You stuffed command shell with aliases, tools and colors but you lose it all when using ssh. The mission of xxh is to bring your favorite shell wherever you go through ssh without root access and system installations.
If you like the idea of xxh click
Portable. Preparing portable shells and plugins occurs locally and then xxh uploads the result to the host. No installations or root access on the host required. Security and host environment a prime focus. | Hermetic. Deleting ~/.xxh directory from the remote host will make the remote environment function as if xxh was never there. By default your home is the .xxh directory and you can choose the hermetic level of your xxh session. |
Careful. No blindfold copying config files from local to remote host. Following privacy and repeatability practices the best way is to fork the xxh plugin or shell example and pack your configs into it. |
Be open and fork-ready. Every xxh repo could be forked, customized and reused without waiting for a package management system, xxh release or any third party packages. Five shells are currently supported and more could be added by the community. | Do more. The xxh packages are not only about shells. Any type of tool or code could be behind an entrypoint. If you want to run browsh on the remote host, just put its portable version as an entrypoint in the xxh-shell. | Chameleon. Switching the shells is as easy as possible and you don't have to be locked in to one shell. Choose your current shell based on the task you want to solve: xxh anyhost +s xonsh for a python environment, osquery for simple querying, fish for modern features or time-tested zsh and bash for speed. |
pip3 install xxh-xxh
pipx install xxh-xxh
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install xxh-xxh
brew install xxh
sudo port install xxh
mkdir ~/xxh && cd ~/xxh
tar -xzf xxh-portable-musl-alpine-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
mkdir ~/xxh && cd ~/xxh
wget -O xxh
chmod +x xxh && ./xxh
To run AppImage on Alpine Linux install alpine-pkg-glibc with localedef.
Currently supported OS for target host is Linux on x86_64.
xxh-shell | status | xxh-plugins | seamless | demo |
xonsh | stable | autojump, [+] | xxh.xsh |
+ |
zsh | stable | ohmyzsh, p10k, [+] | xxh.zsh |
+ |
fish | stable | ohmyfish, fisher, userconfig, [+] | todo | |
bash | stable | ohmybash, [+] | xxh.bash |
+ |
osquery | beta | |||
fish-appimage | alpha |
Search xxh shell on Github or Bitbucket or create your shell entrypoint to use another portable shell.
Prerun plugins allow you to bring any portable tools, dotfiles or aliases to xxh session before running shell.
Pinned plugins: core (xxh-sudo, xxh-screen), dotfiles, docker, python, xxh, vim, zoxide. There is cookiecutter template to create prerun plugin.
Use xxh
instead of ssh
when connecting to Linux hosts without changing ssh arguments:
xxh <host from ~/.ssh/config>
xxh [ssh arguments] [user@]host[:port] [xxh arguments]
xxh local [xxh arguments]
Common examples (use xxh --help
to get info about arguments):
xxh anyhost # Connect to the host
xxh -i id_rsa -p 2222 anyhost # Using ssh arguments: port and key
xxh anyhost +s zsh +i # Set the shell and install it without yes/no question
xxh anyhost +s xonsh +hhh "~" # Set /home/user as home directory (read Q&A)
xxh anyhost +s bash +I xxh-plugin-bash-vim # Preinstall a plugin
xxh anyhost +if +q # Force reinstall xxh on the host in quiet mode
xxh anyhost +hh /tmp/xxh +hhr # Upload xxh to /tmp/xxh and remove when disconnecting
source xxh.zsh anyhost +I xxh-plugin-zsh-ohmyzsh # Connect in seamless mode with ohmyzsh plugin
xxh local +s xonsh # Experimental: build xxh environment inplace and without ssh
For reusing arguments and simplifying xxh usage (like shortening to xxh anyhost
) there is a config file.
xxh [+I xxh-package +I ...] [+L] [+RI xxh-package +RI ...] [+R xxh-package +R ...]
Different ways to set the xxh package source:
xxh +I xxh-shell-example # install from
xxh +I # short url for github only, for other sources use examples below or add support
xxh +I # short url for github only, for other sources use examples below or add support
xxh +I xxh-shell-example+git+ # long url for any git repo
xxh +I xxh-shell-example+git+ # github only branch support
xxh +I # install from private repository using ssh
xxh +I xxh-shell-example+path+/home/user/my-xxh-dev/xxh-shell-example # install from local path
This is experimental magic. Please read the text below twice.
If you have shell access on the host or you're in a docker container and you can't ssh to itthen you can download and build hermetic xxh environment inplace. The xxh local
command worksexactly like xxh remote_host
and creates a hermetic environment in ~/.xxh
by default.
At this time we don't have portable build tools like git
, wget
, curl
, tar
and others whichcould be required by some xxh package build scripts. When running xxh local
it is expected that the tools are present on the host.
