
授权协议 Readme
开发语言 Python
所属分类 应用工具、 IM/聊天/语音工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 云霖
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


This is a complete reworking of the original RemindMe bot I made using python (hosted over here)

I feel like this bot will be better able to parse messages and scheduling replies

Feel free to contribute if you want!

Running personal version

You'll need to set your database settings in db.yml. Examples are provided for MySQL and SQLite configs (db.ex_mysql.yml and db.ex_sqlite.yml, respectively). For a bare bones SQLite setup do this:

cp db.ex_sqlite.yml db.yml

When running the bot you need to specify an instance and provide a mastodon access token on the command line

Something like:

TOKEN='your_access_token_here' INSTANCE='https://your_cool_instan.ce' bundle exec ruby main.rb


  • scheduling reminders (see Time Input Specifications below)
  • canceling reminders that have yet to go off
  • saving/restoring to a (MySQL/MariaDB/SQLite) database

Time input specifications

As of right now the bot is only able to parse times that come in certain formats:

  • HH:MM:SS PM TZD (seconds field is optional, as are minutes. AM/PM is needed if specifiying 12 hour time)
  • N seconds (or days/hours/weeks/minutes)

To make the status to the bot feel more like natural language you can also supply something like:

  • in N seconds
  • at HH:MM TZD

it will still parse out to the correct time


  • command to repeat a reminder
  • newlines not returned properly in reminder status?
  • make bot less spammy with !help message



