> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter</artifactId>
L V-gd"F8T-hV(e0软件测试架构师是一个新职位,但确实是一个非常必要的职位,主要有几点:.vE$Cd4O4Se0 HQnR't"[%D6U {01. 根据V模型、广义测试概念等,(静态)测试的越早,发现缺陷越早,越有利于产品的质量、加快产品开发周期、降低企业的成本。更重要预防设计出现严重的缺陷,如果设计出现缺陷,在系统集测试发现问题时,所造成的返工将是可怕的。这就需要对设计进行复审、评
免费的C语言和linuxPDF文档:传送门 有一点C语言基础和华大单片机开发经验,应该就能看得懂就不多介绍了,有疑问可以留言,看到就回了; 关于协议具体解析:传送门@不脱发的程序猿 注(2021-05-21) :如果有时候数据采集不准确,可能和定时器中断有关,中断会打乱时序; 因此再读取温度的时候关闭中断,读取完成后开启中断(CMx关开全局中断网上有例程,自己找一下就好了); #include