To run xxh inplace on Linux x86_64 just copy and paste these bash commands:
XH=~/.xxh \
&& XD= \
&& mkdir -p $XH && cd $XH \
&& ( [[ -x $(command -v curl) ]] && curl -L $XD || wget -O- $XD ) | tar zxf - xxh \
&& echo 'Usage: ./xxh local [+s xonsh/zsh/fish/osquery/bash]'
Next time you're on host just run ~/.xxh/xxh local
and you will enter your xxh environment.
xxh anyhost +s xonsh
anyhost> python --version
Python 3.8.2
You'll get python-powered xonsh shell with portable python and pip on the host without any system installations on the host.You can install PyPi packages manually or bring them with you automatically by using xxh-plugin-prerun-dotfiles. Also don't forget about xxh-plugins like zoxide.
xxh +RI xxh-plugin-prerun-python
xxh anyhost +s zsh
anyhost> python --version
Python 3.8.2
anyhost> pip install pandas
Using xxh-plugin-prerun-python you'll get a portablePython AppImage which can be used on a host without python and with any xxh shell.
xxh +RI xxh-plugin-prerun-docker
xxh anyhost +if
anyhost> xxh-docker-run
anyhost> docker ps
anyhost> docker run --rm hello-world | grep Hello
Hello from Docker!
anyhost> xxh-docker-stop
There is the xxh-plugin-prerun-dotfiles plugin which creates config fileswhen you go to the host using xxh. You can fork it and create your cozy settings once and forever.
source xxh.zsh anyhost +I xxh-plugin-zsh-ohmyzsh +if +q
This command brings your current Oh My Zsh session theme to the xxh session. If you need more complex settings just forkthe xxh-plugin-zsh-ohmyzsh and hack it.
$ xxh anyhost +s osquery
osquery> SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='news';
| uid | gid | username | description | directory | shell |
| 9 | 9 | news | news | /var/spool/news | /usr/sbin/nologin |
xxh is very agile. You can create your own xxh-shell
(the shell part means it has an entrypoint) which can have any portable toolsthat could help you on the host. Bash xxh-shell is one of theseplatforms that could be forked and stuffed.
In the xxh development environment there is full dockerised environmentfor development, testing and contribution. The process of testing and development is orchestrated by xde
tool and is aseasy as possible.
We have teams. If you're in a team it does not mean you have an obligation to do something. The main goal of teams is to create groupsof passionate people who could help or support solving complex problems. Some people could be an expert in one shell and anewbie in another shell and mutual assistance is the key to xxh evolution. Ask join.
l:320*240 m:320*480 h:800*480 xh:1280*720 xxh:1950*1080 转载于:
44、45、48、50、52、53、54、55、56、57、59、60、61、62、63、64、65、 67、68、69、70、71、72、73、74、75、76、77、78、79、80、81、82、83、 84、85、86、87、88、89、90、91、92、93、94、95、96、97、98、99、100、101、102、103、104、105、106、108、109、110、112、114、
l:240*320 m:320*480 h:480*800 xh:960*720 xxh:1280*720
我正在通过这个工厂的ImageSwitcher显示图像: 我在Nexus 5模拟器上正确显示了这个2.55 MB图像: 然而,如果我在Nexus 6上使用它,它会崩溃: 通过按照此答案中的建议将其放在中,它现在在两个设备上看起来都像这样: 这是我真正不想要的东西(第一种方式是正确的)。为什么以及如何解决这个问题?
Android图像大小不同mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi?我有一个mdpi图像20*20如何测量hdpi,xhdpi,xxhdpi如何使其他分辨率图像不同的屏幕大小,由于Android已设置标准尺寸?
我有一个背景为我的应用程序在分辨率720x1280像素,1080x1920像素和1440x2560像素。 我应该将每个背景放在哪些文件夹(mdpi、hdpi、xhdpi和xxhdpi)中?
当我实现一个ImageView时,质量非常低,我无法在mipmap文件夹(xhdpi、mhdpi、xxhdpi等)之间进行选择。图像都在一个directoy,所以我不能定义在src或背景。 这里是我的res目录的图片 我如何实现一个具有良好分辨率的imageview。?我试了几种方法,似乎都没有成功。我很感激你的帮助
我将Visual Studio2013与多设备混合应用程序CTP2.0一起使用。在项目模板中,有几个用于Android的占位符弹幕和图标:ldpi、mdpi、hdpi和xhdpi密度。如何获得对xxhdpi和xxxhdpi密度的支持?我试着如下: 将文件添加到(icon-144-xxhdpi.png)和(screen-xxhdpi.png) 根据Cordova文档为config.xml添加了图标规
我有一个用XHDPI设计的屏幕。 我必须将的所有填充、边距值转换为,,,, 如果我在中有是,那么我们给,,和的值是多少 请建议我。