Haveno (pronounced ha‧ve‧no) is a private and decentralized way to exchange Monero for national currencies or other cryptocurrencies. Haveno uses peer-to-peer networking and multi-signature escrow to facilitate trading without a trusted third party custodian. Disputes can be resolved using non-custodial arbitration. Everything is built around Monero and Tor.
Haveno is the Esperanto word for "Harbor". The project is stewarded by a core Team, currently formed by 2 people: ErCiccione and Woodser. See the FAQ in the wiki for more information about the project.
Haveno is still work in progress. There are no binaries available at this stage. If you want to test Haveno you have to compile it first (see docs/installing.md).
At the moment Haveno is only a Proof of Concept. It's already possible to initiate crypto <-> XMR and fiat <-> XMR trades, but the platform still needs a lot of work before being available for public use.
The project is divided between multiple repositories:
Currently, efforts are focused in developing the core repository ('haveno'). If you wish to help, take a look at the issue tracker and the Kanban boards (projects). We run a bounty program to incentivize development, the issues eligible for a reward in XMR are labelled '
Haveno is a community-driven project. For it to be succesful it's fundamental to have the support and help of the Monero community. We have our own Matrix server. Registrations are not open at the moment, but the rooms are public and can be joined from any matrix client (like Element). We look forward to hearing from you!
) relayed on Libera (IRC) (#haveno
) relayed on Libera (IRC) (#haveno-dev
) relayed on Libera (IRC) (#haveno-design
)Email: contact@haveno.exchange
To incentivize development and reward contributors we adopt a simple bounty system. Contributors may be awarded bounties after completing a task (resolving an issue). Take a look at the issues eligible for a bounty on the dedicated Kanban board or look for issues labelled '
repository. Details and conditions for receiving a bounty.
Would you like to help us build Haveno? Become a sponsor! We will show your logo here. Contact us at havenodex@protonmail.com.
To bring Haveno to life, we need resources. If you have the possibility, please consider donating to the project:
If you are using a wallet that supports Openalias (like the 'official' CLI and GUI wallets), you can simply put donations@haveno.network
as the "receiver" address.
在打release包的时候遇到了这个问题,算是比较常见,记一下解决思路。 本文介绍了出现这个问题的原因,以及出现问题时我的建议和我的思路,着急的可以直接看解决方案。 异常 Subscriber class xxx and its super classes have no public methods with the @Subscribe annotation 遇到异常不要慌,其实已经提示的很
今天在ubuntu上调试一个测试用例时,不知道进行了什么操作,重启后的ubuntu用户名变成了i have no name!着实吓了我一跳,难道我把环境弄坏了? 在网上找了半天答案,基本都是说修改了/etc/passwd文件的权限为600之类的,修改回644就好了。但我的情况跟它不一样,我的是所有用户,包括root都显示i have no name!而且我的/etc/passwd文
前些天发现了一个巨牛的人工智能学习网站,通俗易懂,风趣幽默,忍不住分享一下给大家。点击跳转到教程。 Method test should have no parameters ... java.lang.Exception: Method test should have no parameters ... 报错如上,用Test 跑单元测试是要求方法不能有参数和返回类型的,改下测试的
问题 执行topic删除命令时,出现提示 Topic test is marked for deletion. Note: This will have no impact if delete.topic.enable is not set to true. 这条命令其实并不执行删除动作,仅仅是在zookeeper上标记该topic要被删除而已,同时也提醒用户一定要提前打开delete.topic
很多小伙伴可能遇到过这个错,自己在activity中也注册了, 在接收event的地方也加了这句 @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN)。但是为什么还是报错呢?我也找了很久,后面发现是有的activity和fragment,没有用到event但是因为在base里面已经注册了。所以导致这个问题,也就是说你只有在使用event的页面才去注册。可以在base里面
最近使用AMOS做结构方程模型。 输入一些潜变量做路径分析。自变量指向的几个潜变量报错”the following variables are endogenous, but have no residual error variables“(内生变量没有残差项) 但这几个潜变量的三道题都加有残差。百思不得其解,网上搜索也找不到什么,最后尝试了一下解决了。只要在这几个潜变量上再加一个残差就可以了。
403 AccessDelined you have no right to access this object because of bucket acl 原因:阿里云oss配置没有设置公共读写 打开oss图形界面 ===> 选中对应bucket =====> 修改ACL权限,设置为公共读写 即可 PS::阿里云sts安全令牌配置,需要新建子角色账号,在账号用户处分配相应权限。
1. 出现 I have no name ! 作为ubuntu 主机名 权限问题 修改:root 权限下 chmod 644 /etc/passwd 2、unable to stat /etc/sudoers permission denied /etc/sudoers 权限问题 修改:在root用户下 , 1) pkexec dpkg-reconfigure sud
$KAFKA/config/server.properties中 delete.topic.enble=true 然后删除topic $ ./kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper Desktop:2181,Laptop:2182,Laptop:2183 --delete --topic my-topic Topic my-topic is marked for deletio
今天用@Test测试方法报错 java.lang.Exception: Method addUsers should have no parameters 检查发现是自己犯蠢…@Test 声明单元测试是要求void修饰方法且方法无参,不小心多写了个参数…
参考链接 : Ubuntu 让用户获得root权限(附修复I have no name !;sudo: unknown uid 1000: who are you?) :