
授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 应用工具、 图形和图像工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 公冶嘉
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Carbon Design Kit

The Carbon Design Kit is a living, breathing document that contains all of our visual assets (components, iconography, color palettes, grids, templates, responsive behavior, etc). This document evolves and changes as we collaborate with partners and service teams. All of the assets that live in the Design Kit can also be found on our Carbon Design System website.

�� Change Log

Contains release notes on current and previous versions of the Carbon Design Kit.

�� Accessibility

All of the designs within the Carbon Design Kit meet the WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility guidelines and are compliant with Section 508 standards. If you choose to customize these designs, please make sure they continue to meet these requirements.

�� Getting Started


  • The Carbon Design Kit now uses the new typeface IBM Plex. It is open sourced and free to download from the IBM GitHub repo

  • Download the latest version of the Carbon Design Kit by clicking on the latest kit file in this repo (Carbon_Design-Kit_x.x.x.sketch) then on the next page click the download button or “View Raw”. (Note: downloading from the main repo page will download the entire repo including previous version)

  • The Design Kit requires having the latest version of Sketch installed.

  • Open the Design Kit file in Sketch

  • Core visual styles, components, and templates are broken out into respective pages

  • Use the components and core visual styles to build out your design

  • Updates to the Design Kit will be posted in our change log, so check back frequently for changes!


Our Carbon Components Getting Started guide has all the instructions you need to get up and running our code base.

For Carbon Data Visualizations please head over to this guide for instructions.

�� Contributing


Follow the steps in our Contributing guidelines to contribute to the Carbon Design System.


For instructions on contributing to our component library please read our contributing docs for Carbon Components.

�� Workflow

Sketch Libraries

Sketch Libraries is a new Sketch feature that allows designers to share Symbols across documents and easily update to the latest symbol changes. Read the Sketch Libraries Overview wiki to learn more about how to use and implement Sketch Libraries in your workflow.


The Carbon Design Kit now comes with the Sketch Palettes plugin which allows you to import Carbon specific palettes into your Sketch files. There are four Carbon palettes (a Carbon default palette and three data vis palettes) included with the Carbon Design Kit download. We also have a wiki of suggested Sketch plugins to help make your design workflow more efficient.

Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018 IBM

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  • 简介 你见过推特上面的 这 些 代码 图片 吗? 虽然这些代码图片给人印象深刻,但就审美程度来说还有可改进的地方。Carbon 可以很容易的为你的代码创建漂亮的图片。那么还等什么呢?用这个新学到的美化设计给你的 followers 秀一秀吧。 可以访问或者浏览 博客文章 了解关于这个项目更多的内容。 特性 GitHub gist 导入. 只需要在 url 后面加上 gi

  • carbon 是一个轻量级、语义化、对开发者友好的Golang时间处理库,支持链式调用和gorm、xorm等主流orm。 安装使用 // 使用 github 库go get -u ( "")// 使用 gitee 库go get -u

  • vue-carbon,基于 vue 开发 material design 风格的移动端 WEB UI 库, 设计资源参考 CARBON FrameWork7。 安装 目前只使用 npm 安装,和使用 webpack 项目的应用 npm install vue-carbon --save import Vue from 'vue'import VueCarbon from 'vue-carbon'V

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  • Carbon Forum,一个高性能的、高安全性的、基于话题的PHP轻论坛。 优秀的架构,高效的代码,每个页面平均执行时间仅为1~5毫秒,同时恰当地使用异步加载技术,在SEO与用户体验间取得平衡。 论坛摒弃了版块、节点等概念,发帖时无需选择板块,系统根据帖子内容自动推荐话题供用户选择,并且有功能强大而不显冗余的富文本编辑器。 支持关注用户、关注话题等功能,可以作为一个社交网站使用。 安装环境要求:

  • Carbon是一个轻量级的组件模型与企业级的服务框架.Carbon是在以下原则上进行构建:创建一个更加灵活的框架通过一个分离,以元数据为中心的系统,鼓励关系的分离,从而使得代码在一个复杂,动态的操作环境中更容易维护与重复利用等.