Operational Security utility and automator. ( Version 1.1.0 )
NetSet is designed to automate a number of operations that will help the user with securing theirnetwork traffic. It also provides an easy way to gather proxies and run utilities through Tor.
All the utilities installed and used by NetSet will be automatically configured as well. Of coursethe tool itself isn't the be all of Operational Security. Rather it is a convenient way of getting yourselfset up with the basics.
NetSet facilitates, among other things;
A terminal multiplexer on demand, that has it's sessions routed through Tor.Secured DNS traffic through automatic installation and configuration of DNSCrypt-proxy.Tor Wall functionality that forces all traffic through the Tor Network.Easy access to online OPSEC resources, the web resources in question can be opened in-script
And more.
Recently i've noticed that certain distros, even though they're Debian or Ubuntu derivatives don't seem to be able toprocess the configuration file that gets downloaded through apt
or is written out by means of NetSet's debconf.sh
Therefore i did some testing and managed to put together a DNSCrypt-proxy.toml
file, based on original examples bythe DNSCrypt dev that appears to work on most systems. If you're interested find it here. If you're still facing some trouble, please don't hesitate to open up a ticket. And i'll get back to you as soon as i am able to, to help you troubleshoot. Thanks!
After cloning the repo navigate to the NetSet
directory and run the following:
chmod +x *.sh
./netset-main.sh --install
#sudo ./netset-main.sh --install
This will install and configure everything you'll need for NetSet to function properly.
From now on NetSet will install veracrypt
and pwgen
and provide automated operations related to those utilities on top of all thefeatures Version 1.0.0 provides.
Using sudo
to start the script will execute every operation within the script as root, this means you won't be prompted for your sudo
password when an operation requires elevated privileges. However all items written by NetSet will consequently be owned by root as well, including backup directories. Last but not least; when considering security implications, it is not recommended to run everything with super user privileges.
Starting the main script with sudo
will be optional from now on to reflect the above considerations.
Please see an option overview below.
CLI Arguments
'-t' or '--terminal' Starts
terminal multiplexer with all
connections routed through Tor
'-s' or '--status' prints a status
overview of NetSet related network
utilities and their current state.
'-i' or '--install' runs a script
designed to install all of NetSet's
dependencies and configures them
Menu Options
'Usage' - Print options overview
'Status' - Print Status overview
'Spoof MAC' - Spoof MAC Address
'Random Proxies' - Scrape random proxies
'GeoSort Proxies'- Scrape GeoSorted proxies
'ProtonVPN' - Start ProtonVPN
'Tor Terminal' - Start terminal multi-
plexer, with all sessions
routed through Tor
'Tor Wall' - Configures iptables to
force all connections
through Tor.
'Veracrypt' - Start encryption and
password gen menu
'OPSEC Resources'- Display NetSet's included
list of web resources.
Select an entry to open
it in your default browser
Tested on Ubuntu 19.04
The Python invocations to launch the web resources provided with NetSet are in 2.7 Syntax. If your OS doesn'thave Python2.7 changing the invocation from python -m webbrowser URL
to python3 -m webbrowser URL
shouldremedy any compatibility issues, should you come across them in this particular regard.
I plan on expanding this tool in the future with even more OPSEC related resources and/or operations.
Should you happen to come across a bug or have any questions regarding this tool.Please feel free to Open a Ticket
Thank you.
get是读取属性时进行的操作,set是设置属性时进行的操作。定义一个属性如果只有get,这个属性就是只读的。同样,只有set,属性就是只写的,当然只写的属性是没有任务意义的。 假设类是一个银行,既能存钱也能取钱. private m_money; private class bank() { get { retur
NetSet是一款自动化安全增强工具,该工具的主要目的就是将很多复杂的操作以自动化的方式实现,并帮助用户保证网络流量的安全性。除此之外,它还提供了一种简单的代理收集方法以及实用工具运行方法,大部分机制都基于Tor网络实现。 NetSet安装和使用的所有实用工具也将会进行自动配置。当然了,工具本身并不是全部都会用于进行安全方面的操作,很多都是完成一些辅助性任务。 NetSet有助于实现的其他功能:
什么是 Set 集合: Set 集合类似于一个数组,但是它要求里面是元素不可以有重复。 const set = new Set(['welcome', 'you', '!', 'you']); console.log(set); // Set { 'welcome', 'you', '!' } 可以看到,Set 的实例是一个对象,这个对象的内部结构很像一
Let是BASIC使用者的老朋友了,在QB时代就已经有Let这个叙述,而Set是VB后来新增的。 Let与Set一样都是将变量传递到另一个变量,但两者还是不同,VB的变量有非常非常多的种类,但小瓜瓜自己把他们分成两类,一种是资料变量,另一个是物件变量。Let用于定义资料变量;Set用于定义物件变量。 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim A As Long, B As
oracle错误:ORACLE_HOME_LISTNER is not SET, unable to auto-start Oracle Net Listener 解决方法 安装好Oracle数据库后: 执行 dbstart 和dbshut会提示: [oracle@oracle11g ~]$ dbstart ORACLE_HOME_LISTNER is not SET, unable to aut
一、什么是UPF UPF:Unified Power Format,是Synopsys公司提出的一种对芯片中电源域设计进行约束的文件格式。UPF 能表述出IC 电路低功耗设计的供电意图(Power Intent),比如描述电源域(power_domain)、电源开关(power_switch)、电源隔离(power_isolation)以及电源域之间怎样加入低功耗元件,电路的电源网络定义、电源
基本示例 该snmpset命令的语法类似于该命令的语法snmpget ,并且大部分snmpget 教程也适用于此。主要区别在于指定要使用的信息。该snmpset命令需要更新的 OID、此对象的数据类型以及要应用的新值,而不是单个 OID : snmpset -v 1 -c demopublic test.net-snmp.org ucdDemoPublicString.0 s "hi there!
问题描述:master主节点初始化报错 [root@harbor01 ~]# kubeadm init --config kubeadm-config.yaml W0311 17:15:57.116061 8185 validation.go:28] Cannot validate kube-proxy config - no validator is available W0311 17:15:
package com.wwl.generic; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; public class set集合遍历 { public static void main(String[] args) { Set<String> set = new HashSet<>
一、编写MIB文件 这里我们建立一个mib文件,命名为TEST-SET-MIB.txt,放在/usr/local/net-snmp/share/snmp/mibs/目录下因为这个目录是snmpd的默认目录,只要把MIB库放入该目录就可以自动加载MIB库,否则需要修改snmpd.conf文件,自定义的MIB文件如下: --开始 TEST-SET-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN
修改MAC地址: ip link set eth0 address aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa 解析:eth0是网卡的名字,可以用ifconfig命令查看;aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa是想要修改后的MAC地址。 修改IP地址: (1)netset (2)ifconfig eth0 n
1.转换为Set,再转为数组 使用Set(迭代需要去重的数组)new Set(a) 赋值给一个Set结构的blet b = new Set(a) 使用Array.from转换为数组结构b = Array.from(b) const a = [1, 3, 3, 1]; let b = new Set(a); //数组a为可迭代对象,b此时为Set结构 b = Array.fr
报错内容: 21:09:29.692 [main] ERROR net.sourceforge.tess4j.Tesseract - Input not set java.lang.IllegalStateException: Input not set at com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader.getNumImagesOnThread(JPE